Sexual Abuse in Families

Sexual Abuse in Families


MFS 26/2 (2020):

The focus of this theme issue is on the abuse of vulnerable victims, but with attention to the reality of family. We know from sociological statistics that, indeed, the family, no less than the Church – or the family within the Church – can become a locus of abuse. Thus, the guiding thread for the contributions in the issue is: what lessons learned from the reflection on sexual abuse in the Church might provide us with analytical tools for addressing the situation of abuse within families?

Editorial by Roberto Dell'Oro, Guest Editor (full text)

Articles (click on the title to read the abstract)

Stéphane Joulain: The Sexual Abuse of Minors: Clinical and Psychological Perspectives on the Perpetrators

Anne Danion-Grilliat: L’inceste paternel: Éléments psychopathologiques

Karlijn Demasure: Intrafamilial Sexual Abuse and its Spiritual Impact on Survivors

Marie-Jo Thiel: L’abus sexuel dans la constellation familiale: Une prise de conscience très progressive

Roberto Dell’Oro: Insights for a Moral Theological Reflection on Conscience: Pope Francis’s Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia


Asima: Gedankenfetzen eines Lebens – meines Lebens

Adrian Loretan: Ein katholischer Priester vergewaltigt seine Schwägerin


International Bioethics Group: Statement on the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Church in Support of Pope Francis (full text)

Book Reviews (go here for our complete list of book reviews)

Sexual Abuse

Gottfried Ugolini: L. Bove: Giulia und der Wolf: Die Geschichte eines sexuellen Missbrauchs

in der Kirche

Jakob Schrage: J. Fegert et al. (Hg.): Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern und Jugendlichen

Katharina Ebner: K. Hilpert et al. (Hg.): Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern und Jugendlichen

im Raum von Kirche

Gottfried Ugolini: S. Nef: Ringen um Bedeutung: Die Deutung häuslicher Gewalt als sozialer


Elizabeth Davies: R. Starr: Reimagining Theologies of Marriage in Contexts of Domestic


Roberto Dell’Oro: M-J. Thiel: L’Église catholique face aux abus sexuels sur mineurs

Gottfried Ugolini: J. von Weiler: Im Netz: Kinder vor sexueller Gewalt schützen


Adrian Thatcher: D. Barrie: Sin, Sanctity and the Sister-in-Law: Marriage with a Deceased

Wife’s Sister in the Nineteenth Century

Hans Storme: E. Brugger: The Indissolubility of Marriage and the Council of Trent

John A. Dick: A. Carney: Marriage and Fatherhood in the Nazi SS

David Dawson Vasquez: J. Chappel: Catholic Modern: The Challenge of Totalitarianism and

the Remaking of the Church

Ray Temmerman: C. Cristellon: Marriage, the Church, and its Judges in Renaissance Venice

James J. Ponzetti, Jr.: K. Dunak: As Long as We Both Shall Love: The White Wedding in

Post-War America

Adrian Thatcher: V. Fuechtner et al. (eds): A Global History of Sexual Science, 1880-1960

William J. LeMaire: A. Harris (ed.): The Schism of ’68: Catholicism, Contraception,

and “Humanae Vitae”

Adrian Thatcher: T. Hunter: Bound in Wedlock: Slave and Free Black Marriage in

the Nineteenth Century

Jessica Scheiper: W. König: Das Kondom: Zur Geschichte der Sexualität 284

James J. Ponzetti, Jr.: A. Lefkovitz: Strange Bedfellows: Marriage in the Age of Women’s


Els Agten: C. Marissal: Moeders en vaders: Geen vanzelfsprekende gelijkheid, België,

19de-21ste eeuw/Mères et pères: Le défi de l’égalité, Belgique, 19e-21e siècle

John A. Dick: J. Martschukat: American Fatherhood: A History

Jessica Scheiper: N. Syrett: American Child Bride: A History of Minors and Marriages in

the United States

Gustavo Cavagnari: K. Walter: The Profession of Widowhood