marriage, families & spirituality


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Scroll throught the list of our books reviews:

Below is a list of all book reviews, in alphabetical order by author, that have been published in Marriage, Families & Spirituality (formerly INTAMS Review) since vol .13 (2007). For the list of books that have been reviewed in vol. 1 (1995) to vol. 12 (2006), contact Mrs. Dominique van Haelst.


ACCILIEN, Cecile: Rethinking Marriage in Francophone African and Caribbean Literatures, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. - 206 (Anthony Onyekwe, Leuven in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

ACOSTA, Miguel / REIMERS, Adrian J.:  Karol Wojtyła's Personalist Philosophy : Understanding Person and Act,  Washington:  Catholic University of America Press,  2018. -  IX, 260

ADAMCZYK, Amy: Cross-national Public Opinion about Homosexuality: Examining Attitudes across the Globe, Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2017. - XI, 291  (John A. Dick, Leuven  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

ADAMS, Kate / HYDE, Brendan / WOOLLEY, Richard: The Spiritual Dimension of Childhood, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008. - 160 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

ADUBANG'O UCOUN, Dieudonné: Le sacrement de mariage face aux mutations socio-culturelles: Pour renouer avec les valeurs négro-africaines (Préface de Bénézet Bujo),  Fribourg: Academic Press, 2017. -  389 (Bernard Kasamata, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

AKOHA, Théophile B.: Nouvelle éthique mondiale : Ombre ou lumière pour les familles en Afrique?, Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2019 -  148 (Hilaire Mitendo, Tavannes, Suisse in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

ALBELDA, R. / HIMMELWEIT, S. / HUMPHRIES, J. (eds): Dilemmas of Lone Motherhood, London: Routledge, 2005. - 275 (Elisabetta Ruspini, Milano in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

ALESANDRO, John A.: Indissolubility and the Synod of Bishops: Reflections of a Canon Lawyer, New York: Paulist Press,  (Lynda Robitaille, Vancouver in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

ALWIS, Anne P.: Celibate marriages in Late Antique and Byzantine Hagiography: The Lives of Saints Julian and Basilissa, Andronikos and Athanasia, and Galaktion and Episteme, London-New York: Continuum, 2011. - XII, 340 (Liesbeth Van der Sypt, Leuven in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)
AMATO, Paul R. / BOOTH, Alan / JOHNSON, David R. / ROGERS, Stacy J.: Alone Together: How Marriage in America is Changing, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2007. - 336 (Stephanie Coontz, Olympia, WA in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008) 
AMENDT, Gerhard: I didn't divorce my kids!: How Fathers Deal with Family Break-ups (transl. by Philip Schmitz), Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2008. - 299 ( Keith Chappell, Oxford in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011) 
AMMICHT QUINN, Regina (Hg.): "Guter" Sex: Moral, Moderne und die katholische Kirche, Paderborn: Schöningh Verlag, 2012. - 240 (Jörg Splett, Offenbach/M. in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)
ANAPLIOTIS, Anargyros (Hg.): Ehe und Mönchtum im orthodoxen kanonischen Recht: Eine Kanonsammlung mit den Kanones der Lokalsynoden und der Kirchenväter, Münster: LIT, 2010. - 104 (Basilio Petrà, Firenze in:  INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

ANAPOL, D.: Polyamory in the 21st Century (Adrian Thatcher in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)
ANATRELLA, Tony (ed.): La tentation de Capoue: Anthropologie du mariage et de la filiation, Paris: Editions Cujas, 2008. - 249 (Stefano Stimamiglio, Milano, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)
ANCKAERT, Liselotte: Het nieuwe gezin: Een veelvormige hoeksteen, Averbode: Altiora, 2004. - 213 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

ANDREADES, Sam A.: enGendered: God’s Gift of Gender Difference in Relationship, Wooster, OH: Weaver Book Company,  2015. -  253 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

ANDREß, Hans-Jürgen / HUMMELSHEIM, Dina (eds.): When Marriage Ends: Economic and Social Consequences of Partnership Dissolution, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2009. - 432 (Maryana Hnyp, Leuven in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

ANDERSEN-WYMAN, Kathleen: Andreas Capellanus on Love? : Desire, Seduction, and Subversion in a Twelfth-Century Latin Text, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - 288 (Rüdiger Schnell, Tübingen in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)
ANDERSON, Card. Carl: La famiglia une risorsa par la società: Dimensioni giuridiche e Politiche di una cultura della vita e della famiglia, Siena: Cantagalli, 2009. - 176 (Sahayadas Fernando, Leuven in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013))

ANEMTOAICEI, Ovidiu: Male Bodies and Sexual Difference: A Proposal for a Feminist Corporeo-ethics, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. - 260 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

ANGELA, A.: Liebe und Sex im Alten Rom (Gisbert Greshake in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)
ANTHONY, Michael J. / ANTHONY, Michelle D.: A Theology for Family Ministries, Nashville, TN: B&H Academic (LifeWay Christian Resources), 2011. - VIII, 265 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

ARAMINI, Michele / GIAMBATTISTA, Giovanni / SPATARO, Santina: Le parole della famiglia: Percorso per coppie e gruppi di sposi, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2013. - 168 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

ARCHARD, David / BENATAR, David: Procreation and Parenthood: The Ethics of Bearing and Rearing Children, New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. - VIII, 191 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)
ARMSTRONG, Kurt: Why Love Will Always Be a Poor Investment: Marriage and Consumer Culture, Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2011. -142 (Thomas M. Kelly, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

ARRANZ BECKER, Oliver: Was hält Partnerschaften zusammen?: Psychologische und soziologische Erklärungsansätze zum Erfolg von Paarbeziehungen, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008. - 355 (Sabine Pemsel-Maier, Karlsruhe, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)
ARTS, H: . Waarom nog huwen?, Leuven: Davidsfonds, 2002. - 235 (Sophie Veulemans, Leuven in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)
ASEN, Eia: So gelingt Familie: Hilfen für den alltäglichen Wahnsinn, Heidelberg: Carl-Auer-Systeme, 2008. - 196 (Areti Demosthenous, Nicosia in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010) 

ATA, A. W., Christian-Muslim Intermarriage in Australia: Identity, social cohesion or cultural fragmentation, Ringwood, David Lovell, 2003, 135 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 135)

ATKINSON, Joseph A.: Biblical and Theological Foundations of the Family: The Domestic Church, Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 2013. - 392 (Michael Fahey, Fairfield, CT  in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

ATTWOOD, Sarah: Making Sense of Sex: A Forthright Guide to Puberty, Sex and Relationships for People with Asperger's Syndrome, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008. - 320 (Norbert Lüdecke, Bonn in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

AUGUSTIN, George / PROFT, Ingo (Hg.): Zum Gelingen von Ehe und Familie: Ermutigungen aus Amoris laetitia. Für Walter Kardinal Kasper, Freiburg: Herder Verlag,  2018. -  544 (August Laumer, Augsburg in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

AWINONGYA, Moses Asaah: The Understanding of Family in Ghana as a Challenge for a Contextual Ecclesiology, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2013. - 224 (Francis Appiah-Kubi, Ghana, in: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

AYMANS, Winfried (Hrsg.): 11 Kardinäle zu Ehe und Familie: Essays aus pastoraler Sicht, Freiburg: Herder Verlag, 2015. - 200 (Gerhard Höver, Bonn in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)



BABST, Gordon A. / GILL, Emily R. / PIERCESON, Jason (eds.): Moral Argument, Religion, and Same-Sex Marriage: Advancing the Public Good, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009. - XIX, 245 (Michael G. Lawler, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011)

BACK, C.: Die Witwen in der frühen Kirche (Richard Hartmann in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

BAER, Susanne / LEPPERHOFF, Julia (Hg.): Gleichberechtigte Familien? : Wissenschaftliche Diagnosen und politische Perspektiven, Bielefeld: Kleine Verlag, 2007. - 172 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Bad Zwichenahn in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

BAKER, Maureen / ELIZABETH, Vivienne (eds.): Marriage in an age of cohabitation: how and when people tie the knot in the twenty-first century, Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 2014. - 224 (Sahayadas Fernando, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

BALFOUR, Andrew / CLULOW, Christopher / THOMPSON, Kate (eds.): Engaging Couples : New Directions in Therapeutic Work with Families, London: Routledge, 2019. -  XXVIII, 214 (Pui-ling Chau, Hong Kong in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

BALL, Carlos A.: Same-Sex Marriage and Children: A Tale of History, Social Science, and Law, New York:  Oxford University Press,  2014. -  XI, 188 (Sahayadas Fernando, Rome  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

BALLA, Ibolya: Ben Sira on Family, Gender, and Sexuality, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2011. - 332 (Hans Debel, Leuven in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

BÄR, Martina: Mensch und Ebenbild Gottes sein: Zur gottebenbildlichen Dimension von Mann und Frau Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2011. - 370 ( Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

BARDSLEY, Sandy: Women's Roles in the Middle Ages, Westport: Greenwood World Publishing, 2007. - 256 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

BARKER, Philip: Basic Family Therapy, 5th ed., Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007. - X, 286 (Joseph Orathinkal, Leuven in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

BARKER, Nicola / MONK, Daniel (ed.): From Civil Partnership to Same-Sex Marriage: Interdisciplinary Reflections, Abingdon: Routledge, 2015. - 255 (Ann Loades, Durham, UK in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

BARLOW, Anne / DUNCAN, Simon / JAMES, Grace / PARK, Alison, Cohabitation, Marriage, and the Law: Social Change and Legal Reform in the 21st Century, Oxford, Hart, 2005,161 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 138-139)

BARRIE, Dave G.: Sin, Sanctity and the Sister-in-Law: Marriage with a Deceased Wife’s Sister in the Nineteenth Century, London-New York: Routledge,  2018. -  XII, 212 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

BARTEL, Sarah / GRABOWSKI, John S. (eds.): A Catechism for Family Life: Insights from Catholic Teaching on Love, Marriage, Sex, and Parenting, Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 2018. -  280 (Els Agten, Hasselt, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

BASSET, Lytta: Aimer sans dévorer, Paris: Albin Michel, 2011. - 448 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

BASU, Srimati: The Trouble with Marriage: Feminists confront Law and Violence in India, Berkeley California University Press 2015. - 280 (Sahayadas Fernando, Roma, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

BAUER, Christian / SCHÜßLER, Matthias (Hrsg.): Pastorales Lehramt?: Spielräume einer Theologie familialer Lebensformen, Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald Verlag, 2015. -  (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

BAWIN-LEGROS, Bernadette / SCHROD, Hannelore: Le couple rythmé par ses crises: Un regard croisé entre une sociologue et une thérapeute de famille, Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2015. - 159 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

BAYERL, Marion, Die Familie als gesellschaftliches Leitbild: Ein Beitrag zur Familienethik aus theologisch-ethischer Sicht, Würzburg, Echter, 2007, 284 (Gerhard Tenholt, Münster in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 280-281)

BEATTIE JUNG, Patricia:  Sex on Earth as It Is in Heaven: A Christian Eschatology of Desire, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2017. -  XXV, 271 (Doris Kieser, Edmonton, Canada in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

BECKER, Frank / REINHARDT-BECKER, Elke (Hg.): Liebesgeschichte(n) : Identität und Diversität vom 18. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2019. - 426 (Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl, Augsburg in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

BECKMAN, Frida (ed.): Deleuze and Sex, Edinburgh: University Press, 2011. - 256 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

BECKMANN, R.: Das Evangelium der ehelichen Treue (Gerhard Hover in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

BEDOUELLE, Guy / BRUGUES, Jean-Louis / BECQUART, Philippe, L'Eglise et la sexualité: Repères historiques et regards actuels, Paris, Cerf, 2006, 271 (Philippe Bordeyne, Paris in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 275-276)

BEE, Jacqueline: Das erste Paar und die Postmoderne. Studie zur ursprünglichen Beziehung und Abhängigkeit der Geschlechter in der Lebenswelt der GegenwartBerlinLogos2010. -252 in: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

BELLEIL, Olivier: La Relation Conjugale, Nouan-le-Fuzelier: Editions des Béatitudes, 2005. - 142 (Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer, Rio de Janeiro in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

BELOK, Manfred / LORETAN-SALADIN, Franziska: Zwischenmenschlich: Beziehungspastoral heute, Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 2016. - 142 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

BENEDIKT XVI: Leben und Liebe : Benedikt XVI. über Ehe und Familie, Augsburg: Sankt Ulrich Verlag, 2008. - 160 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

BENEKER, Jeffrey / TSOUVALA, Georgia (eds.): The Discourse of Marriage in the Greco-Roman World,  Madison, WI:  University of Wisconsin Press, 2020. -  X, 269 (Michael Tilly, Tübingen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

BENGTSON, Vern L. / PUTNEY, Norella M. / HARRIS, Susan C. (eds.): Families and Faith: How Religion is Passed Down across Generations, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. - 288 (James Ponzetti, Vancouver in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

BENGSTON, Vern L. et al (eds.): Sourcebook of Family Theory and Research, Thousand Oaks-London-New Delhi: Sage, 2005. - XXII, 663 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Vechta in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

BEN ZE'EV, Aaron / GOUSSINSKY, Ruhama: In the Name of Love : Romantic Ideology and Its Victims, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. - XVII, 278 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

BERGER, Klaus: Ehe und Himmelreich : Frau und Mann im Urchristentum, Freiburg i. Br.: Herder Verlag,  2019. -  304 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

BERKMANN, Burkhard Josef: Die Ehen von/mit Nichtkatholiken vor der lateinischen Kirche : das neue Ehe-Kollisionsrecht in Dignitas Connubii, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2008. - 213 (Heinz-Meinolf Stamm, Paderborn in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

BERNARD, Catherine / SHEA, John J.: Nurturing Families around the World: Building a Culture of Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2014. - 160 (Sahayadas Fernando, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

BERRYMAN, Jerome W.: Children and the Theologians: Clearing the Way for Grace, New York: Morehouse, 2009. - X, 276 (Katharina Kammeyer, Dortmund in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

BERTELMANN, Brigitte / POSERN, Thomas: Familien : Zeit : Zeit für Familie? Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Kirche nehmen Stellung, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2007 (Christsein aktuell; 2). - 162 (Hans-Günter Krüsselberg, Marburg in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

BERTEN, Ignace: Les divorcés remariés peuvent-ils communier? Enjeux ecclésiaux des débats autour du Synode sur la famille et d’Amoris laetitia, Namur/Paris:  Editions La part-Dieu, 2017. -  368 (Arnaud Join-Lambert, Louvain-la-Neuve, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

BERTRAM, Hans / BERTRAM, Brigitte: Familie, Sozialisation und die Zukunft der Kinder, Leverkussen Opladen: Barbara Budrich, 2009. - 234 (Joris Ghysels, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011)

BERTRAM, Hans/ EHLERT, Nancy (eds.): Family, Ties, and Care: Family Transformation in a Plural Modernity, Leverkussen: Barbara Budrich, 2011. - 672 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

BETZ, Tanja / HONIG, Michael-Sebastian / OSTNER, Ilona (eds.):  Parents in the Spotlight: Parenting Practices and Support from a Comparative Perspective,  Leverkussen:  Barbara Budrich,  2017. -  347

BIANCA, Andrea Marco: Scheidungsrituale: Globale Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für eine glaubwürdige Praxis in Kirche und Gesellschaft, Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 2015. - 968 "(Hubertus Lutterbach, Essen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

BIDWELL, Duane R.: Empowering Couples: A Narrative Approach to Spiritual Care, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2013. - 144 (Denis Toohey, Grange, SA, Australia in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

BIESINGER, Albert: Wie Gott in die Familie kommt: Zwölf Einladungen, München: Kösel, 2008. - 118 (Sabine Pemsel-Maier, Freiburg in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

BINDRIM, David / GRUNERT, Volker / KLOSS, Carolin (Hg.): Erotik und Ethik in der Bibel: Festschrift für Manfred Oeming zum 65. Geburtstag (Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte (ABG), Band 68), Leipzig:  Evangelische Verlaganstalt,  2021. -  444 (Michael Tilly, Tübingen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

BISCHOFF, Claire / O’DONNELL GANDOLFO, Elizabeth / HARDISON-MOODY, Annie (eds.):  Parenting as Spiritual Practice and Source for Theology: Mothering Matters,  Cham:  Palgrave Macmillan,  2017. -  XII, 308

BLANSHARD, Alastair: Sex: Vice and Love from Antiquity to Modernity, Chichester, UK-Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. - XVI, 219 i(John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

BLAŽEK, Pavel (Hg.): Sacramentum Magnum: Die Ehe in der mittelalterlichen Theologie / Le mariage dans la théologie médiévale / Marriage in Medieval Theology,  Münster: Aschendorff Verlag,  2016. -  VI, 531 (Rüdiger Schnell, Tübingen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

BLAŽEK, Pavel: Die mittelalterliche Rezeption der aristotelischen Philosophie der Ehe (Rudiger Schnell in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

BLEDSOE, Wanda Scott / BLEDSOE, Milt: Walking Together through Illness: Twelve Steps for Caregivers and Care Receivers, Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 2006. - VIII, 154 ( Peter Assenga, Nairobi, Kenya in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

BLOSSFELD, Hans-Peter / DROBNIC, Sonja (eds.): Careers of Couples in Contemporary Society: From Male Breadwinner to Dual-Earner Families, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. - XIX, 396 (Chee-seung Chan, Hong Kong in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

BLYTH, Eric / LANDAU, Ruth (eds.): Faith and Fertility: Attitudes Towards Reproductive Practices in Different Religions from Ancient to Modern Times, London-Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2009.- 256 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Vechta in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

BOCKEN, Inigo / DICKMANN, Ulrich (Hg.): Geburt (Felderkundungen Laienspiritualität; 2), Schwerte: Katholische Akademie, 2010. - 168 (Judith Cockx, Leuven in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

BODENMANN, Guy, Stress und Partnerschaft: Gemeinsam den Alltag bewältigen, Bern, Hans Huber Verlag, 2006, 225, (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 278-280)

BODY, Andrew / PRIDDIS, Anthony Martin (Bishop of Hereford): Making the Most of Weddings: A Practical Guide for Churches, London: Church House Publishing, 2007. - 96 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

BOER, Roland: The Earthy Nature of the Bible: Fleshly Readings of Sex, Masculinity, and Carnality, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. - 208 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

BOFFI, Pietro (ed.), La pastorale familiare in Italia: Une ricerca nazionale a dieci anni dal Direttorio di pastorale familiare, Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo Edizioni, 2005, 255 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 294)

BØGGILD JOHANNSEN, Kristine / PETERSEN, Jane Hjarl (eds.): Family Lives : Aspects of Life and Death in Ancient Families, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2019. - 341 (Petri Assenga, Nairobi in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

BOISVERT, Donald L. / DANIEL-HUGHES, C. Hughes (ed.): The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion, Sexuality and Gender, London:  T & T Clark 2017. (2019 2nd reprint) -  IX, 271 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

BOLOGNE, Jean Claude, Histoire du mariage en Occident, Paris, Hachette, 2005, 478 (Michael A. Fahey, Boston, MA in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 262-263)

BONACCORSO, Monica: Conceiving Kinship : Assisted Conception, Procreation, and Family in Southern Europe, New York: Berghahn Books, 2009. - XXII, 149 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Vechta in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

BONFRATE, Giuseppe / YANEZ, Humberto M. (a cura di): Amoris Laetitia: La sapienza dell'amore. Fragilità e bellezza della relazione nel matrimonio e nella famiglia,  Roma: Studium,  2017. -  231 (Francesco Pesce, Treviso in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

BONNET, Louis, La communauté de vie conjugale au regard des lois de l'Eglise catholique : les étapes d'une évolution, du Code de 1917 au concile Vatican II et au Code de 1983, Paris, Cerf, 2004, 532 (Richard Puza, Tübingen in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 286-288)

BONNEWIJN, Olivier, Ethique sexuelle et familiale, , Editions de l'Emmanuel, 2006, 329 (Michael G. Lawler, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 274-275)

BONNY, Johan / BURGGRAEVE, Roger / VAN HALST, Ilse:  Please? Thank you! Sorry…: A Dialogue on Love, Marriage and Family Life in the Light of Pope Francis’ Logic of Mercy and Discernment (Amoris Laetitia), Antwerpen:  Gompel & Svacina,  2021. -  186 (Henk Sanders, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

BONNY, Johan Mgr.: Eglise et famille: ce qui pourrait changer,  Namur Editions Fidélité,  2014. - 120 (Francesco Pesce, Rome/Trevisi in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

BORDEYNE, Philippe: Familles en quête de Dieu: Orientations théologiques et pastorales pour des temps nouveaux, Paris: Editions du Cerf,  2023. -  168 (Julian Paparella, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

BORDEYNE, Philippe: Ethique du mariage : La vocation sociale de l'amour, Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 2010. - 286 (Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Leuven in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

BORDEYNE, Philippe: Répondre à l'inquiétude de la famille humaine: L'actualité de Gaudium et Spes, Montrouge: Bayard, 2014. - 283 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

BORDEYNE, Philippe / SCANNONE, Juan Carlos: Divorcés-Remariés: Ce qui change avec François, Paris:  Salvator,  2017. -  141 (Alain Mattheeuws, SJ, Bruxelles in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

BORRAS, Alphonse: Paroisses et familles : pour une pastorale de la réciprocité, Québec: Médiaspaul, 2019; - 192 (Els Agten, Hasselt, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

BORSCHEID, Peter / NETHÖFEL, Wolfgang / SCHRÖTER, Rainer, Siegfried Keil: Protestantische Positionen. Beiträge zur Sexualethik und Familienpolitiek, Grafschaft, Vektor, 2004, 403 (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 279-280)

BOTTING, Eileen Hunt: Family Feuds: Wollstonecraft, Burke, and Rousseau on the Transformation of the Family, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006. - VIII, 257 (Manon van der Heijden, Leiden in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

BOVE, Luisa: Giulia und der Wolf: Die Geschichte eines sexuellen Missbrauchs in der Kirche (Vorwort von Hans Zollner SJ),  Innsbruck: Tyrolia,  2020. -  119 (Gottfried Ugolini, Brixen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

BOWMAN, Cynthia: Unmarried Couples, Law, and Public Policy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. - 208 (John Farina, Fairfax, VA in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011)

BRADBURY, John / CORNWALL, Susannah (eds.): Thinking Again about Marriage: Key Theological Questions, London:  SCM Press,   2016. -  220 (Ray Temmerman, Winnipeg, MB, Canada  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

BRAKE, Elizabeth: Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law, New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. - 288 John Farina, Fairfax, VA in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

BRAKE, Elizabeth (ed.): After Marriage: Rethinking Marital Relationships, New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. - 272 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

BRANDL-NEBEHAY, Andrea / HINSCH, Joachim (Hg.): Paartherapie und Identität: Denkansätze für die Praxis, Heidelberg: Carl-Auer Verlag, 2010. - 232 ( Jochen Sautermeister, München in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

BREAZEALE, Kathlyn A.: Mutual Empowerment: A Theology of Marriage, Intimacy, and Redemption, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2008. - 222 (Ralf Miggelbrink, Essen in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011)

BRECHON, Pierre / GONTHIER, Frédéric / ASTOR, Sandrine: La France des valeurs : Quarante ans d'évolutions, Fontaine: Presses Universitaires de Grenoble,  2019. -  382 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

BREITENBACH, Andrea:  Der Einfluss von Kindern auf die Ehestabilität: Empirische Untersuchung mit Daten des Familiensurvey, Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. -  XII, 230 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

BREITSAMETER, Christof / GOERTZ, Stephan: Vom Vorrang der Liebe: Zeitenwende für die katholische Sexualmoral, Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder Verlag,  2020. -  175 (Tim Zeelen, Augsburg in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

BREITSAMETER, Christof: Liebe - Formen und Normen: Eine Kulturgeschichte und ihre Folgen, Freiburg-Basel-Wien:  Herder,  2017. -  447 (Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl, Augsburg  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

BREMER, Jörg (Hg.): Ein Kelch für zwei: Zur ökumenischen Debatte um die Kommunion bei konfessionsverbindenden Paaren, Ostfildern: Verlagsgruppe Patmos,  2019. -  192 (Rainer Gottschalg , Bonn in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

BRENNINKMEIJER-WERHAHN, Aldegonde (a cura di): A cuore aperto: Riflessioni sul significato del matrimonio, Rome: Città Nuova, 2014. - 240 (Elisabetta Ruspini, Milano in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

BRETT, Stephen F.: The Law of Love : From Autonomy to Communion, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010. - 180 (Diana L. Villegas, Acton, MA, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

BREUER, Rita: Liebe, Schuld und Scham: Sexualität im Islam, Freiburg: Herder Verlag,  2016. -  288 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

BREYER, Charlotte, Bunt wie das Leben: Mit dem Älterwerden Freundschaft schließen, Würzburg, Echter Verlag, 2007, 80 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 295)

BRINK, Otto / QUASEBARTH, Alexander / SALTUARI, Petra, Wie Offenheit die Liebe stärkt: Zwiegespräch und Familien-Stellen, Freiburg, Herder Verlag, 2004, 158 (Gottfried Duhme, Recklinghausen in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 294)

BRODY, Leslie: Gender, Emotion and the Family, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999. - 359 (Robert Roche-Olivar, Barcelona in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

BROOK, Heather: Conjugal rites : marriage and marriage-like relationships before the law, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - VIII, 257 (Ilona Nord, Hamburg in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

BROSENS, I. (ed.), The challenge of Reproductive Medicine at Catholic: Time to Leave the Catacombs, Leuven, Peeters, 2006, XVI, 263 (Thomas A. Shannon, Eagles Mere, PA in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 282-283)

BROWN, Joanne: A Psychological Exploration of Love and Intimacy, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. - 256 (Hannelore Devoldere, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

BROWNING, Don S. / GREEN, M. Christian / WITTE, John (Jr.) (eds.), Sex, marriage, and family in world religions, New York, Columbia University Press, 2006, XXIX, 461 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 283-284)

BROWNING, Don S., Christian Ethics and the Moral Psychologies, Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans, 2006, IX, 244 (Anna Abram, London in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 272-273)

BROWNING, Don S.: Equality and the Family: A Fundamental, Practical Theology of Children, Mothers, and Fathers in Modern Societies, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2006. - XI, 416 (Keith Chappell, Oxford in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

BROWNING, Don S. / MILLER-McLEMORE, Bonnie J. (eds.): Children and Childhood in American Religions, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2009. - VIII, 233 ( Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

BROWNSON, James V.: Bible, Gender, Sexuality: Reframing the Church's Debate on Same-Sex Relationships, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2013. - 312 (Hans Debel, Leuven  in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

BROYDE, Michael J. / TRAVIS, Reuven:  Sex in the Garden: Consensual Encounters Gone Bad,  Eugene, OR:  Wipf & Stock,  2019. - XIII, 113 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

BROYDE, Michael J. / AUSUBEL, Michael (eds.), Marriage, Sex, and Family in Judaism, Lanham, MD, Rowman & Littlefield, 2005, 352 (Michael Tilly, Mainz in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 284-286)

BRUCKNER, Pascal: Has Marriage for Love Failed?, Oxford: Polity Books, 2013. - 96 (Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB in: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

BRUGGER, E. Christian:  The Indissolubility of Marriage & the Council of Trent,  Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2017. -  XIII, 295 (Hans Storme, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

BRUNIN, Jean-Luc: La vocation et la mission de la famille dans l'Eglise et dans le monde contemporain: Vingt-six théologiens répondent (Préface de Jean-Luc Brunin), Montrouge: Bayard, 2015. - 323 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen, in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

BRUUN, Elena Lesser / ZIFF, Anne F.: Marrying Well : The Clinician's Guide to Premarital Counseling, New York: Norton, 2010. - 264 (Paul R. Giblin, Chicago in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

BUCHANAN, Ann / ROTKIRCH, Anna (eds.): Fertility Rates and Population Decline: No Time for Children?: Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - 344 (Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

BUCOLO, Salvatore:  L'attrazione uomo-donna tra creazione, caduta, redenzione: L'antropologia del desiderio sessuale e la sua redenzione in Cristo nella prospettiva di Sant'Agostino, Siena:  Cantagalli,  2015. -  521 (David Dawson Vásquez, Rome, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

BUHR, Petra / FELDHAUS, Michael (Hg.): Die notwendige Vielfalt von Familie und Partnerschaft, Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2012. - 255 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

BUJO, Bénézet: Plädoyer für ein neues Modell von Ehe und Sexualität : Afrikanische Anfragen an das westliche Christentum, Freiburg-Basel-Wien: Herder, 2007 (Quaestiones disputatae; 223). - 259 (Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

BUNGE, Marcia J. (ed.): The Child in the Bible, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2008. - 431 (Hans Debel, Leuven in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

BUNGE, Marcia J. (ed.): Children, Adults, and Shared Responsibilities: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Perspectives, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012. - 339 Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

BÜNKER, Arnd / SCHMITT, Hanspeter : Familienvielfalt in der katholischen Kirche: Geschichten und Reflexionen, Zürich:  Theologischer Verlag,  2015. - 155 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda  in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

BUNTING, Annie / LAWRANCE, Benjamin N. / ROBERTS, Richard L. (eds.): Marriage by Force?: Contestation over Consent and Coercion in Africa, Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2016. - XIV, 343 (Petri Assenga, Nairobi, Kenya in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

BURBACH, Christiane / HECKMANN, Friedrich: Generationenfragen : theologische Perspektiven zur Gesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007. - 198 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

BURGGRAEVE, Roger: An Ethics of Mercy: On the Way to Meaningful Living and Loving, Leuven: Peeters, 2016. - XII-300 (Wendy M. Louis, Singapore in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

BURGK-LEMPART, Andrea: Wenn Wege sich trennen: Ehescheidung als theologische und kirchliche Herausforderung, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer W., 2010. - 277 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br., in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

BURGGRAEVE, R. / DEMASURE, K. / FOKET, M. / WEBER, P.: Marriage - Divorce - Remarriage. Mariage - Divorce - Remariage: Challenges and Perspectives for Christians. Défis et perspectives chrétiennes, Leuven-Paris-Dudley: Peeters, 2007 (Annua Nuntia Lovaniensia; LVIII). - XXI, 296 (Basilio Petrà, Firenze in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

BURKARD, Dominik (Hg.):  Die christliche Ehe – erstrebt, erlebt, erledigt? Fragen und Beiträge zur aktuellen Diskussion im Katholizismus,  Würzburg: Echter, 2016. - 424 (Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl, Augsburg, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

BURKART, Günter (Hg.): Zukunft der Familie: Prognosen und Szenarien, Leverkussen Opladen: Barbara Budrich, 2009. - 316 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011)

BURKART, Günter: Soziologie der Paarbeziehung: Eine Einführung (Studientexte zur Soziologie), Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2018. - X, 413 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

BURKE, Cormac: The Theology of Marriage: Personalism, Doctrine and Canon Law, Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 2014. -  280 (Ray Temmerman, Winnipeg, MB in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

BURTON-JEANGROS, Claudine / WIDMER, Eric / LALIVE D'EPINAY, Christian: Interactions familiales et constructions de l'intimité : hommage à Jean Kellerhals, Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2007. - 414 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)
BYRNE, Deirdre C. / ADE, Wernmei Yong (eds.): Fluid Gender, Fluid Love, Leiden:  Brill Rodopi,  2019. -  X, 215 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)


CAHALL, Perry J.: The Mystery of Marriage: A Theology of the Body and the Sacrament,  Chicago, Illinois: Hillenbrand, 2016. - 490 (Pawel Ratajczak, Mississauga, ON, Canada in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

CAIN, Patrick N. / RAMSEY, David (eds.):  American Constitutionalism, Marriage, and the Family: Obergefell v. Hodges and U.S. v. Windsor in Context,  Lanham, MD:  Lexington Books,  2016. -  231

CALDECOTT, S., The Seven Sacraments, Edinburg, Crossroad/Alban Books, 2006, X, 148 (Michael A. Fahey, Boston, MA in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 142)

CALVÈS Anne E. / BINETOU DIAL, Fatou / MARCOUX, Richard (dir.): Nouvelles dynamiques familiales en Afrique, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2018. -  XXIV, 419 (Hilaire Mitendo, Tavannes, Suisse in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

CAMISASCA, Massimo: "Amare ancora: Genitori e figli nel mondo di oggi e di domani, Padova: Messaggero di Sant'Antonio, 2011. - 144 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

CAMPANINI, Giorgio: La spiritualità familiare nell'Italia del '900: Percorsi profili prospettive, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2011. - 232 (Vittorio Moggi, Sant'Ilario d'Enza (RE) in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

CAMPANINI, Giorgio:  Senza preti? Nuove vie per evangelizzare,  Cinisello Balsamo: San Paolo Edizioni,  2016. -  108 (Francesco Pesce, Rome/Trevisi in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

CANTOR, Donald J. / CANTOR, Elizabeth / BLACK, James C. / BARRETT CAMPBELL, D.Same-Sex Marriage: The Legal and Psychological Evolution in America, Middleton, Wesleyan, 2006, XIII, 191 (Gail S. Risch, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 291-292)

CAPELLANUS, Andreas, Von der Liebe: Drei Bücher, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2006, IX, 363 (Rüdiger Schnell, Basel in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 261-262)

CAPUTO, R. (ed), Challenges of Aging on U.S. Families: Policy and Practice Implications, Binghamton, NY, Haworth Press, 2005, 221 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 131)

CARBONE, June / CAHN, Naomi:  Marriage Markets: How Inequality Is Remaking the American Family,  New York: Oxford University Press,  2014. -  258 (Frederick J. Parrella, Santa Clara, CA  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

CARITAS ITALIANA:  Povertà e vulnerabilità dei genitori separati: Bisogni intercettati ed espressi nel circuito ecclesiale (Fede e annuncio; 75),  Bologna:  EDB, 2014. -  128 (Martin M. Lintner, Brixen  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

CARLSON, Allan: Conjugal America: On the Public Purpose of Marriage, Piscataway, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2008. - 147 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

CARLSON, Thomas D. / ERICKSON, Martin J. (eds.), Spirituality and Family Therapy, Binghamton, NY, Haworth Press, 2002, XVI, 359 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 285-286)

CARNEY, Amy: Marriage and Fatherhood in the Nazi SS, Toronto:  University of Toronto Press,  2018. -  X, 309 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

CASSIDY, Jude / SHAVER, Phillip R. (eds.): Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research, and Clinical Applications (2nd edition), New York: Guilford Press, 2008. - 976 (Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

CAVALLERA, Hervé A.: Storia dell'idea di famiglia in Italia: Dagli inizi dell'Ottocento alla fine delle monarchia, Brescia: La Scuola, 2003, 320 (Stefano Stimamiglio, Roma in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 261-263)

CAVALLERA, Hervé A.: Storia dell'idea di famiglia in Italia: Dall' avvento della Repubblica ai giorni nostri, Brescia: La Scuola, 2003, 344 (Stefano Stimamiglio, Roma in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 261-263)

CELELLO, Kristin: Making Marriage Work: A History of Marriage and Divorce in the Twentieth-Century United States, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009. - XIII, 230 (Gail S. Risch, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

CERETI, Giovanni: Matrimonio e indissolubilità, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2014. - 360 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

CHAGALL, Marc / MAYER, Klaus, Wie schön ist deine Liebe: Bilder zum Hohenlied im Nationalmuseum der Biblischen Botschaft Marc Chagall in Nizza, Würzburg, Echter Verlag, 2007, 72 (Dries De Crom, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 296)

CHAMBERS, Clare: Against Marriage: An Egalitarian Defence of the Marriage-Free State, Oxford: Oxford University Press,  2017.- XI, 226 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

CHAPMAN, Gary, Les langages de l'amour: les actes qui disent "je t'aime", Marne-la-Vallée, Editions Farel, 1997, 192, (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 280-281)

CHAPMAN, Gary, Les saisons du mariage, Marne-la-Vallée, Editions Farel, 2006, (Hannelore Devoldere, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 281-282)

CHAPPEL, James:  Catholic Modern: The Challenge of Totalitarianism and the Remaking of the Church,  Cambridge, MA: Harvard university Press,  2018. -  344 (David Dawson Vasquez, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

CHARLES, Nickie / DAVIES, Charlotte / HARRIS, Chris: Families in transition : Social Change, Family Formation and Kin Relationships, Bristol: Policy Press, 2008. - XV, 288 (Michael A. Fahey, Boston, MA in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

CHARTIER, Gary: Public Practice, Private Law: An Essay on Love, Marriage, and the State,  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press,  2016. -  XI, 252 (John Murray, Dublin  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

CHEAL, David (ed.): Canadian Families Today : New Perspectives, Ontario: Oxford University Press, 2007. - 294 (Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

CHESLER, Phyllis: Woman and Madness, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. - 416 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Bad Zwichenahn in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

CHIBUCOS, Thomas R. / LEITE, Randall W.: Readings in Family Theory, London: Sage, 2005. - XIII, 386 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Vechta in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

CHILCOTE, Paul Wesley (ed.): Early Methodist Spirituality: Selected Women's Writings, Nashville: Kingwood Books, 2007. - XVI, 396 (John A. Dick, Leuven in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

CHOVELON, Bernadette: Une alliance plus forte que l'amour : Le mariage, Paris: Editions du Cerf, 2011. - 144 ( Basilio Petrà, Firenze in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

CHU, Cyrus Yu / RUOH-RONG, Yy: Understanding Chinese Families: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Southeast China, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. - 318 (Chee-seung Chan, Hong Kong in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

CIGOI, Aloys:  Die Unauflösbarkeit der christlichen Ehe und die Ehescheidung nach Schrift und Tradition: Eine historisch-kritische Erörterung von der apostolischen Zeit bis ins 19, Jahrhundert,  Kulmbach:  Verlagsbuchhandlung Sabat,  2016. -  203

CIMPERMAN, M., When God's People have HIV/AIDS: An Approach to Ethics, MaryknollOrbis2005XV, 159 (Thomas M. Kelly, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 277-278)

CIPRESSA, Salvatore (ed.), Celibato e sacerdozio, Rome, Città Nuova, 2008, 196 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 272-273)

CLOUTIER, David (ed.): Leaving and Coming Home: New Wineskins for Catholic Sexual Ethics, Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2010. - 282 (Basilio Petrà, Firenze, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

COBB, Christy:  Slavery, Gender, Truth, and Power in Luke-Acts and Other Ancient Narratives, Wingate, NC:  Palgrave Macmillan,  2019. -  VI, 259 (Thomas M. Kelly, Omaha, NE in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

COGAVIN, John: The Spirituality of Married Life, Meath, Ireland: PubliBook, 2014. - 173 (Ray Temmerman, Winnipeg, MB in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

COHEN, Philip N.: Enduring Bonds: Inequality, Marriage, Parenting, and Everything Else That Makes Families Great and Terrible, Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2018. - IX, 255 (Doral Hayes, London in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

COLE, Jennifer / THOMAS, Lynn M. (eds.): Love in Africa, Chicago-London: University of Chicago Press, 2009. - IX, 265 (Peter Assenga, Leuven in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

CÖLLEN M.: Paradies im Alltag (Richard Hartmann in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

COMITE MIXTE CATHOLIQUE/LUTHERO-REFORME DE FRANCE: Guide de Préparation au Mariage Interconfessionnel Catholique et Protestant,  Paris: Salvator,  2019. -  128 (Eric Lombard, Versailles, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

CONNELLY, Joan B.: Portrait of a Priestess: Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece, Princeton-Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2007. - XV, 456 (Reinhart Ceulemans, Leuven in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

CONNOR, Michael E. / WHITE, Joseph L.: Black Fathers: An Invisible Presence in America, Second Edition, Hove: Psychology Press, 2011. - 302 (Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

CONG, Xiaoping: Marriage, Law, and Gender in Revolutionary China, 1940-1960, (Cambridge Studies in the History of the People’s Republic of China), New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016. - XVI, 327 (Marco Lazzarotti, Heppenheim in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

CONWAY, Colleen M.: Behold the Man: Jesus and Greco-Roman Masculinity, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. - XI, 254 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

COOK, Daniel Thomas: The Moral Project of Childhood: Motherhood, Material Life, and Early Children's Consumer Culture, New York:  New York University Press,  2020. – X, 217  (Ann Loades, St. Andrews, Scotland  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

COOPER, Thia: A Christian Guide to Liberating Desire, Sex, Partnership, Work, and Reproduction, New York:  Palgrave Macmillan,  2018. -  IX, 121 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

CORNWALL, Susannah: Un/familiar Theology: Reconceiving Sex, Reproduction and Generativity,  London: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2017. - IX, 202  (Julie Hanlon Rubio, St. Louis, MO  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

CORRY, Maya / HOWARD, Deborah / LAVEN, Mary: Madonnas and Miracles: The Holy Home in Renaissance Italy,  London: I.B. Tauris, 2017. -  197 (Angela McCarthy, Fremantle, Australia in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

CORVINO, John / GALLAGHER, Maggie: Debating Same-Sex Marriage, New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. - 296 (Pádraig Corkery, Maynooth in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

COVELL, Katherine / HOWE, R. Brian: Children, Families and Violence: Challenges for Children's Rights, London / Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2009. - 287 ( Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

COX, Frank D.: Human Intimacy: Marriage, the Family, and Its Meaning, Research Update, 10th Edition, Belmont: Wadsworth, 2009. - XXIV, 594 (Denis Toohey, Grange, SA, Australia, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

CRISTELLON, Cecilia: Marriage, the Church, and its Judges in Renaissance Venice, 1420-1545 (R. Houston & E. Muir (eds.), C. McNamara (trans.), Cham: Springer,  2017. -  286 (Ray Temmerman, Winnipeg, Canada in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

CROMPTON, Rosemary / LEWIS, Suzan / LYONETTE, Clare: Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - 288 (Elisabetta Ruspini, Milano in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

CRONIN WEISFELD, Carol / WEISFELD, Glenn E. / DILLON, Lisa M. (eds.): The Psychology of Marriage : An Evolutionary and Cross-Cultural View, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018. - XIV, 372 (Diana L. Villegas, Manizales, Colombia in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

CUMMINGS, Mark E. / DAVIES, Patrick: Marital Conflict and Children: An Emotional Security Perspective, New York: Guilford Press, 2010. - XVI, 320 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

CURRAN, Charles E. / HANLON RUBIO, Julie (eds.): Marriage (Readings in Moral Theology; 15), New York: Paulist Press, 2009. - XVIII, 458 ( Michael A. Fahey, Boston, MA in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)


DANAHER, John / McARTHUR, Neil (eds.): Robot Sex: Social and Ethical Implications, Cambridge, MA-London: MIT Press, 2017. - 314 (Sahayadas Fernando, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

Prowess Publishing, 2019. - X, 179 (Els Agten, Hasselt in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

WALDRON, Vince: The Middle Years of Marriage: Challenge, Change, and Growth, New York: Lang Publishing, 2017.- 175 (Randall Woodard, Saint Leo, FL in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

WITTING, Caroline: Reproduktive Autonomie: Über das Potenzial eines umstrittenen Begriffs, (Studien der Moraltheologie: Neue Folge; 10), Münster: Aschendorff, 2018. - 228 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

ZAVATTINI, Giulio Cesare (ed.): Talking with Couples: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of the Couple Relationship, London: Karnac Books, 2015. - XVIII, 119 (Petri Assenga, Nairobi, Kenya in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

DANESE, Attilio:  Il problema antropologico: Il personalismo di Emmanuel Mounier, Roma: Giuliano Ladolfi,  2012. - 241 (Angela Rossi, Chieti  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

DA PONTE, Marco: Verso una rivalutazione della sacramentalità del matrimonio?: Fra etica e dogmatica nella teologia protestante contemporanea europea (Sophia/Episteme-Dissertazioni; 27), Padova: Messaggero di Sant'Antonio, 2018. - 509  (Francesco Pesce, Treviso  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

DAVIS, Rebecca L.: More Perfect Unions: The American Search for Marital Bliss, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2010. - 336 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

DAVISON, Andrew: Amazing Love: Theology for Understanding Discipleship, Sexuality and Mission, London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 2016. - 144 (Gustavo Cavagnari, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

DAWSON, Lesel: Lovesickness and Gender in Early Modern English Literature, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. - VIII, 244 (Rüdiger Schnell, Tübingen in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

DAYTON, Tian: Modern Mothering: How to Teach Kids to Say What They Feel and Feel What They Say, New York: Crossroad, 2005. - 166 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

DEFRANZA, Megan K.: Sex Difference in Christian Theology: Male, Female, and Intersex in the Image of God, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2015. - 327 (Doris Kieser, Edmonton, Canada in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

DE GROOT, J. / MORGAN, S. (eds.): Sex, Gender and the Sacred (Adrian Thatcher in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

DEHM-HASSELWANDER E.: Ich will bei dir bleiben (Remco Robinson in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

DELILLE, Gérard:  L'économie de Dieu: Famille et marché entre christianisme, hébraïsme et islam,  Paris:  Editions les Belles Lettres,  2015. -  348 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

DEL MISSIER, Giovanni / MASSARO, Roberto / CONTINI, Paolo: Per il bene possibile della coppia: Sessualità, dilemmi etici e vita reale,  Bologna:  Dehoniane,  2019. -  144 (Giulia Paola Di Nicola, Teramo in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

DE LOEPER, Catherine / ECHAZU, Angel:  L'être sexuel ou du rapport sexé, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2016. -  317 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

DEMASURE, Karlijne / BURGGRAEVE, Roger / LAGAE, Eddy (red.), Behoed de geliefden: Over huwelijk, echtscheiding en hertrouwen, Averbode, Uitgeverij Averbode, 192 (Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 293)

DEMEL, Sabine: Handbuch Kirchenrecht: Grundbegriffe für Studium und Praxis, Freiburg-Basel-Wien: Herder, 2010. - 688 (Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Leuven in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

DEN HERTOG, G.D. / ROSKOVEC, J. (Hg.): Familie: Verwandtschaft, die den Unterschied macht (Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau (BÖR), 92, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlaganstalt, 2012. - 112 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

DERMOTT, Esther / GATRELL, Caroline (eds.): Fathers, Families and Relationships : Researching Everyday Lives, Bristol: Policy Press, 2019. - 233 (Doral Hayes, London in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

DERUSHA, Michelle: Katharina and Martin Luther: The Radical Marriage of a Runaway Nun and a Renegade Monk, Grand Rapids, MI:  Baker Books,  2017.- 320 (Diana L. Villegas, Manizales, Colombia in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

DESAN, Suzanne / MERRICK, Jeffrey (eds.): Family, Gender, and Law in Early Modern France, University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2009. - 304 (Agnès Walch, Arras in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

DESCOUTURES, Virginie (éd.), Mariages et homosexualités dans le monde : l'arrangement des normes familiales, Paris, Editions Autrement, 2008, 220 (Michael G. Lawler, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 288-289)

DETTINGER, Dorothee / LANDMESSER, Christof Landmesser (Hrsg.): Ehe – Familie – Gemeinde: Theologische und soziologische Perspektiven auf frühchristliche Lebenswelten, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlaganstalt, 2014. - 320 (Daniel Schumann, Münster in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

DHARAMRAJ, Havilah: Altogether Lovely: A Thematic and Intertextual Reading of the Song of Songs, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2018. - 299 (Danilo Verde, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

DIANIN, Giampaola, Matrimonio, sessualità, fecondità: corso di morale familiare, Padova, Messagero, 2006, 575 (Giulia P. Di Nicola, Teramo in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 276-277)

DIETZFELBINGER, Maria: Trennungsberatung: Beratung von Paaren, die auf Trennung und Scheidung zugehen, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010. - 124 (Jochen Sautermeister, München, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

DILLEN, Annemie, Geloof in het gezin? Ethiek, opvoeding en gezinnen vandaag, Heverlee, Lannoo Campus, 2006, 192 (Sophie Veulemans, Leuven in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 281-282)

DILLEN, Annemie et al.: Wanneer liefde toeslaat: Over geweld en onrecht in gezinnen, Leuven: Davidsfonds, 2006. - 168 (Sophie Veulemans, Leuven in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

DILLEN, Annemie / POLLEFEYT, Didier (eds.): Children's Voices: Children's Perspectives in Ethics, Theology, and Religious Education, Leuven: Peeters, 2010. - 450 (Claire Wolfteich, Boston, MA in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

DILLEN, Annemie: Het gezin: à-Dieu ?: Een contextuele benadering van gezinnen in ethisch, pedagogisch en pastoraaltheologisch perspectief, Brussel: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, 2009. - 639 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

DILLEN, Annemie / KNIEPS-PORT LE ROI, Thomas / (eds.):  (N)iets voor dummies?: Over de spirituele competentie van de leek, Antwerpen: Halewijn, 2014. - 150 (Hans Debel, Leuven in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

DILLON, Michele: Postsecular Catholicism: Relevance and Renewal, New York-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. - 214 (Ray Temmerman, Winnipeg, Canada in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

DI NICOLA, Giulia P. / DANESE, Attilio, Verginità e matrimonio, Reciprocità e diversità di due vocazioni, Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo Edizioni, 2000, 135, (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 295)

DI NICOLA, Giulia P. / DANESE, Attilio: Le ragioni del matrimonio : Aspetti di sociologia della familia, Torino: Effatà Editrice, 2006. - 281 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

DI NICOLA, Giulia P. / DANESE, Attilio: Con o senza Dio? Per una spiritualità della relazione coniugale, Roma: Città Nuova, 2006. - 192 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

DI NICOLA, Giulia P. / DANESE, Attilio Un amore scritto in cielo: Zelia e Luigi Martin, genitori di teresina di Lisieux, Cinisello Balsamo: San Paolo Edizioni, 2010. - 256 (Flavia Di Giampaolo, Roma in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

DI NICOLA, Giulia P. / DANESE, Attilio: Un mese con Maria e Luigi: Un pensiero e una preghiera al giorno con i beati Beltrame Quattrocchi, Torino: Effatà Editrice, 2012. - 112 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

DI NICOLA, Giulia P. / SPEDICATO JENGO, Eide (a cura di): Gli adolescenti e la famiglia ieri e oggi : Indagine sociologica sugli adolescenti abruzzesi, Teramo: Marte Editrice, 2011. - 167 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

DI NICOLA, Giulia P. / DANESE, Attilio: Perché sposarsi? Viaggio tra obblighi, convenienze e scelte liberanti, Cinisello Balsamo: San Paolo Edizioni, 2014. - (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

DI NICOLA, Giulia P. / DANESE, Attilio: Il buio sconfitto: Cinque relazioni speciali tra eros et amicizia spirituale, Cantalupa: Effatà Editrice, 2016. - 331 (Settimio Luciano, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

DOCKERY, David S. / STONESTREET, John (eds.): Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty : What Belongs to God, What Belongs to Caesar – Essays for the Tenth Anniversary of The Manhattan Declaration, New York-Nashville: Post Hill Press, 2019. -  XXII, 202 (Petri Assenga, Nairobi in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

DODARO, Robert (Hg.): Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2014. - 304 (Sahayadas Fernando, Roma, in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

DOLAN, Frances E. : Marriage and Violence: The Early Modern Legacy, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008. - 235 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

DOMINIAN, Jack, Being Jack Dominian: Reflections on Marriage, Sex and Love, London, SPCK, 208, (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 293-294)

DONATI, Pierpaolo e.a. (a cura de): Ri-conoscere la famiglia : quale valore aggiunto per la persona e la societa?, Cinisello Balsamo: San Paolo Edizioni, 2007. - 440 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

DONATI, Pierpaolo: La famiglia: il genoma che fa vivere la società, Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2013. - 256 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

DONATI, Pierpaolo: Family Policy: A Relational Approach, Milano: Franco Angeli, 2012. - 143 (Sahayadas Fernando, Roma, in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

DONATI, Pierpaolo: L’enigma della relazione, Sesto San Giovanni (MI): Mimesis, 2014. - (Francesco Pesce, Rome/Trevisi in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

DONATI, Pierpaolo (a cura de): La famiglia in Italia: Sfide sociali e innovazioni nei servizi, Roma: Carocci Editore, 2012. - 208 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

DONAHUE, Charles: Law, marriage, and society in the later Middle Ages: Arguments about marriage in five courts, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. - XIX, 672 (Rüdiger Schnell, Tübingen in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

DORFF, Elliot N. / RUTTENBERG, Danya (eds.): Sex and Intimacy (Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices), Philadelphia, PA: Jewish Publication Society, 2010. - 156 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

DORMOR, Duncan / MORRIS, Jeremy: An Acceptable Sacrifice? : Homosexuality and the Church, London: SPCK, 2007. - IX, 180 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

DÖRNEMANN, Holger: Ehe und Familie: Lernorte des Glaubens, Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2014. - 96 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

DOUGLAS BROWN, Kelly, What's Faith Got to Do with It?: Black Bodies, Christian Souls, Maryknoll, Orbis Books, 2005, XIX, 252 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 271)

DOUNOT, Cyrille / DUSSAUBAT, François (éd.): La réforme des nullités de mariage : une étude critique, Perpignan:  Artège Lethielleux, 2016. -  250 (Lynda Robitaille, Vancouver in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

DOWD, Mark:  Queer and Catholic: A Life of Contradiction,  London:  Darton, Longman and Todd,  2017. -  224

DOWLAND, Seth: Family Values and the Rise of the Christian Right, Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015. - 280 (Jack Dick, Leuven, in in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

DOWSING, Anita: The Gift of Self in Marriage, Leominster, UK: Gracewing Publications, 2008. - 208 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

DUDINK, Stefan / CLARK, Anna / HAGERMANN, Karen (eds.): Representing Masculinity: Male Citizenship in Modern Western Culture, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - 288 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

DUMAS, Bertrand (dir.): Conjugalité, mariage et famille : réflexion à l'occasion des synodes romains de 2014 et 2015, Paris: Editions du Cerf,  2019. -  228 (Sylvia Hübel, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

DUMITRASCU, Nicu: Christian Family and Contemporary Society, London:              Continuum, 2014. - 304 (Gustavo Cavagnari, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

DUNAK, Karen M.: As Long as We Both Shall Live: The White Wedding in Postware America, New York; NY: New York University Press, 2013. - V, 244 (James J. Ponzetti, Vancouver, WA in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

DUNNING, Benjamin H.: Specters of Paul: Sexual Difference in Early Christian Thought, Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011. - 272 (Liesbeth Van der Sypt, Leuven in: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

DUNNING, Benjamin H. (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of New Testament, Gender, and Sexuality, Oxford:  Oxford University Press,  2019. -  xxv, 706 (Michael Tilly, Tübingen  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

DÜSING, Edith / KLEIN, Hans-Dieter (Hg.): Geist, Eros und Agape. Untersuchungen zu Liebesdarstellungen in Philosophie, Religion und Kunst, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2009. - 500 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)


EBERTZ, Michael N. / SEGLER, Lucia:  Spiritualitäten als Ressource für eine dienende Kirche: Die Würzburg-Studie,  Würzburg:  Echter,  2016. -  280

EBNER, Katharina: Religion im Parlament: Homosexualität als Gegenstand parlamentarischer Debatten im Vereinigten Königreich und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1945–1990) , Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018. - 346 (Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl, Augsburg in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

EBY, Clare Virginia:  Until Choice Do Us Part: Marriage Reform in the Progressive Era, Chicago:  University of Chicago Press,  2014. -  XI, 237 (James J. Ponzetti, Vancouver in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

ECKERT, Michael: Gottes Segen für die zweite Ehe!? : Ein katholischer Ausblick auf die orthodoxe Ehetheologie und die Perspektiven für die wiederverheirateten Geschiedenen, Books on Demand: 2011. - 168 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

ECKHOLT, Margit / FLIETHMANN, Thomas (Hg.): "Freunde habe ich euch genannt": Freundschaft als Leitbegriff systematischer Theologie, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2007. - 216 (Jörg Splett, Offenbach/M. in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

ECKHOLT, Margit (Hg.): Gender studieren: Lernprozess für Theologie und Kirche,  Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag,  2017. -  438 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

EDIN, Kathryn / KEFALAS, Maria, Promises I can keep: Why poor Women put Motherhood before Marriage, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2005, 293 (Thomas M. Kelly, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 127-129)

EEKELAAR, John: Family Law and Personal Life, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. - XII, 195 (John Witte, Jr., Atlanta in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

EHRENSPERGER, Kathy / SHEINFELD, Shayna (eds.):  Gender and Second-Temple Judaism,  Lanham, MD:  Lexington/Fortress Press,  2020. -  X, 250 (Michael Tilly, Tübingen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

EIBACH, Joachim / SCHMIDT-VOGES, Inken:  Das Haus in der Geschichte Europas, Berlin-Boston: Walter de Gruyter,  2015. -  XVI, 783 "(Hubertus Lutterbach, Essen,  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

EISEN, Ute E. / GERBER, Christine / STANDHARTINGER, Angela: Doing Gender - Doing Religion: Fallstudien zur Intersektionalität im frühen Judentum, Christentum und Islam, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013. - IX, 468 (Michael Tilly, Tübingen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

EL HACHIMI, Mohammed / STEPHAN, Liane, Paartherapie - Bewegende Interventionen, Heidelberg, Carl-Auer Verlag, 2007, 224, (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 277-278)

ELLENS, J. Harold: Sex in the Bible: A New Consideration, Westport, CT - London: Praeger Publishers, 2006. - XXIII, 185 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

ELLENS, J. Harold: The Spirituality of Sex, Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2009. - (Ralf Miggelbrink, Essen in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

ELLIS, J. Edward: Paul and ancient views of sexual desire: Paul's sexual ethics in 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 7, and Romans 1, London: T&T Clark, 2007. - XIII, 191 (Library of New Testament Studies; 354) (Benedetto Clausi, Catania in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

ELLISON, Marvin M.: Making Love Just: Sexual Ethics in Perplexing Times, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2012. - 176 (Denis Toohey, Grange, SA, Australia in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

ELY, Peter B.: Adam and Eve in Scripture, Theology, and Literature: Sin, Compassion, and Forgiveness, Lanham:  Lexington Books,  2018. - XIII, 315 (Randall Woodard, Saint Leo, FL in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

EMON, Anver M. / LEVERING, Matthew / NOVAK, David: Natural Law: A Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Trialogue, New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. - 256 (Anna Abram, London in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

ENDSJO, Dag Oistein : Sex and Religion: Teaching and Taboos in the History of World Faiths, London: Reaktion Books, 2011. - (Sahayadas Fernando, Roma, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

ENGELS, Rutger / KERR, Margaret / STATTIN, Hakan (eds.): Friends, Lovers and Groups: Key Relationships in Adolescence, Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2007. - 190 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

ENGELSBERGER, Gerhard: Ehescheidung - ein christliches Plädoyer für einen heilenden Weg, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlaganstalt, 2007. - 141 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

ENGH, Line Cecilie (ed.): The Symbolism of Marriage in Early Christianity and the Latin Middle Ages: Images, Impact, Cognition, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press,  2019. -  354 (David Dawson Vásquez, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

ENGLAND, Paula / EDIN, Kathryn: Unmarried Couples with Children, New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2007. - VII, 301 (Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

ENGLER, Steffen: Mangelnder Glaube und Ehewille (Forschungen zur Kirchenrechtswissenschaft; 43), Würzburg: Echter,  2021. -  342 (Judith Hahn, Bonn in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

ESKRIDGE, William N. (Jr.) / SPEDALE, Darren R., Gay marriage: for better or for worse? What we've learned from the evidence, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006, IX, 336 (Gail S. Risch, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 290-291)

ESSER, Thilo / WAGNER-ESSER, Meike: Als Familie im Glauben wachsen: Ignatianische Impulse, Würzburg: Echter, 2008. - 64 (Sabine Pemsel-Maier, Freiburg in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

EVANS, Adrienne / RILEY, Sarah: Technologies of Sexiness: Sex, Identity, and Consumer Culture, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. - 184 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

EVANS, Jennifer / MEEHAN, Ciara (eds.): Perceptions of Pregnancy from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan,  2017. -  XV, 251 (William LeMaire,  Miami in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)


FACCHINI, Fiorenzo (cur.): Sviluppo dell’affettività e cultura del «genere», Bologna: Dehoniane, 2016. - 160 (Francesco Pesce, Rome/Trevisi in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

FACCHINI, Fiorenzo (cur.): Natura e cultura nella questione del Genere, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2015. - 192 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

FAGGIONI, Maurizio P.: Sessualità matrimonio famiglia, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2010. - 375 (Giulia P. Di Nicola, Teramo in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

FADLALLA ALI, Mohamed Hassan, Das islamische Ehe- und Kindschaftsrecht im Sudan, Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 2001, 272 (Heinz-Meinolf Stamm, Rom in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 136-138)

FAN, Simon: Vanity Economics: An Economic Exploration of Sex, Marriage and Family,  Cheltenham, UK-Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2014. - VIII, 293 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

FARLEY, Margaret A.: Just Love : A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics, London, Continuum, 2006, XIII, 322 (Anna Abram, London in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 273-274)

FARLEY, Margaret A.: Personal Commitments: Beginning, Keeping, Changing, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2013. - 160 (Doris Kieser, Edmonton, Canada in: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

FARRELLY, John: The Good Marriage Guide: The Practical Way to Improving your Relationship, Dublin: Veritas, 2007. - 96 (Chee-seung Chan, Hong Kong in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

FEEHAN, Mona-Lee: What God has joined: preparing for marriage in the Catholic Church, Montreal: Novalis, 2014. - 80 (Lynda Robitaille, Vancouver in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

FEGERT, Jörg M. / HOFFMANN, Ulrike / KÖNIG, Elisa / NIEHUES, Johanna / LIEBHARDT, Hubert (Hg.) : Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Ein Handbuch zur Prävention und Intervention für Fachkräfte im medizinischen, psychotherapeutischen und pädagogischen Bereich, Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer,  2015. -  XXIX, 506 (Jakob Schrage, Bonn in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

FEHIGE, Joerg H.Y., Sexualphilosophie: Eine einführende Annäherung, Münster, LIT Verlag, 2007, 168, (Jörg Splett, Offenbach/M. in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 264-265)

FIJEN, Leo:  Kerk in tijden van Corona: Diagnose - dilemma - duurzame toekomst,  Baarn/Antwerpen:  Adveniat/Halewijn, 2020. - 142  (Charles Caspers, Nijmegen  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

FELDHAUS, Michael / HUININK, Johannes: Neuere Entwicklungen in der Beziehungs- und Familienforschung : Vorstudien zum Beziehungs-und Familienentwicklungspanel (PAIRFAM), Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2008. - 481 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Vechta in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

FELLMANN, Ferdinand: Der Liebes-Code : Schlüssel zur Polarität der Geschlechter, Berlin: Parerga Verlag, 2007. - 270 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Bad Zwichenahn in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

FERRARIO, Giovanni / PIRRONE, Cecilia / SCANZIANI, Francesco: Le radici del futuro: Per-corso per coppie in cammino verso il sacramento del matrimonio. VOL I.: Guida per gli operatori; VOL. II: Quaderno per le coppie, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2012. - 128 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

FIGES, Kate: Couples: The Truth, London: Virago Press, 2010. - 406 ( Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

FINCKE-MELKE, Barbara: Gender-Harmonie in Gott: Der Weg in die globale Epoche auf der Grundlage einer gender-historischen Theologie, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2015. - VII, 376 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

FISCHER, Andrea:  Königsmacht, Begehren, Ehebruch und Mord - Die Erzählung von David, Batseba und Urija (2 Sam 11): Narratologische Analysen ,  Münster: LIT Verlag, 2019. -  664 (Michael Tilly, Tübingen, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

FISCHER, Heinz-Joachim: Die Päpste und der Sex: Kirche in der Sackgasse, Münster: LIT, 2011. - 240 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

FISHER, Kate: Birth control, sex, and marriage in Britain, 1918 - 1960, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. - VI, 294 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

FISHER, Melissa: The Way of Hope: A Fresh Perspective on Sexual Identity, Same-Sex Marriage, and the Church, Grand Rapids, MI:  Baker Books, 2017.- 235 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

FLORIN, Christiane:  Die Ehe: Ein riskantes Sakrament, München:  Kösel,  2016. - 174  (Stephanie Höllinger, Mainz  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

FLOYD, Kory / MORMAN, Mark T. (eds.): Widening the Family Circle: New Research on Family Communication, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2006. - XVI, 259 ( Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

FOLENA, Umberto: I PACS della discordia: Spunti per un dibattito; Milano: Ancora Editrice, 2006. - 128 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

FOPP, Simone: Trauung - Spannungsfelder und Segensräume: Empirisch-theologischer Entwurf eines Rituals im Übergang, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer W., 2007. - 462 (Elizabeth Parmentier, Strasbourg in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

FÖRST, Johannes / KÜGLER, Joachim (Hg.): Die unbekannte Mehrheit: Mit Taufe, Trauung und Bestattung durchs Leben? Eine empirische Untersuchung zur "Kasualienfrömmigkeit" von KatholikInnen - Bericht und interdisziplinäre Auswertung, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2006. - 144 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

FOX-GENOVESE, Elizabeth: Marriage: The Dream that Refuses to Die, Wilmington: ISI Books, 2008. - XXII, 189 (Denis Toohey, Grange, SA, Australia in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

FRAIMAN, Susan:  Extreme Domesticity: A View from the Margins (Gender and Culture Series),  New York, NY:  Columbia University Press,  2017. -  272

FRANCISCUS I: La Famiglia: Messaggi, discorsi e omelie, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2014. - 72 (Francesco Pesce, Rome/Trevisi in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

FRANCISCUS I: Family and Life: Pastoral Reflections,  New York:  Paulist Press,    (Ray Temmerman, Winnipeg, MB  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

FRANK, Nathaniel: Awakening: How Gays and Lesbians Brought Marriage Equality to America, Cambridge, MA:  The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,  2017. - IX, 441 (Frederick J. Parrella, Santa Clara in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

FRANKE, Katherine: Wedlocked: The Perils of Marriage Equality,  New York-London: New York University Press, 2017.  XI, 275 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

FRANZISKUS I: Die Familien-Katechesen, Freiburg: Herder Verlag, 2015. - 128 (Gerhard Höver, Bonn in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

FREDRICKSON, David E.: Eros and the Christ: Longing and Envy in Paul's Christology, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2013. - XVII, 181 (Michael Tilly, Tübingen  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

FREITAG, Elke: Ehe zwischen Katholiken und Muslimen: Eine religionsrechtliche Vergleichsstudie, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2007 (Kirchenrechtliche Bibliothek; 11). - 232 (Areti Demosthenous, Nicosia in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

FREITAS, Donna: Sex and the Soul: Juggling Sexuality, Spirituality, Romance, and Religion on America's College Campuses, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. - XXII, 299 (Julie Rubio, St. Louis, MO in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

FREGNI, Gianfranco / CAMPANINI, Georgio: L'amore di Dio nella casa degli uomini : scritti di spiritualità familiare, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2009. - 269 (Sahayadas Fernando, Roma, in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

FREY, Jörg / RUPSCHUS, Nicole (Hg.): Frauen im antiken Judentum und frühen Christentum (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe; 489), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019. -  VIII, 320 (Michael Tilly, Landau, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

FRICK, Jürg, Ich mag dich - du nervst mich!: Geschwister und Ihre Bedeutung für das Leben, Bern, Hans Huber Verlag, 2006, 357 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 141)

FRIEDMAN, Edwin H.: Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue, New York Guilford Press, 2011. - 319 ( Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

FROEBE, Dieter: Eva, Verbündete Gottes bei der Humanisierung des Mannes : eine andere Lesart der Erzählung vom Garten in Eden, Berlin: LIT, 2007 (Glauben und Leben; 41). - 198 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

FUECHTNER, Veronika / HAYNES, Douglas E. / JONES, Ryan M. (eds.): A Global History of Sexuality, 1880-1960, Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2018. -  XIII, 477 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

FUESS, Harald, Divorce in Japan: Family, Gender and the State 1600-2000, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2004, XIV, 226 (James W. Heisig, Nagyoa in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 268-270)

FUISTING, Dirk: Berufung zur Ehelosigkeit: eine seelsorgerliche Hilfe für Singles?; München: AVM, 2013. - 119 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

FUNCKE, Dorett / THORN, Petra (Hg.): Die gleichgeschlechtliche Familie mit Kindern: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zu einer neuen Lebensform, Bielefeld: transcript, 2010. - 494 (Gerhard Marschütz, Wien  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)


GABB, Jacqui: Researching intimacy in Families, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. - X, 211 (Elisabetta Ruspini, Milano in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

GALIMBERTI, Umberto: Die Sache mit der Liebe : eine philosophische Gebrauchsanweisung, München: Beck, 2007. - 223 (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

GALLAGHER, Maggie / BAKER, Joshua: Pope Benedict XVI on Marriage: A Compendium, Manassas, VA: Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, 2008. - 56 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

GAMS, Corbin (Hg.):  Amor : Der Leib und seine Sprache (Jahrbuch der Theologie des Leibes; 2019),  Heiligenkreuz:  B&B Verlag,  2019. - 509  (Gerhard Höver, Bonn  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

GAMS, Corbin: Liturgie der Liebe: Die Sprache des Leibes in ihrer ganzen Tiefe : Reflexionen zu den Katechesen Nr. 114-117b von Papst Johannes Paul II. in seiner Theologie des Leibes, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die von ihm nicht gehaltenen Katechesen, Regensburg: St. Grignion Verlag,  2015. - 176 (Gerhard Höver, Bonn in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

GANE, Roy E. / MILLER, Nicholas P.: Homosexuality, Marriage, and the Church: Biblical, Counseling, and Religious Liberty Issues,  Berrien Springs, MI  Andrews University Press,  2012. -  600  (Gustavo Cavagnari, Rome  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

GARHAMMER, Erich / WEBER, Franz (Hg.): Scheidung - Wiederheirat - von der Kirche verstoßen?: Für eine Praxis der Versöhnung, Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2012. - (Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Leuven, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

GARINO, Giacomo: Dio, l'amore, il matrimonio, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2009. - 87 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

GEHER, Glenn / MILLER, Geoffrey: Mating Intelligence: Sex, Relationships, and the Mind's Reproductive System, New York: Erlbaum, 2007. - XXIII, 453 ( Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

GEISMANN, Anne: "Gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe und kirchliches Arbeitsverhältnis (Beiträge zum Arbeitsrecht; 10), " Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019. -  XXV, 417 (Jessica Scheiper, Bonn in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

GELLNER, Christoph ( Hg.), Paar- und Familienwelten im Wandel: Neue Herausforderungen für Kirche und Pastoral, Leipzig, Evangelische Verlaganstalt, 2007, 272, (Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 293)

GEHRING, René: The biblical "one flesh" theology of marriage as constituted in Genesis 2:24: an exegetical study of this human-divine covenant pattern, its New Testament echoes, and its reception history throughout scripture focusing on the spiritual impact of sexuality, Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2013. - 406 (Ray Temmerman, Winnipeg, MB in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

GEIS, Robert: Same-sex in Scripture, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2009. - IX, 176 (Hans Debel, Leuven in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

GEMBRIES, Ann-Katrin / THEUKE, Theresia / HEINEMANN, Isabel (Hg.): Children by Choice? Changing Values, Reproduction, and Family Planning in the 20th Century, Berlin-Boston:  de Gruyter,  2018. -  240 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

GEORGAS, James / BERRY, John W. / VAN DE VIJVER, Fons J.R. et al.: Families Across Cultures: A 30-nation Psychological Study, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. - XXV, 552 (Michael A. Fahey, Boston, MA in: INTAMS review 17/1 (20


GEORGE, Robert P. / ELSHTAIN, Jean B.: The meaning of marriage: family, state, market, and morals, Dallas: Spence, 2006. - XVIII, 316 (Giulia P. Di Nicola, Teramo in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

GERHARDS, Meik: Das Hohelied: Studien zu seiner literarischen Gestalt und theologischen Bedeutung, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlaganstalt, 2010. - 577 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

GERSTER, Daniel / KRÜGGELER, Michael (Hg.): God's Own Gender?: Masculinities in World Religions (Religion in der Gesellschaft; 44), Würzburg:  Ergon,  2018. -  304 (Sebastian Eck, Münster in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

GERSTMANN, E., Same-Sex Marriage and the Constitution, Cambridge, University Press, 2004, XV, 222 (John Farina, Fairfax, VA in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 292-294)

GHITTI, Jean-Marc, La séparation des familles, Paris, Cerf, 2003, 163 (Marie-Etiennette Bély, Lyon in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 131-133)

GIBSON, William / BEGIATO, Joanne: Sex and the Church in the Long Eighteenth Century: Religion, Enlightenment and the Sexual Revolution,  London: I.B. Tauris, 2017. -  XI, 384 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

GIEN, G. / SILL, B. (Hg.): Scheitern (Martin M. Lintner in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

GIERKE, Daniela: Eheprobleme im griechischen Drama: Eine Studie zum Diskurs von Oikos und Polis im Athen des 5. Jahrhunderts vor Christus, München: UTZ Verlag, 2017. -  324 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

GLOMBIK, Konrad:  "Zweieinigkeit" - Herbert Doms (1890-1977) und sein Beitrag zum personalistischen Eheverständnis,  Münster: LIT Verlag, 2016. -  226 (Gerhard Höver, Bonn in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

GLOWSKY, David: Globale Partnerwahl: Soziale Ungleichheit als Motor transnationaler Heiratsentscheidungen, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011. - 246 (Corinna Onnen, Vechta, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

GOEBEL, Heike: Zwischen Hoffnung und Verzweiflung : Beratung und Seelsorge bei unerfülltem Kinderwunsch, Nuekirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlaggesellschaft, 2008. - 235 (Katie Velghe, Leuven in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

GOERTZ, Stephan / ULONSKA, Herbert (Hg.): Sexuelle Gewalt : Fragen an Kirche und Theologie, Münster: LIT, 2010. - 211 (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

GOERTZ, Stephan (Hrsg.): "Wer bin ich, ihn zu verurteilen?": Homosexualität und katholische Kirche, Freiburg: Herder Verlag, 2015. - 448 (Hubertus Lutterbach, Essen in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

GOLDBERG, M.: Untreue (Martin M. Lintner in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

GONÇALVES, Bruno (dir.):  Comprendre la réforme des procédures de nullité de mariage : selon le motu proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus,  Perpignan:  Éditions Artège-Lethielleux,  2019. -  358

GORDON-LENNOX, Jeltje:  Craftin Secular Ritual: A Practical Guide,  London:  Jessica Kingsley Publishers,  2016. -  178

GORSKI, Krzysztof: Das personenbezogene Eheverständnis und relatives Erfüllungsunvermögen, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2006 (Adnotationes in Ius Canonicum; 37). - 300 (Ralf Miggelbrink, Essen in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

GOTTLIEB, Roger S.: Spirituality: What It Is and Why It Matters, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. - 272 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

GOTTMAN, J.M.: The Science of Trust Geert Faseur in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

GOTTMAN, John M.:  Principia Amoris: The New Science of Love,  New York:  Routledge,  2014. -  310 (Alfons Vansteenwegen, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

GRANADA CANADA, Daniel:  El alma de toda virtud: ''Virtus dependet aliqualiter ab amore'': una relectura de la relacion amor y virtud en Santo Tomas,  Siena:  Cantagalli,  2016. -  567 (Diana L. Villegas, Manizales, Colombia in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

GRANADOS GARCIA, José: La carne si fa amore: Il corpo, cardine della storia della salvezza, Siena: Cantagalli 2010. - 304 ( Vittorio Moggi, Sant'Ilario d'Enza (RE) in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

GRANDIS, Giancarlo, Il dramma dell'uomo: Eros/Agape & Amore/Carità nel pensiero antropologico di Antonio Rosmini Serbati (1797-1855), Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo Edizioni, 2003, 422, (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 265-267)

GRAU, Ina / BIERHOFF, Hans-Werner (Hg.), Sozialpsychologie der Partnerschaft, Heidelberg, Springer, 2003, 572 (Alfons Vansteenwegen, Leuven in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 140)

GRAULICH, Markus / WEIMANN, Ralph: Im Glauben das "Ja" wagen: Auf dem Wege zur Ehe, Freiburg: Herder Verlag, 2015. - 112 (Adrian Loretan, Luzern in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

GRAULICH, Markus / WEIMANN, Ralph: Taufvorbereitung und Taufgespräch, Regensburg:  Pustet Verlag,  2019. - 96 (August Laumer, Augsburg, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

GREENBLATT, Stephen: The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve,  New York: W.W. Norton, 2017. -  XI, 419 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

GREIF, Geoffrey L. / WOOLLEY, Michael E.: Adult Sibling Relationships, New York: Columbia University Press, 2016. - XI, 310  (Wendy M. Louis, Singapore in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

GRILLO, Andrea: Indissolubile? Contributo al dibattito sui divorziati risposati, Assisi: Cittadella, 2014. - 90 (Benno Malfèr, Bozen in: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

GROES, Christian / FERNANDEZ, Nadine T. (eds.): Intimate Mobilities : Sexual Economies, Marriage and Migration in a Disparate World, New York-Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2018. -  IX, 238 (Petri Assenga, Nairobi in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

GROOS, Maria / SURZYKIEWICZ, Janusz (Hg.):  Kann man so lieben? Beiträge der 3. Internationalen Tagung zur Theologie des Leibes in Eichstätt,  St. Ottilien:  EOS Verlag, 2018. - 356  (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

GROSSMAN, Joanna L. / FRIEDMAN, Lawrence: Inside the Castle: Law and the Family in 20th Century America, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014. - 456 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

GSCHWANDTER, Christina:  Degrees of Givenness: On Saturation in Jean-Luc Marion,  Bloomington:  Indiana University Press ,  2014. -  304 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

GUERRIERO, E. (a cura de), Santa Gianna Beretta Molla: Lettere al marito, Cinisello BalsamoSan Paolo, 2005, 184 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 143)

GUSMITTA, Pier Luigi: Verso le vette dell'amore: percorsi si spiritualità coniugale e familiare, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2006. - 194 (Stefano Stimamiglio, Roma in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

GUYNN, Noah D., Allegory and Sexual Ethics in the High Middle Ages, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 256 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 259-260)


HAAG, Herbert e.a., Great Couples of the Bible, Minneapolis, MN, Fortress Press, 2006, 192 (Beate Kowalski, Dortmund in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 296)

HALFORD, W. Kim: Marriage and Relationship Education: What Works and How to Provide It, New York: Guilford Press, 2011. - XVII, 299 (Giulia P. Di Nicola, Teramo in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

HALWANI, Raja: Philosophy of Love, Sex, and Marriage: An Introduction, New York: Routledge, 2010. - 344 (Denis Toohey, Grange, SA, Australia, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

HANLON RUBIO, Julie: Family Ethics: Practices for Christians, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2010. - XII, 260 (Daniel J. Olsen, Minnesota in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

HANSEN, Hartwig: Respekt - Der Schlüssel zur Partnerschaft, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 2008. - 144 (Jochen Sautermeister, München in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

HANSEN H.: Die Liebe wiederfinden (Jochen Sautermeister in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

HARDER, Ulf: Prävention in der Seelsorge: Vorgestellt am Beispiel der Eheseelsorge, Nuekirchen: Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft, 2012. - 507 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

HARGRAVE, Terry D. / ZASOWSKI, Nicole E.:  Families and Forgiveness: Healing Wounds in the Intergenerational Family, 2nd Edition,  New York:  Routledge,  2017. -  XI, 199

HARPER, K.: From Shame to Sin (Adrian Thatcher in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

HARRIS, Alana (ed.): The Schism of ’68: Catholicism, Contraception and Humanae Vitae in Europe, 1945-1975 (Genders and Sexuality in History), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. - 377 (William J.

LeMaire,  Miami, FL in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

HARSCH, Donna, Revenge of the Domestic: Women, the Family, and Communism in the German Democratic Republic, Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2006, 368 (Georgi Verbeeck, Maastricht in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 271-272)

HART-BRINSON, Peter: The Gay Marriage Generation: How the LGBTQ Movement Transformed American Culture, New York: New York University Press, 2018. -  293 (Frederick J. Parrella, Santa Clara in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

HARTMANN, Richard: Was kommt nach der Pfarrgemeinde? Chancen und Perspektiven, Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2013. - 104 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

HASLBECK, Alfred / MAYER, Anneliese: Ehe-, Familien-, und Lebensberatung in Kirche und Gesellschaft: Theorie und Praxis, München: Institut für Forschung und Ausbildung in Kommunikationstherapie, 2010. - (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

HASTETTER, Michaela C.: in der Liebe bleiben: Pastoraltheologische Erwägungen zu Ehe und Familie, Heiligenkreuz: Be&Be-Verlag, 2019. - 136 (Tim Zeelen, Augsburg, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

HATTERY, Angela J. / SMITH, Earl: African American Families Today: Myths and Realities, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2012. - 210 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

HEATH, Melanie: One Marriage under God: The Campaign to Promote Marriage in America, New York: New York University Press, 2012. - 273 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

HEIDBRINK, Lauren: Migrant Youth, Transnational Families, and the State: Care and Contested Interests, Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014. - 208 (Sahayadas Fernando, Roma, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

HEIDEL, Caris-Petra (Hg.): Sexualität und Judentum (Medizin und Judentum; 14), Frankfurt am Main: Mabuse,  2018. -  352 (Michael Tilly, Tübingen, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

HEIDL, Sabine: Psychische Störungen und ihre Begutachtung im Ehenichtigkeitsprozess, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2009. - 218 (Heinz-Meinolf Stamm, Rom in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

HEIN, Detlef, Spiritualität in Partnerschaft: Grundlagen und Perspektiven psychologischer Paarberatung, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2005, 328 (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 123-125)

HENNECKE, Christian / SAMSON-OHLENDORF, Mechthild: Die Rückkehr der Verantwortung: Kleine Christliche Gemeinschaften als Kirche der Nähe, Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2011. - 216 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

HENNECKE, Christian / VIECENS, Gabrielle: Gottes Design entdecken - Was der Geist den Gemeinden sagt,  Würzburg:  Echter,  2017. - 184 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

HENNECKE, Christian (Hgr.): Kirche geht…: Die Dynamik lokaler Kirchenentwicklung, Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 271 (Hubertus Lutterbach, Essen in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

HEPPERLE, Ursula: Die Stellung der Frau im islamisch-sunnitischen und römisch-katholischen Eherecht: Ein Rechtsvergleich, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2006. - 168 (Heinz-Meinolf Stamm, Rom in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

HERLBERT, Étienne / GAILLOT, Gisèle / Pastorale Familiale du Diocèse de Strasbourg: Mariage, alliance d'amour : un itinéraire catéchétique, St Barthélémy d'Anjou: CRER, 2008. - 112 (Stefano Stimamiglio, Roma in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

HESTER, Marianne / PEARSON, Chris / HARWIN, Nicola: Making an Impact: Children and Domestic Violence: A Reader, London: Jessica Kingsley, 2006. - 288 (Ann L. Gilroy, Auckland, NZ in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

HILL, Reuben: Family Development in Three Generations: A Longitudinal Study of Changing Patterns of Planning and Achievement, New Brunswick-London: Transaction Publishers, 2007. - 424 (Elisabetta Ruspini, Milano in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

HILPERT, Konrad / LEIMGRUBER, Stephan / SAUTERMEISTER, Jochen / WERNER, Gunda  (Hrsg.): Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Raum von Kirche: Analysen – Bilanzierungen – Perspektiven,  Freiburg: Herder Verlag,  2020. -  447 (Katharina Ebner, Würzburg in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

HILSMAN, Gordon J.: Intimate Spirituality: The Catholic Way of Love & Sex, Lanham: Sheed & Ward, 2007. - 187 (Denis Toohey, Fulham Gardens, SA in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

HIMBAZA, Innocent / / SCHENKER, Adrien / EDART, Jean-Baptiste, Clarifications sur l'homosexualité dans la Bible, Paris, Editions du Cerf, 2007, 120 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 290-292)

HIRSCHLE, Jochen: Eine unmögliche Liebe : zur Entstehung intimer Beziehungen, Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2007. - 255 (Corinna Onnen, Vechta, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

HÖDL, Hans Gerald / POCK, Johann Pock / SCHWEIGHOFER, Teresa (Hg.): Christliche Rituale im Wandel: Schlaglichter aus theologischer und religionswissenschaftlicher Sicht (Wiener Forum für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft 14), Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2017. - 266  (Sebastian Eck, Duisburg-Essen  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

HOEFT, Jeanne M. : Agency, Culture, and Human Personhood: Pastoral Thelogy and Intimate Partner Violence (Princeton Theological Monograph Series; 97), Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2009. - XIV, 175 ( Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

HOFMANN, Liane / HEISE, Patrizia (Hg.):  Spiritualität und spirituelle Krisen: Handbuch zu Theorie, Forschung und Praxis,  Stuttgart:  Schattauer,  2017. -  XXXII, 494

HOFFMEISTER, Dieter: Mythos Familie: Zur soziologischen Theorie familialen Wandels, Opladen: Leske & Budrich Verlag, 2001. - 408 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Bad Zwichenahn in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

HÖLLINGER, Stephanie: Ansprüche an Ehe und Partnerschaft: Ein theologischer Beitrag zu einer beziehungsethischen Herausforderung (Studien der Moraltheologie, Neue Folge; 11),  Münster: Aschendorff Verlag,  2019. -  405 (Gerhard Kruip, Mainz in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

HOLMBERG, Diane / ORBUCH, Terri L. / VEROFF, Joseph, Thrice Told Tales: Married Couples Tell Their Stories, Mahwah, NJ, Erlbaum, 2004, XIII, 231 (Paul R. Giblin, Chicago in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 117)

HOLZEM Andreas / WEBER, Ines / BAUER, Dieter R.: Ehe - Familie - Verwandtschaft: Vergesellschaftung zwischen Religion und sozialer Lebenswelt, Paderborn: Schöningh, 2007. - 481 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

HOMOLKA, Walter: Das Jüdische Eherecht, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2009. - 325 (Heinz-Meinolf Stamm, Paderborn in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

HORN, Cornelia / PHENIX, Robert (eds.): Children in Late Ancient Christianity (Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity ; 58), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2009. - XXVI, 497 (Johan Leemans, Leuven in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

HORN, Ute, Ich will dir treu sein: Partnerschaft, die ein Leben lang hält, Asslar, Gerth Medien, 2001, 173 (Gerhard Tenholt, Münster in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 282-283)

HORSCH, Silvia / KISI, Melahat / KLAUSING, Kathrin / ABDEL-RAHMAN, Annett: Der Islam und die Geschlechterfrage: Theologische, gesellschaftliche, historische und praktische Aspekte einer Debatte, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019. -  296 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

HÖVER, Gerhard / DE KRUIJF, Gerrit / O'DONOVAN, Oliver / WANNENWETSCH, Bernd (Hg.): Die Familie im neuen Europa : ethische Herausforderungen und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2008. - 358 (Gerhard Marschütz, Wien in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

HUDSON, Valerie M. / BALLIFF-SPANVILL, Bonnie / CAPRIOLI, Mary / EMMETT, Chad F.: Sex and World Peace, New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. - 304 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

HUGHES, Jim: C Through Marriage: Revitalizing Your Vows, Mustang: Tate Publishing, 2009. - 216 (Denis Toohey, Fulham Gardens, SA in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

HULL, Kathleen, E., Same-Sex Marriage: The Cultural Politics of Love and Law, Cambridge University Press, 2006, 294 (Timothy J. Buckley, Hampshire, UK in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 139-140)

HUNTER, David G.: Marriage, Celibacy, and Heresy in Ancient Christianity: The Jovinianist Controversy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. - 316 (Ralf Miggelbrink, Essen in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

HUNTER, Tera W.:  Bound in Wedlock: Slave and Free Black Marriage in the Nineteenth Century,  Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard university Press,  2017. -  V, 404 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

HYLAND, Lucy:  Marital Separation in Contemporary Ireland: Women’s Experiences, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2016. - XII, 229 (Elizabeth Butterfield, Wolverhampton, UK in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)



IBN TALAL, Ghazi ibn Muhammad: Love in the Holy Qur'an, Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 2013. - 400 (Ann Loades, Durham, UK in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

INGRAHAM, Chrys: White Weddings: Romancing Heterosexuality in Popular Culture, Oxford: Routledge, 2006. - 208 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)
IPSEN, Avaren: Sex Working and the Bible, London-Oakville: Equinox, 2009. - X, 237 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

IRWIN, Kevin W.: The Sacraments: Historical Foundations & Liturgical Theology; New York: Paulist Press, 2016. - 388 (Angela McCarthy, Fremantle, Australia in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

IVES, Yossi / COX, Elaine:  Relationship Coaching: The Theory and Practice of Coaching with Singles, Couples, and Parents,  London:  Routledge,  2015. - XI, 177 (Elzbieta Osewska, Niepolomice, Poland in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)



JACKSON, Timothy P. (ed.): The Best Love of the Child: Being Loved and Being Taught to Love as the First Human Right, Grand Rapids, MI-Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans, 2011. - XXV, 386 (Machteld Reynaert, Leuven in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

JACKSON, Timothy P.: The Priority of Love : Christian Charity and Social Justice, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003. - XIX, 229 (Sahayadas Fernando, Roma, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

JACOBSON, Cardell K. / BURTON, Lara (eds.): Modern Polygamy in the United States: Historical, Cultural, and Legal Issues, New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. - 384 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

JACQUEMIN, Dominique: Vers une éthique pour la famille,  Namur/Paris: Lessius, 2014. - 239 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

JALLINOJA, Riitta / WIDMER, Eric D. (eds.): Families and Kinship in Contemporary Europe : Rules and Practices of Relatedness, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. - XIV, 278 (Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

JANKOWIAK, William R. (ed.): Intimacies: Love and Sex Across Cultures, New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. - VIII, 290 Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

JEANROND, Werner G.: A Theology of Love, London: T&T Clark, 2010. - XIV, 292 (Doris Kieser, Edmonton, Canada in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011)

JELLOUSCHEK, H. / JELLOUSCHEK-OTTO, B.: Grenzen der Liebe (Geert Faseur in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

JENKINS, Claire: Home Movies: The American Family in Contemporary Hollywood Cinema, London: I.B. Tauris, 2012. - (Jack A. Dick, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

JENSEN, David Hadley: God, Desire, and a Theology of Human Sexuality, Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2013. - 170 (Denis Toohey, Grange, SA, Australia in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

JENSON, Robert W.: Song of Songs (Interpretation: A Bible commentary for Teaching and Preaching), Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2005. - 106 (Reinhart Ceulemans, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

JEYNES, William / MARTINEZ, Enedina (Eds.): Ministering Spiritually to Families     New York: Springer, 2015. - XVIII, 212 (Denis Toohey, Grange, SA, Australia in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

JOHN, Anselm Martin: Das Gelingen der Liebe: Jürg Willis Konzept der partnerschaftlichen Koevolution als Beitrag für die Ehetheologie (Studien zur theologischen Ethik; 150), Würzburg:  Echter Verlag, 2017.- 408 (Stephanie Höllinger, Mainz in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

JOHNSON, Matthew D.: Great Myths of intimate Relationships: Dating, Sex, and Marriage , Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell, 2016. -  XII, 249 (Randall Woodard, Saint Leo, FL in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

JOHNSON, S.: The Love Secret (Randall Woodard in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

JOIN-LAMBERT, Arnaud / ROUTHIER, Gilles (dir.): Faire nôtre l'exhortation Amoris laetitia (Pastorale et vie),  Paris-Montréal: Médiaspaul, 2020. -  154 (François-Xavier Amherdt, Fribourg in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

JONES, Fiona / BURKE, Ronald J. / WESTMAN, Mina (eds.): Work-Life Balance: A Psychological Perspective, London: Psychology Press, 2006. - 320 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Bad Zwichenahn in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

JONES, Timothy W.: Sexual Politics in the Church of England, 1857-1957, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. - 240 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

JORDAN, Mark D. / SWEENEY, Meghan T. / MELLOTT, David M., Authorizing marriage? : Canon, Tradition, and Critique in the Blessing of Same-Sex Unions, Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2006, VIII, 199 (Basilio Petrà, Firenze in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 294-296)

JORDAN, Mark D., Blessing Same-Sex Unions: The Perils of Queer Romance and the Confusions of Christian Marriage, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2005, X, 258 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 292)

JORDAN, Mark D.: Recruiting Young Love : How Christians Talk About Homosexuality, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011. - 296 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

JULE, A. / TATE, B. (eds.), Being Christian, Being Feminist: Essays on Feminism and Religious Faith, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 224 (Elvira Roncalli, Helena, Montana in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 270-272)

JULIOS, Christina: Forced Marriage and 'Honour' Killings in Britain: Private Lives, Community Crimes and Public Policy Perspectives, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2015. - 180 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)



KAMALUDIN, Muhammad: Cultural Perception of Marriage Among Muslims, Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2016. - XXII, 216 (Ann Loades, St. Andrews, Scotland in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

KAPELLA, Olaf / RILLE-PFEIFFER, Christiane / RUPP, Marina / SCHNEIDER, Norbert F. (eds): Family Diversity : Collection of the 3rd European Congress of Family Science, Leverkussen Opladen: Barbara Budrich, 2010. - 292 (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011)

KARGER-KROLL, Anna / KARGER, Michael / TSCHORN, Christopher (Hg.): Beziehungsstatus: kompliziert: Das kirchliche Leitbild von Ehe und Familie in Konfrontation mit der sozialen Wirklichkeit, Freiburg: Herder Verlag,  2018. -  199 (August Laumer, Augsburg in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

KARL, K. (Hg.): Scheitern und Glauben als Herausforderung (Richard Hartmann in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

KARLE, Isolde: Liebe in der Moderne: Körperlichkeit, Sexualität und Ehe, Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2014. - 224 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

KASPER, Walter: Pope Francis' Revolution of Tenderness and Love: Theological & Pastoral Perspectives, New York: Paulist Press,  (Doris Kieser, Edmonton, Canada in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

KATZINGER, Gerlinde: Berühmte Paare der Weltliteratur im Spiegel des kanonischen Eherechts, Wien-Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2008. - 134 (Rüdiger Schnell, Tübingen in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

KEENAN, James F.: A History of Catholic Theological Ethics, Mahwah, NJ:  Paulist Press,  2022. - XXI, 434 (Todd A. Salzmann, Omaha, NE in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

KELLERMANN, Ulrich:  Eheschließungen im frühen Judentum: Studien zur Rezeption der Leviratstora, zu den Eheschließungsritualen im Tobitbuch und zu den Ehen der Samaritanerin in Johannes 4,  Berlin-Münster-Boston, MA:  William de Gruyter, 2015. -  XI, 272 (Michael Tilly, Landau  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

KERMANI, S. Zohreh: Pagan Family Values: Childhood and the Religious Imagination in Contemporary American Paganism, New York: New York University Press, 2013. - 250 (Ann Loades, Durham, UK in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

KERTZER, David I. / BARBAGLI, M. (eds.): Family Life in the Twentieth Century: The History of the European Family: Volume 3, New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2004. - XLIV, 450 (Michael A. Fahey, Boston, MA in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

KHONDE, Godefroid-Léon: L'amour conjugal comme "totalité et "espérance": Une lecture patristique à la lumière de Saint Augustin, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2015. -  205 (David Dawson Vásquez, Rome, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

KHONDE, Godefroid-Léon: Inculturation chrétienne du mariage au Congo: Problèmes et perspectives,  Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2015. -  400 (Bernard Kasamata, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

KIESER, Doris M.: Catholic Sexual Theology and Adolescent Girls: Embodied Flourishing, Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2015. - 221 (Ann Loades, Durham, UK in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

KILLEEN, Brendan: What brings a marriage into existence? : A Historical Re-examination of the Canon Law of the Latin Church Scranton, PA University of Scranton Press 2009 (Rüdiger Schnell, Tübingen in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

KING, Jason / HANLON RUBIO, Julie (eds.): Sex, Love, and Families: Catholic Perspectives, Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press,  2020. -  315 (Nev Reyes-Espiritu, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

KIßGEN, Rüdiger / HEINEN, Norbert (Hg.):  Trennung, Tod und Trauer in den ersten Lebensjahren : Begleitung und Beratung von Kindern und Eltern,  Stuttgart:  Klett-Cotta,  2014. -  247 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

KIRCHLER, E. / RODLER, C. / HÖLZL, E. / MEIER, K., Conflict and Decision-Making in Close Relationships: Love, Money and Daily Routines, London, Psychology Press, 2001, IX, 262 ( Joris Ghysels, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 134-135)

KLEIN, Marty: America's War on Sex: The Attack on Law, Lust and Liberty, Westport: Greenwood Press, 2006. - 232 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

KLÖCKER, Katharina / LAUBACH, Thomas / SAUTERMEISTER, Jochen (Hg.): Gender - Herausforderung für die christliche Ethik (Jahrbuch für Moraltheologie; 1),   Freiburg-Basel-Wien: Herder,  2017. -  263 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

KNAUSS, Stefanie: More than a provocation: sexuality, media and theology, Bristol, CT: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2014. - 230 (Filipe Domingues, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

KNOP Julia: Beziehungsweise: Theologie der Ehe, Partnerschaft und Familie. 1. Auflage, Regensburg: Pustet Verlag, 2019. -  380  (August Laumer, Augsburg  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

KNOP Julia / LOFFELD, Jan (Hrsg.): Ganz familiär: Die Bischofssynode 2014/2015 in der Debatte, Regensburg: Pustet Verlag, 2016. - 147 (Martin M. Lintner, Brixen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

KNUST, Jennifer Wright, Abandoned to Lust: Sexual Slander and Ancient Christianity, New York, Columbia University Press, 2006, XVIII, 279 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 259-260)

KOLTUN-FROMM, Naomi: Hermeneutics of Holiness : Ancient Jewish and Christian Notions of Sexuality and Religious Community, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. - XVI, 309 ( Michael Tilly, Landau in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

KÖNIG, Wolfgang:  Das Kondom: Zur Geschichte der Sexualität vom Kaiserreich bis in die Gegenwart, Stuttgart:  Franz Steiner Verlag,  2016. -  233 (Jessica Scheiper, Bonn in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

KOPP, Isabell' Lieselotte: Nichteheliche Lebensgemeinschaften versus Ehe?: Eine theologisch-ethische Auseinandersetzung mit der Sinnhaftigkeit angemessener Lebensformen der Geschlechterbeziehung, Münster : LIT Verlag, 2000. - 144 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

KOPP, J. / LOIS, D. / KUNZ, C. / ARRANZ BECKER, O.:         Verliebt, verlobt, verheiratet: Institutionalisierungsprozesse in Partnerschaften, Wiesbaden: Springer, 2010. - 243 (Arnd Bünker, St. Gallen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

KÖRNER, Johanna:  Sexualität und Geschlecht bei Paulus: Die Spannung zwischen "Inklusivität" und "Exklusivität" des paulinischen Ethos am Beispiel der Sexual- und Geschlechterrollenethik (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen
zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe; 512), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020. -  XIII, 332 (Michael Tilly, Tübingen , in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

KOWALEWSKI-JONES, Lori / WOLFINGER, Nicholas H. (eds.), Fragile Families and the Marriage Agenda, Heidelberg, Springer, 2006, 254 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 129-130)

KOWALSKI, Anthony P., Married Catholic Priests: Their History, Their Journeys, Their Reflections, New York, Crossroad, 2004, XI, 264 (Thomas M. Kelly, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 275-276)

KRAFT, Maria: Märchenhaft und mörderisch: Ehealltag im Märchen,  Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010. - 176 (Bernard Sill, Eichstätt  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

KRÄMER, Barbara / THULL, Philipp (Hg.):  Der Codex Iuris Canonici im Wandel: Entwicklungslinien vom CIC/1917 bis heute,  Würzburg:  Echter,  2021. -  176

KRANEMANN, Benedikt / HAKE, Joachim (Hg.), Hochzeit - Rituale der Intimität, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2006, 140 (Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Leuven in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 141-142)

KRANEMANN, Benedikt / WIJLENS, Myriam (Hg.): Gesendet in den Weinberg des Herrn: Laien in der katholischen Kirche heute und morgen, Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2010. - 200 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

KRAUS, Clyde Norman: On Being Human: Sexual Orientation and the Image of God, Eugene, OR: Cascade Books (Wipf and Stock), 2012. - 130 (Sahayadas Fernando, Roma, in: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

KRAUS, Melanie-Katharina:  Richterkollegium, Ehebandverteidiger und II. Instanz in Ehenichtigkeitsverfahren: Entstehung und Entwicklung (Adnotationes In Ius Canonicum 57),  Berlin:  Peter Lang,  2020. -  166

KRAUSE, Katharina / STETTER, Manuel / WEYEL, Birgit (Hg.): Kasualien als Familienfeste: Familienkonstitution durch Ritualpraxis, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2022. -  241 (Richard Hartmann, Bensheim in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

KRETZ, Dietmar: Freiheit und Liebe: Eine Studie zum Ehesakrament, Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2011. - 330 (Gerhard Marschütz, Wien in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

KRISTEVA, Julia / SOLLERS, Philippe:  Du mariage considéré comme un des beaux-arts,  Paris: Fayard, 2015. -  164 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen,  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

KROHN, Wiebke: Das Problem kirchlicher Amtshandlungen an gleichgeschlechtlichen Paaren: Sozialwissenschaftliche, theologische, ethische, poimenische und liturgiewissenschaftliche Perspektiven Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2011. - 335 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

KRÖNCKE, Meike: Beyond the Family: Inszenierungen von Gemeinschaft in der zeitgenössischen Fotografie, Stuttgart: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2012. - 257 "(Hubertus Lutterbach, Essen in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

KÜLLING, Heinz: Ehe und Ehelosigkeit bei Paulus: Eine Auslegung zu 1 Kor 6,12-7,40, Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 2008. - 194 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

KÜLLING, Heinz:  Mann und Frau, Eltern und Kinder als Bewohner ihres Hauses in den Pastoralbriefen,  Zürich:  Theologischer Verlag, 2017. -  170 (Michael Tilly, Tübingen, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

KÜLLING, Heinz: Die Ordnung der Liebe: Zum Begriff Haupt in der Beziehung von Mann und Frau. Eine Auslegung zu 1 Kor 11,2-6 und Eph 5,21-33, Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 2011. - 149 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

KUMLEHN, Martina / KUBIK, Andreas (Hg.): Konstrukte gelingenden Alterns, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2012. - 250 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br.  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

KUNZE, Rolf-Ulrich: Lehrbuch Familiengeschichte: Eine Ressource der Zeitgeschichte, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2019. -  232 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

KUNZ-LÜBCKE, Andreas / LUX, Rüdiger (Hg).: "Schaffe mir Kinder...": Beiträge zur Kindheit im alten Israel und in seinen Nachbarkulturen, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlaganstalt, 2006. - 224 (Christoph Kiworr, Mainz in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

KWIATKOWSKI, Przemyslaw: Lo sposo passa per questa strada...: La spiritualita' coniugale nel pensiero di Karol Wojtila. Le origini. Siena: Cantagalli, 2011. - 544 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)



LABOVITZ, Gail: Marriage and Metaphor: Constructions of Gender in Rabbinic Literature, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009. - X, 289 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

LACHKAR, Joan:  Common Complaints in Couple Therapy: New Approaches to Treating Marital Conflict, New York:  Routledge,  2014. -  187 (Sally McElroy, Fife, Scotland in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

LACROIX, Xavier: Avons-nous encore une âme?, Paris: Salvator, 2017. -  154 (Bernard de Cock OP, Gent in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

LAMPARD, Richard / PEGGS, Kay: Identity and Repartnering after Separation, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - VII, 255 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

LANG, Hermann: Gestörte Sexualität : Ursachen, Erscheinungsformen, Therapie, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2009. - 191 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

LANGENDÖRFER, Hans / TANNER-TIZIANI, Erwin: Theologie der Liebe: Zur aktuellen Debatte um Ehe und Familie, Freiburg: Herder Verlag, 2015. - (Gerhard Höver, Bonn in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

LANSFORD, Jennifer E. / DEATER-DECKARD , Kirby / BORNSTEIN, Marc H. (eds.): Immigrant Families in Contemporary Society (Duke Series in Child Develpm and Pub Pol), New York: Guilford Press, 2007. - 336 (Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

LASNOSKI, Kent J.: Vocation to Virtue: Christian Marriage as a Consecrated Life, Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 2014. -  264 (Gustavo Cavagnari, Rome   in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

LAWRENCE, Raymond J.: Sexual Liberation: The Scandal of Christendom, Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2007. - XIX, 192 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

LAWSON, Kevin A. (ed.): Understanding Children's Spirituality: Theology, Research, and Practice, Eugene, OR: Cascade Books (Wipf and Stock), 2012. - 454 (Maryana Hnyp, Leuven in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

LAYCOCK, Douglas / PICARELLO, Anthony R., Jr. / FRETWELL WILSON, Robin Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty: Emerging Conflicts Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. - 344 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

LEE, Jason: Sex Robots: The Future of Desire, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. - V, 65 (Sahayadas Fernando, Roma in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

LEFEBVRE, Philippe / DE MONTALEMBERT, Viviane: Un homme, une femme et Dieu : pour une théologie biblique de l'identité sexuée, Paris: Editions du Cerf, 2007. - 468 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

LEFKOVITZ, Alison: Strange Bedfellows : Marriage in the Age of Women's Liberation, Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018. - 273 (James J. Ponzetti, Vancouver, WA in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

LEGRAIN, Michel: (Tome I) L'Eglise catholique et le mariage en Occident et en Afrique: L'Eglise catholique entre méfiance et espérance, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. - 176 (Michael G. Lawler, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

LEGRAIN, Michel: (Tome II) L'Eglise catholique et le mariage en Occident et en Afrique: L'ébranlement de l'édifice matrimonial, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. - 430 (Michael G. Lawler, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

LEGRAIN, Michel: (Tome III) L'Eglise catholique et le mariage en Occident et en Afrique: Inquiétudes des catholiques en Afrique, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. - 430 (Michael G. Lawler, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

LEMONS, Katherine: Divorcing Traditions : Islamic Marriage Law and the Making of Indian Secularism, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2019. - X, 232 (Thou Ngaoni, Leuven) in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

LEONARD, Suzanne:  Wife, Inc.: The Business of Marriage in the Twenty-First Century,  New York:  New York University Press,  2018. -  254  (James J. Ponzetti, Vancouver, USA  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

LEONE, Salvino: Etica della vita affettiva, Bologna: Dehoniane Bologna Edizioni, 2006. - 368 (Vittorio Moggi, Sant'Ilario d'Enza (RE) in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

LEVERING, Matthew: The Indissolubility of Marriage: Amoris Laetitia in Context, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2019. -  223 (David Dawson Vasquez, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

LEVINE, Etan: Marital Relations in Ancient Judaism, Wiessbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009. - XVI, 349 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

LEVY, Isabelle: Vivre en couple mixte: quand les religions s'emmêlent, Paris: Presses de la Renaissance, 2007. - 277 (Stefano Stimamiglio, Milano in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

LEWIS, Suzan / BRANNEN, Julia / NILSEN, Ann: Work, Families and Organisations in Transition: European Perspectives, Bristol: Policy Press, 2009. - 232 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Vechta in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

LINDBERG, Carter, Love: A Brief History Through Western Christianity, Malden, MA, Blackwell Publishing, 2008, 208 (Michael A. Fahey, Boston, MA in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 258)

LINDEMANN, Danielle J.: Commuter Spouses : New Families in a Changing World, Ithaca, NY: ILR Press,  2019. - X, 182 (Celia Y.S. Tsui, Hong Kong in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

LINTNER, Martin M.: La Riscoperta dell'eros: Chiesa, sessualità e relazioni umane, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2015. - 200 (Francesco Pesce, Rome/Trevisi in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

LIPTON, E.: Affections of the Mind (Rudiger Schnell in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

LISCHKA, Marion: Liebe als Ritual: Eheanbahnung und Brautwerbung in der frühneuzeitlichen Grafschaft Lippe,  Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag, 2006. - 419 (Rüdiger Schnell, Tübingen in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

LOADER, William R. G.: Enoch, Levi, and Jubilees on sexuality : attitudes towards sexuality in the early Enoch literature, the Aramaic Levi document, and the Book of Jubilees, Grand Rapids-Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2007. - VIII, 350 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

LOADER, William R. G.: Sexuality and the Jesus Tradition, Grand Rapids-Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2005. - VIII, 288 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

LOADER, William R. G.: The Septuagint, Sexuality, and the New Testament: Case Studies on the Impact of the LXX in Philo and the New Testament, Grand Rapids-Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2004. - X, 163 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

LOADER, William R. G.: The Dead Sea Scrolls on Sexuality: Attitudes towards Sexuality in Sectarian and Related Literature at Qumran, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2009. - (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

LOADER, William R. G.: Philo, Josephus, and the Testaments on Sexuality: Attitudes Towards Sexuality in the Writings of Philo and Josephus and in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriachs, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2011. - 488 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

LOADER, William R.G.: Sexuality in the New Testament: Understanding the Key Texts, London: SPCK, 2010. - 176 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

LOADER, William R. G. / BALLA, Ibolya: The Pseudepigrapha on Sexuality: Attitudes Towards Sexuality in Apocalypses, Testaments, Legends, Wisdom, and Related Literature, Grand Rapids, MI :Eerdmans, 2011. (Michael Tilly, Landauin: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

LOADER, William R. G.:The New Testament on Sexuality, Grand Rapids, MI :Eerdmans, 2012. - 575 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

LOADER, William R. G.: Making Sense of Sex: Attitudes towards Sexuality in Early Jewish and Christian Literature, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2013. - 176( Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review (2014)

LOBBIA, Giovanna / TRASFORINI, Lisa: Voglio una mamma e un papà: Coppie omosessuali, famiglie atipiche e adozione, Milano: Ancora Editrice, 2006. - 132 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

LÖHNIG, Martin (Hg): Kulturkampf um die Ehe: Reform des europäischen Eherechts nach dem Großen Krieg, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021. - VIII, 522 (Rémy Lebrun, Berne-Fribourg in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

LOMBARDI, Daniela: Storia del matrimonio: Dal Medioevo a oggi, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2008. - 296 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

LOUGHLIN, Gerard (ed.): Queer Theology: Rethinking the Western Body, Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2007. - XIII, 351 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

LOWE, Roger, Family Therapy: A Constructive Framework, London, Sage, 2004, 224 (Alfons Vansteenwegen, Leuven in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 140)

LÜDICKE, Klaus, "Dignitas Connubii": Die Eheprozessordnung der katholischen Kirche, Essen, Ludgerus, 2005, XIII, 419 (Heinz-Meinolf Stamm, Rom in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 288-290)

LUHMANN, Niklas: Love: A Sketch, Oxford: Polity Press, 2010. - 100 (Keith Chappell, Oxford, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

LUTZ, Ronald (Hg.): Erschöpfte Familien: Über die vielfältigen Überforderungen heutiger Familien, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2012. - (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

LUYENS, Maureen / VANSTEENWEGEN, Alfons, Trotz aller Liebe: Wie überstehen wir den Seitensprung?, Heidelberg, Carl-Auer, 2006, 170 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 140-141)

LYONS, Andrew / LYONS, Harriet (eds.): Sexualities in Anthropology: A Reader, Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. - 408 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)



MACCALLINI BELLI, Maria Paola, Il matrimonio nell'arte, Milano, Ancora, 2005, 256 (Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Leuven in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 142-143)

MACEDO, Stephen: Just Married: Same-Sex Couples, Monogamy, and the Future of Marriage, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2015. - 320 (Michael Lawler, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

MACHA, Hildegard / WITZKE, Monika (Hg.): Handbuch der Erziehungswissenschaft. 5 : Familie, Paderborn: Schöningh Verlag, 2011. - VI, 549 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

MacMANUS Susanne Krejsa / FIALA, Christian: Der Detektiv der fruchtbaren Tage. Die Geschichte des Gynäkologen Hermann Knaus (1892-1970),  Wien: Verlagshaus der Ärzte,  2017. -  272 (Harry Van der Pas, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

MACVARISH, Jan: Neuroparenting: The Expert Invasion of Family Life, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. - IX, 116 (Pui-ling Chau, Milton Keynes, UK in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

MAHR, Melanie: Reden ist Gold … – Vom Umgang mit Sexualität bei Jugendlichen: Eine empirisch-qualitative Studie zur Situation der Sexualpädagogik im Kontext katholischer, vollstationärer Einrichtungen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe,  Würzburg:  Echter,  2020, - 250 (Stefan Gärtner, Tilburg in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

MARCUS-NEWHALL, Amy / HALPERN, Diane F. / TAN, Sherylle J. The Changing Realities of Work and Family Malden, MA Wiley-Blackwell 2008 320 (Corinna Onnen, Vechta in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

MARENGO, Gilfredo:  Generare nell'amore: La missione della famiglia cristiana nell’insegnamento ecclesiale dal Vaticano II a oggi,  Assisi:  Cittadella,  2014. -  387

MARENGO, Gilfredo:  Chiesa sesso amore: Le relazioni «pericolose»,  Cinisello Balsamo:  San Paolo Edizioni,  2021. -  222

MARQUARDT, Elizabeth: The Revolution in Parenthood: The Emerging Global Clash Between Adult Rights and Children's Needs, New York: Institute for American Values, 2006. - 44 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

MARGULIES, Sam: Working with Divorcing Spouses: How to Help Clients Navigate the Emotional and Legal Minefield, New York: Guilford Press, 2007. - 336 ( Peter Assenga, Nairobi, Kenya in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

MARISSAL, Claudine: Mères et pères: Le défi de l'égalite. Belgique, 19e - 21e siècle / Moeders en vaders: geen vanzelfsprekende gelijkheid. België, 19de - 21ste eeuw,  Bruxelles/Brussel: Institut pour l'égalité des femmes et des hommes/Instituut voor de gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen,  2018. -  206 (Els Agten, Hasselt in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

MARKS, Susan: First Came Marriage: The Rabbinic Appropriation of Early Jewish Wedding Ritual, Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2013. -272 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

MARTIN, Dale B.: Sex and the Single Savior: Gender and Sexuality in Biblical Interpretation, Louisville-London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2006. - XII, 268 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

MARTIN, James SJ:  Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity,  San Francisco: HarperCollins,  2017. -  150 (Jochen Sautermeister, Bonn in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019) - Full text English - Deutsch

MARTIN-PREVEL, Michel: Lettre aux divorcés, Nouan-le-Fuzelier: Editions des Béatitudes, 2005 (Petits traités spirituels, Série 3 Bonheur chrétien; 28). - 103 (Giulia P. Di Nicola, Teramo in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

MARTSCHUKAT, Jürgen: American Fatherhood: A History, New York, NY: New York University Press, 2019. -  352 (Jack A. Dick, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

MARTY, Martin E.: The Mystery of the Child, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2007. - 269 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

MARTYN, Dorothy W.: Beyond Deserving: Children, Parents and Responsibility Revisited, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2007. - 192 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

MARX, Kardinal Reinhard / KOCH, Erzbischof Heiner / BODE, Bischof Franz-Josef: Damit Familien eine Zukunft haben: Analysen, Perspektiven, Ermutigungen, Leipzig: St. Benno Verlag, 2015. - (Gerhard Höver, Bonn in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

MARY, Michael: Erlebte Beratung mit Paaren,  Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 2008. - 180 (Heinz-Meinolf Stamm, Rom in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

MASON, Mary Ann / MASON EKMAN, Eve Mothers on the Fast Track : How a Generation Can Balance Family and Careers Oxford Oxford University Press 2009 168 (Claire Wolfteich, Boston, MA, USA in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

MASTERSON, Mark / SORKIN RABINOWITZ, Nancy / ROBSON, James: Sex in Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World, London-New York: Routledge,  2015. -  XX, 567 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

MASTROFINI, F.: Né castello né prigione Gustavo Cavagnari in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

MATTER-BACON, Nicole: Städtische Ehepaare im Spätmittelalter: Verhaltensmuster und Handlungsspielräume im Zürich des 15. Jahrhunderts, Marburg: Tectum Verlag, 2016. -  412 (Rüdiger Schnell, Tübingen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

MATTHEEUWS, Alain: Eros, Agapè… Allégresse et Joie : Une théologie évolutive et cohérente de l’amour et du mariage de Benoît XVI à François (Collège des Bernardins: Cours), Les Plans sur Bex:  Parole et Silence, 2019. - 261 (Sylvia Hübel, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

MATZ, Robert  (ed.):  Two Early Modern Marriage Sermons: Henry Smith's A preparative to marriage (1591) and William Whately's A bride-bush (1623), London-New York: Routledge, 2016. -  XII, 272 (Rüdiger Schnell, Tübingen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

MAY, Georg: Absolute oder relative Unauflösbarkeit der christlichen Ehe? Untersuchungen zu Ehescheidung, Wiederverheiratung und kirchlicher Trauung Geschiedener im deutschen Protestantismus, Kulmbach: Verlagsbuchhandlung Sabat, 2016. - 264 (Martina Coers, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

MAYER, Susanne / SCHULTE, Dietmar (Hg.): Die Zukunft der Familie, Stuttgart: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2007. - 197 (Gerhard Marschütz, Wien in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

MAZAL, Wolfgang (Hg.): Familie und Religion: Aktuelle Beiträge aus der interdisziplinären Familienforschung, Leverkussen Opladen: Budrich Unipress, 2010. - 338 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

MAZZANTI, Giorgio: Persone Nuziali: Communio Nuptialis Saggio teologico di antropologia, Bologna: Dehoniane Bologna Edizioni, 2005. - 320 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

McCARTHY, Jane Ribbens / DOOLITTLE, Megan / SCLATER, Shelley Day: Understanding Family Meanings : A Reflective Text, Bristol: Policy Press, 2012. - 287 (Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl, Augsburg  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

McDONAGH, Enda / MacNAMARA, Vincent: An Irish Reader in Moral Theology: The Legacy of the Last Fifty Years. Volume II: Sex, Marriage and the Family, Dublin: Columba, 2011. - 464 (Michael Fahey, Fairfield, CT, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

McGINITY, Keren R.: Still Jewish: A History of Women and Intermarriage in America, New York: New York University Press, 2009. - XVIII, 307 (Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

McKEON, Michael: The Secret History of Domesticity: Public, Private, and the Division of Knowledge,  Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press, 2005. - XXVII, 873 (Rüdiger Schnell, Tübingen in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

McKINLEY BRENNAN, Patrick (ed.): The Vocation of the Child, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2008. - 445 (Keith Chappell, Oxford in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

McSHEFFREY, Shannon, Marriage, Sex and Civic Culture in Late Medieval London, London, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, VIII, 291 (Geneviève Ribordy, Quebec City in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 264-265)

McWHIRTER, Jocelyn: The Bridegroom Messiah and the People of God: Marriage in the Fourth Gospel, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. - XV, 175 (Beate Kowalski, Dortmund in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

MELINA, Livio (a cura di): Il criterio della Natura e il futuro della famiglia, Siena: Cantagalli, 2011. - 144 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

MELINA, Livio: Die ersten Jahre der Ehe: Die pastorale Herausforderung einer schönen und schwierigen Zeit, Heiligenkreuz: Be&Be-Verlag,   2016. - 189 (Gerhard Höver, Bonn in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

MELLONI, Alberto: Amore senza fine, amore senza fini: appunti di storia su chiese, matrimoni e famiglie Bologna: Il Mulino, 2015. - 144 (Francesco Pesce, Rome/Trevisi in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

MENARD, Guy, Mariage homosexuel: Les termes du débat, Montréal, Éditions Liber, 2003, 274, Daniel Soumillion, Bruxelles in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 289-290)

MERCER, Joyce Ann: Welcoming Children: A Practical Theology of Childhood, Saint Louis: Chalice Press, 2005. - XII, 292 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

MERZYN, Konrad: Die Rezeption der kirchlichen Trauung: Eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung (Arbeiten zur praktischen Theologie; 46), Leipzig: Evangelische Verlaganstalt, 2010. - 432 ( Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

METZ, Tamara Untying the Knot: Marriage, the State, and the Case for Their Divorce, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010. - 214 (Timothy Woods, Devon in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

MIKULINCER, Mario / GOODMAN, Gail S. (eds.): Dynamics of Romantic Love: Attachment, Caregiving, and Sex, New York: Guilford Press, 2006. - 466 (Robin Gutteridge, Birmingham in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

MILLER, Geoffrey D.: Marriage in the Book of Tobit, Berlin-New York: de Gruyter, 2011. - VIII, 260 (Beate Kowalski, Dortmund in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

MILLER, McLEMORE; Bonnie: Christian theology in practice: Discovering a discipline, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012. - 334 (Annemie Dillen, Leuven in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

MITCHELL, Barbara A.: The Boomerang Age: Transitions to Adulthood in Families, New Brunswick-New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 2005. - 230 (Hannelore Devoldere, Leuven in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

MITCHELL, Linda Elizabeth, Family life in the Middle Ages, Westport, Greenwood World Publishing, 2007, XII, 240 (Michael A. Fahey, Boston, MA in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 258-259)

MITTERAUER, Michael: "Sozialgeschichte der Familie : Kulturvergleich und Entwicklungsperspektiven, Wien: Braumüller, 2009. - (Gerhard Marschütz, Wien in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

MOLONEY, Francis J.: A Body Broken for a Broken People: Divorce, Remarriage, and the Eucharist (3rd edition), New York: Paulist Press, 2015. - 303 (Angela McCarthy, Fremantle, Australia in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

MONBOURQUETTE, J.: Vincere la violenza: L'aggressività maschile, Milano: Paoline, 2009. - 232 (Giulia Paola Di Nicola, Teramo in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

MONNICKENDAM, Yifat: Jewish Law and Early Christian Identity: Betrothal, Marriage, and Infidelity in the Writings of Ephrem the Syrian, New York: Cambridge University Press,  2020. - XI, 331 (Michael Tilly, Landau , in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

MONTEMURRO, Beth: Something Old, Something Bold: Bridal Showers and Bachelorette Parties, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2006. - XIII, 224 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

MONTFORT Elizabeth / BRUNETTI-PONS, Clotilde (dir.): L'Enfant oublié : Propositions pour la famille de demain, Paris: Cerf,  2016. -  194 (Catherine Fino, Paris  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

MOREAU D.: Pour la vie? (Geert Faseur in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

MORGENSTERN, Matthias / BOUDIGNON, Christian / TIETZ, Christiane (Hg.): Männlich und weiblich schuf Er sie: Studien zur Genderkonstruktion und zum Eherecht in den Mittelmeerreligionen, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011. - 432 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

MORGENSTERN, Matthias: Judentum und Gender, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2015. - 104 (Daniel Schumann, Münster in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

MOUGHTIN-MUMBY, Sharon: Sexual and Marital Metaphors in Hosea, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. - XIII, 314 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

MOSS, Candida R. / BADEN, Joel S.:  Reconceiving Infertility: Biblical Perspectives on Procreation and Childlessness, Princeton-Oxford:  Princeton University Press,  2015. - XI, 328  (Hans Debel, Leuven  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

MUDDIMAN, Esther / POWER, Sally / TAYLOR, Chris (eds.): Civil Society and the Family,  Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2020. - 196 (Sahayadas Fernando, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

MÜHL, Matthias, Christsein und Lebensform : Vergewisserungen zu Ehe, Amt und Ordensleben, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag, 2007, 474 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 273-275)

MÜHLEN, Heribert: Im-Wir-Sein : Grundlegungen der Wir-Wissenschaft. Beitrag zu einer wirgemässen Lebens- und Weltordnung, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag, 2008. - 378 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

MULDOON, Tim / DOBRZYNSKI, Cynthia (eds.): Love One Another : Catholic Reflections on How to Sustain Marriages Today, New York: Crossroad, 2010. - 240 (Denis Toohey, Grange, SA, Australia, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

MÜLLER G.L.: Die Hoffnung der Familie (Paul M. Zulehner in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

MÜLLER, Hans-Rüdiger / ECARIUS, Jutta / HERZBERG, Heidrun (Hg.): Familie, Generation und Bildung: Beiträge zur Erkundung eines informellen Lernfeldes, Leverkussen Opladen: Barbara Budrich, 2010. - 292 (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

MÜLLER, Matthias / BRÄUTIGAM, Barbara / LENTZ-BECKER, Anja: Familienbildung – wozu? Familienbildung im Spiegel diverser Familienwirklichkeiten, Opladen-Berlin-Toronto:  Barbara Budrich,  2019. -  160 (Richard Hartmann, Bernheim in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

MÜLLER, Stephan E.: Bausteine zur theologischen Ethik, Band 1: Menschenbild - Lebensschutz - Sexualität und Ehe, Regensburg: Pustet Verlag, 2015. - 320 (Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl, Augsburg in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

MÜLLER, Stephan E.: Bausteine zur theologischen Ethik, Band 2: Moralpsychologie, Regensburg: Pustet Verlag, 2015. - 278 (Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl, Augsburg in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

MÜLLER-BURHOP, Mareike: Elternwünsche: Eine empirische Studie über Wünsche und Vorstellungen junger Eltern und daraus folgende Konsequenzen für Politik und Gesellschaft, Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2008. - 301 (Gerhard Marschütz, Wien in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)



NANDA, Serena / GREGG, Joan: The Gift of a Bride: A Tale of Anthropology, Matrimony and Murder, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009. - 295 (Dominique van Haelst, Waterloo in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

NASON-CLARK, Nancy / CLARK-KROEGER, Catherine / FISHER-TOWNSEND, Barbara (eds.): Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes: A Challenge to Churches and their Leaders, Eugene, OR:Wipf & Stock, 2011. - 262 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

NAVE-HERZ, Rosemarie: Ehe- und Familiensoziologie: Eine Einführung in Geschichte, theoretische Ansätze und empirische Befunde, Weinheim, Juventa, 2004, 260 (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 126-127)

NAVE-HERZ, Rosemarie (Hg.): Familiensoziologie: Ein Lehr- und Studienbuch, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2014. - X, 232 (Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl, Regensburg in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

NAVE-HERZ, Rosemarie (Hg.): Geschichte der Familiensoziologie in Portraits (= Familie und Gesellschaft; Band 25), Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2010. - 310 (Corinna Onnen, Vechta, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

NECHWATAL, Gerhard: 50 Impulse für die Liebe. Anregungen zum positiven Schwung in der Partnerschaft,  Trier: Paulinus Verlag,  2017. -  184 (Bernard Sill, Eichstätt  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

NEF, Susanne:  Ringen um Bedeutung: Die Deutung häuslicher Gewalt als sozialer Prozess,  Weinheim: Juventa Verlag, 2020. -  363 (Gottfried Ugolini, Brixen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

NELSON, Claudia, Family Ties in Victorian England, Westport, CT, Praeger Publishers, 2007, 216 (Joanne Bailey, Oxford in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 260-261)

NEWMAN, Barbara: Making love in the twelfth century: "Letters of two lovers" in context, Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016. - 367 (Rüdiger Schnell, Tübingen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

NEYRAND, Gérard / HAMMOUCHE, Abdelhafid / MEKBOUL, Sahra Les mariages forcés : conflits culturels et réponses sociales Paris Editions la Découverte 2008 308 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

NICHOLS, Joel A. (ed.): "Marriage and Divorce in a Multicultural Context: Multi-Tiered Marriage and the Boundaries of Civil Law and Religion, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. - 416 (John Farina, Fairfax, VA in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

NIEKRENZ, Yvonne / VILLANYI, Dirk: LiebesErklärungen: Intimbeziehungen aus soziologischer Perspektive, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008. - 248 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Bad Zwichenahn in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

NISSINEN, Marti / URO, Risto (eds.): Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity, Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2008. - XII, 543 ( Thomas Hieke, Mainz in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

NOBLE, Thomas A./ WHITTLE, Sarah K. / JOHNSTON, Philip S. (eds.): Marriage, Family and Relationships: Biblical, Doctrinal and Contemporary Perspectives, London: Apollos/Inter-Varsity Press 2017.- 291 (Ray Temmerman, Winnipeg, MB, Canada  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

NOLD, Patrick: Marriage Advice for a Pope: John XXII and the Power to Dissolve, Leiden: Brill, 2008. - XCVIII, 206 (Basilio Petrà, Firenze in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

NOLLER, Patricia / FEENEY, Judith A. (eds.), Close Relationships: Functions, Forms, and Processes, London, Psychology Press, 2006, 216 (Joseph Orathinkal, Leuven in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 115-116)

NORDLUND, Marcus: Shakespeare and the Nature of Love: Literature, Culture, Evolution, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2007. - 304 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

NORIEGA, José:  Enigma del piacere: Cibo, desiderio e sessualità, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2014. - 279 (Martina Coers, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

NOTARE, Theresa (ed.):  Humanae Vitae: 50 Years Later : Embracing God's Vision for Marriage, Love, and Life; A Compendium,  Washington:  Catholic University of America Press,  2019. - XXIX, 394  (Sahayadas Fernando, Rome  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

NOVAK, Michael / SHAW, Elizabeth (eds.): The Myth of Romantic Love and Other Essays, Piscataway, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2013. - 205 (Rüdiger Schnell, Tübingen in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

NYE, Rebecca Children's Spirituality: What it is and Why it matters, London: Church House Publishing, 2009. - XIII, 107 ( Machteld Reynaert, Leuven in: INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

NYNAS, Peter / YIP, Andrew Kam-Tuck, Religion, Gender, and Sexuality in Everyday Life, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2013. - 188 (Sahayadas Fernando, Roma, in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)


OBACH, Robert: The Catholic Church on Marital Intercourse: From St Paul to Pope John Paul II, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2009. - 226 (Doris Kieser, Edmonton, Canada in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011)

OHLY, Lukas:  Ethik der Liebe: Vorlesungen über Intimität und Freundschaft, Leipzig:  Evangelische Verlaganstalt,  2016. -  336 (Holger Dörnemann, Köln in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

OINONEN, Eriikka: Families in Converging Europe: A Comparison of Forms, Structures, and Ideals, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. - XIV, 212 (Elisabetta Ruspini, Milano in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

ONEDERA, Jill Duba (ed.): The Role of Religion in Marriage and Family Counseling, New York: Routledge, 2008. - XXVI, 289 (Diana L. Villegas, Acton, MA in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

OSEWSKA, Elzbieta / STALA, Jozef (eds.): Religious Education / Catechesis in the Family: A European Perspective, Warszawa: Kard. Wyszynski Universität, 2010. - 277 (Lisette Blanchet Ball, London in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

OUELLET, Marc Cardinal: Divine Likeness: Toward a Trinitarian Anthropology of the Family, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2006. - 252 (Frederick J. Parella, Santa Clara, CA in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

OUELLET, Marc Cardinal: Mistero e sacramento dell'amore: teologia del matrimonio e della famiglia per la nuova evangelizzazione, Siena: Edizioni Cantagalli, 2007. - 399 (Vittorio Moggi, Sant'Ilario d'Enza (RE) in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

OUELLET, Marc Cardinal: Mystery and the Sacrement of Love: A Theology of Marriage and the Family for the New Evangelization, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2015. - 346 (Angela McCarthy, Fremantle, Australia in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

OSSWALD-RINNER, Iris: Oversexed and Underfucked : Über die gesellschaftliche Konstruktion der Lust, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011. -  272  (Rüdiger Schnell, Tübingen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

OWUSU-BEMPAH, Kwame: Children and Separation : Socio-genealogical Connectedness Perspective, London: Routledge, 2007. - XI, 191 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)



PALOUTZIAN, Raymond F. / PARK, Crystal L. (eds.): Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, New York: Guilford Press, 2005. - XVIII, 590 ( Diana L. Villegas, Acton, MA in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

PARGAMENT, Kenneth I., Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy: Understanding and Addressing the Sacred, New York, Guilford Press, 2007, 374 (Mia Leijssen, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 286-288)

PARIS, Jennell Williams: The End of Sexual Identity: Why Sex Is Too Important to Define Who We Are, Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2011. - 160 (Sahayadas Fernando, Roma, in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

PASCALE, Rob / PRIMAVERA, Louis H.:  Making Marriage Work: Avoiding the Pitfalls and Achieving Success,  Lanham:  Rowman & Littlefield,  2016. -  280 (Randall Woodard, Saint Leo, FL, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

PASSARO, Angelo: Family and Kinship in the Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2013. - XIV, 585 (Michael Tilly, Landau in: INTAMS review 20/1 (2014)

PASSET-WITTIG, Jasmin: Unerfüllte Kinderwünsche und Reproduktionsmedizin: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Analyse von Paaren in Kinderwunschbehandlung (Beiträge zur Bevölkerungswissenschaft; 49), Opladen-Berlin-Toronto:  Barbara Budrich,  2017. -  249 (Angelika Walser, Salzburg  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

PASTORALE FAMILIALE CARCASSONNE NARBONNE: Nouvelles conjugalités et sacrement du mariage, Bruyères-le-Châtel: Nouvelle Cité, 2011. - 321 (Basilio Petrà, Firenze in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

PATERNOTTE, David: Revendiquer le « mariage gay ». Belgique, France, Espagne, Bruxelles: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2011. - 216 (Michael Lawler, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

PATTERSON, JoEllen et al.: Essential Skills in Family Therapy: From the First Interview to Termination, 2nd edition, New York: Guilford Press, 2009. - 286 ( Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

PAUL, André: Eros enchaîné: Les chrétiens, la famille et le genre, Paris: Albin Michel, 2014. - 320 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen, in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

PEETZ, Melanie: Emotionen im Hohelied: Eine literaturwissenschaftliche Analyse hebräischer Liebeslyrik unter Berücksichtigung geistlich-allegorischer Auslegungsversuche, Freiburg: Herder Verlag, 2015. - 400 (Robert Daly, Boston in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

PEICHL, Jochen: Destruktive Paarbeziehungen : das Trauma intimer Gewalt, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta Verlag, 2008. - 239 (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

PELAMATTI, Lucia / PELUSO, Angelo: Gonna e pantaloni: Maschile e femminile nella coppia, Cinisello Balsamo: San Paolo, 2004. - 128 ( Angela Rossi, Chieti in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

PEÑA GARCIA, Carmen:  Mariage et causes de nullité dans le droit de l'Eglise (Études de droit canonique),  Paris:  Editions L'Harmattan,  2021. -  XII, 499

PENNER, Barbara: Newlyweds on Tour: Honeymooning in Nineteenth-Century America, University of New Hampshire Press, 2009. - XII, 290 (Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

PERCY, Anthony / SCHMITZ, Kenneth L., La théologie du corps décomplexée : introduction aux catéchèses de Jean-Paul II, Editions de L'Emmanuel, 2007, 92 (Stefano Stimamiglio, Roma in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 269-270)

PERDIZ FIGUEROA, Oscar: Amar: misterio y proyecto. Antropología y Teología del amor, México: San Pablo, 2015. - 444 (Francesco Pesce, Rome/Trevisi in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

PERELBERG, Rosine J. / MILLER, Ann C. (eds.): Gender and Power in Families [Reprint], London: Routledge, 2019. -  XVIII, 279 (Nev Reyes-Espiritu, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

PEREZ-SOBA, J.J.  / KAMPOWSKI, S. :The Gospel of the Family (Padraig Corkery in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

PERRY, Luke E.: Religious Responses to Marriage Equality,  London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis,  2018. -  138 (Randall Woodard, Saint Leo, FL in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

PESCE, Francesco:  Oltre la famiglia modello. Le catechesi di papa Francesco, Bologna:  Dehoniane,  2016. -  96 (Marco Di Benedetto, Treviso, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

PESCE, Francesco:  Una lettera d’amore: L’Amoris laetitia letta in famiglia, Prefazione di P. Gentili, Bologna:  Dehoniane,  2018. -  100 (Giulia P. Di Nicola, Teramo, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

PESCE, Francesco:  Due, nessuno, centomila: Genere, gender e differenza sessuale, Bologna:  EDB, 2017. -  72 (Angela Rossi, Chieti  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

PETERS, Philip:  Was macht eine Ehe zum Sakrament? Anfragen an die konstitutiven Elemente des Ehesakraments durch exemplarische sakramententheologische Ansätze nach dem Zweiten Vatikanum (Studien zur systematischen und spirituellen THeologie; 56), Würzburg:  Echter,  2020. - XX, 344 (Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

PETRÀ, Basilio:  Una futura morale sessuale catolica: In/fedeltà all'apostolo Paolo, Assisi:  Cittadella,  2021. -  128 (Francesco Pesce, Treviso in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

PETRA, Basilio: La contraccezione nella tradizione ortodossa : forza della realtà e mediazione pastorale, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2009. - 133 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011)

PETRÀ, B.: Divorzio e seconde nozze nella tradizione greca (Andrzij Dańczak in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

PETREY, Taylor: Resurrecting Parts: Early Christians on Desire, Reproduction, and Sexual Difference, Abingdon: Routledge, 2015. - 124 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

PEREZ-SOBA, Juan José / GRANADOS, Luís (a cura di): Il logos dell'agape: Amore e ragione come principi dell'agire, Siena: Cantagalli 2008. - 412 (Vittorio Moggi, Sant'Ilario d'Enza (RE), in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

PETERS, H. Elizabeth / KAMP DUSH, Claire M. (eds.) Marriage and Family: Perspectives and Complexities New York Columbia University Press 2009 XXIX, 414 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

PHILLIPS, Anne: Gender and Culture, Oxford: Polity Books, 2010. - 176 (Timothy Woods, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

PIERCY, Fred P. / HERTLEIN, Katherine M. / WETCHLER, Joseph L., Handbook of the Clinical Treatment of Infidelity, Binghamton, NY, Haworth Press, 2005, XVIII, 220 (Joseph Orathinkal, Leuven in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 125-126)

PINASSI CARDINALI, Raffaella: I focolarini sposati : una "via nuova" nella chiesa, Rome: Città Nuova, 2007. - 274 (Sahayadas Fernando, Leuven in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

PINELLO, Daniel R., America's Struggle for Same-sex Marriage, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2006, XIII, 213 (Gail S. Risch, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 289)

PIORKOWSKI, Geraldine K.: Adult Children of Divorce: Confused Love Seekers, Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2008. - XVIII, 190 (Timothy Woods, Devon, UK, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

PIPER, John: Preparing for marriage : Help for Christian Couples (Revised & Expanded),  Hudson, Ohio: Cruciform Press,  2018. - 88 (Randall Woodard, Saint Leo, FL, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

POLIKOFF, Nancy D.: Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage: Valuing All Families under the Law, Boston: Beacon Press, 2007. - 256 (Elisabetta Ruspini, Milano in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

POLLARD, Lisa / HANEY, Lynne (eds.): Families of a New World: Gender, Politics, and State Development in a Global Context, Oxford: Routledge, 2003. - 272 (Peter Assenga, Nairobi, Kenya in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

PONZETTI, James J. Jr.: Evidence-based Approaches to Relationship and Marriage Education, Abingdon:  Routledge,  2016. -  372 (Randall Woodard, Saint Leo, FL, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

POPENOE, David, War over the Family, New Brunswick / London, Transaction, 2005XIV, 269 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 130-131)

POPENOE, David: Families without Fathers: Fathers, Marriage and Children in American Society, Piscataway, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2009. - 287 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

PRADER, Helmut (Hrsg.): Als Mann und Frau schuf er sie: Die Herausforderung der Gender-Ideologie (Referate der "Internationalen Theologischen Sommerakademie 2014" des Linzer Priesterkreises), Kisslegg Immenried: Christiana-Verlag,  2015. - 198 (Gerhard Marschütz, Wien in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

PRICE, Lawrence G. / SMILANIC, Daniel A. / VONDENBERGER, Victoria (eds.): The Tribunal Handbook: Procedures for Formal Matrimonial Cases, Alexandria, DC: Canon Law Society of America, 2005. - XII, 177 (Heinz-Meinolf Stamm, Paderborn in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

PRICHARD, Robert W.: Cohabiting Couples & Cold Feet: A Practical Marriage - Preparation Guide for Pastors, New York: Church Publishing, 2009. - 160 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

PRIOR, Vivien / GLASER, Danya: Understanding Attachment and Attachment Disorders: Theory, Evidence and Practice, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2006. - 288 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

PROVENCHER, Normand: Une place à part entière: les divorcés remariés dans l'Eglise, Montréal: Novalis, 2007. - 173 ( Basilio Petrà, Firenze in: INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

PRÜLLER-JAGENTEUFEL, Gunter / BONG, Sharon / PERINTFALVI, Rita (eds.):  Towards Just Gender Relations: Rethinking the Role of Women in Church and Society (Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society), Göttingen: V & R Unipress, 2019. -  319 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

PULEO, Francesca P. (a cura di): Quale communion? Divorzati risposati e sacramenti,  Rome: Città Nuova, 2009. - 144 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

PURBRICK, Louise: The Wedding Present : Domestic Life beyond Consumption, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2007. - XII, 197 (Doris M. Kieser, Edmonton, AB, USA in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)



RAEDEL, Christoph (Hg.):  Das Leben der Geschlechter: Zwischen Gottesgabe und menschlicher Gestaltung,  Berlin-Münster:  LIT Verlag,  2017. -  238

RAMSEY, Paul: One Flesh: A Christian View of Sex Within, Outside and Before Marriage, Cambridge: Grove Books, 2009. - 28 (Michael G. Lawler, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

RANDLES, Jennifer M.:  Proposing Prosperity? Marriage Education Policy and Inequality in America,  New York: Columbia University Press, 2016. - 267  (James J. Ponzetti, Vancouver  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

RATHMAYR, Bernard: Geschichte der Liebe: Wandlungen der Geschlechterbeziehungen in der abendländischen Kultur, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2016. - 351 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

RAYMOND of PENYAFORT: Summa on Marriage, Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2006. - VI, 98 (Basilio Petrà, Firenze in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

RAUSCH, Thomas P. / DELL'ORO, Roberto: Pope Francis on the Joy of Love: Theological and Pastoral Reflections on Amoris Laetitia,  New York:  Paulist Press,  2018. -   (Els Agten, Hasselt, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

REALI, Nicola: Scegliere di essere scelte: Riflessioni sul sacramento del matrimonio, Siena: Edizioni Cantagalli, 2008. - 128 (Stefano Stimamiglio, Roma in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

RECZEK, Rin / BOSLEY-SMITH, Emma: Families We Keep: LGBTQ People and Their Enduring Bonds with Parents,  New York, NY: New York University Press, 2022. -  VIII, 211 (Jason Steidl, New York in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

REGNERUS, Mark:  The Future of Christian Marriage,  New York: Oxford University Press,  2020, - VIII, 268 (Gustavo Cavagnari, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

REGNERUS Mark / UECKER, Jeremy: Premarital Sex in America: How Young Americans Meet, Mate, and Think about Marrying, New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. - 368 (Gail S. Risch, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

REGNERUS Mark: Cheap Sex: The Transformation of Men, Marriage, and Monogamy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. -  280 (Guido Dierickx SJ, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

REGNIER-LOILIER, Arnaud: Portraits de famille: l'enquête Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles, Paris: Institut national d'études démographiques, 2009. - 549 (Kim Vercammen, Antwerpen, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

REININGER, Winfried / REIDT, Ingrid (Hrsg.): Kirche an der Seite der Armen : Ein Praxisbuch zur Sozialpastoral, Freiburg: Lambertus, 2013. - 182 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

REIS, Harry T. / RUSBULT, Caryl (eds.): Close Relationships: Key Readings, London: Psychology Press, 2004. - 536 (Hannelore Devoldere, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

REITZ-DINSE, Annegret / DINSE, Hartmut, Paargeschichten: Beziehungen in der Bibel: 12 Dialoge, Nuekirchen, Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft, 2002, 136 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 295)

RENNES, Juliette (éd.):   Encyclopédie critique du genre: Corps, sexualité, rapports sociaux, Paris: Editions la Découverte, 2016. - 740 (Xavier Lacroix, Paris in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

RETZER, Arnold: Systematische Paartherapie: Konzepte - Methode - Praxis,  Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 2004. - 355 (Alfons Vansteenwegen, Leuven in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

REVENSTORF D.: Die geheimen Mechanismen der Liebe (Rudiger Schnell in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

REYNOLDS, Philip L. / WITTE, John Jr.: To Have and To Hold: Marrying and its Documentation in Western Christendom, 400-1600, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. - 450 (Basilio Petrà, Firenze in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

REYNOLDS, Philip L: How marriage became one of the sacraments: The sacramental theology of marriage from its medieval origins to the Council of Trent, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016. - 1082 (Michael Lawler, Omaha, NE in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

RHONHEIMER, Martin / MURPHY, William F.: The Ethics of Procreation and the Defense of Human Life: Contraception, Artificial Fertilization, and Abortion, Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 2010. - 336 (Michael Lawler, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

RIBORDY, Geneviève, "Faire les nopces": Le mariage de la noblesse française (1375-1475), Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2004, XXVI, 207 (Daniel Soumillion, Bruxelles in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 263-264)

RICHARDSON, Ronald Wayne: Becoming a Healthier Pastor : Family Systems Theory and the Pastor's Own Family, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2005. - X, 149 ( Paul R. Giblin, Chicago in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

RIEDEL, Matthias: Alltagsberührungen in Paarbeziehungen: Empirische Bestandsaufnahme eines sozialwissenschaftlich vernachlässigten Kommunikationsmediums, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008. - 347 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Vechta in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

RIEDER, P.M.: On the Purification of Women (Rudiger Schnell in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

RILEY, Naomi Schaefer: 'Til Faith Do Us Part: The Rise of Interfaith Marriage and the Future of American Religion, Family, and Society, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. - 256 (Ray Temmerman, Winnipeg, MB in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

ROBERTS, Christopher C.: Creation and covenant: the significance of sexual difference in the moral theology of marriage, Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2007. - 280 (Anna Abram, London in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

ROBERTSON, Charles Kevin, Religion & sexuality : passionate debates, Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 2006, VI, 255 (Philippe Cochinaux OP, Bruxelles in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 267-268)

ROBINSON, Warren C. / ROSS, John A. (eds.): The Global Family Planning Revolution : Three Decades of Population Policies and Programs, Washington: World Bank Publications, 2007. - XVIII, 470 (Corinna Onnen, Vechta in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

ROCCHETTA, Carlo: La Mistica dell'intimità nuziale: Crescere nella grazia del sacramento, Bologna:  Dehoniane,  2018. -  186 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

ROCCHETTA, Carlo:  Il Cantico dei cantici: Polifonia di tenerezza sponsale, Bologna: Dehoniane,  2016. -  264 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

ROCCHETTA, Carlo: Vite riconciliate : la tenerezza di Dio nel dramma della separazione,  Bologna: Dehoniane, 2009. - 189 (Vittorio Moggi, Sant'Ilario d'Enza (RE) in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

ROCCHETTA, Carlo: Abbracciami: Per une terapia della tenerezza. Saggio di antropologia teologica, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2012. - 256 (Giulia P. Di Nicola, Teramo in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

ROCCHETTA, Carlo: Elogio del litigio di coppia: er una tenerezza che perdona, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2013. - 216 (Gustavo Cavagnari, Rome in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

ROCCHETTA, Carlo: Teologia del talamo nuziale: Per un’intimità gioiosa, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2015. - 160 (Marco Di Benedetto, Treviso in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

ROCCHETTA, Carlo / MANES, Rosalba: La Tenerezza grembo di Dio amore: Saggio di teologia biblica, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2015. - 224 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

ROCCHETTA, Carlo: Una Chiesa della tenerezza : Le coordinate teologiche dell'Amoris laetitia (Nuovi saggi teologici; 119),  Bologna:  Dehoniane,  2017. -  275 (Giulia Paola Di Nicola, Teramo in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022)

ROCHE, Mary M. Doyle: Children, Consumerism, and the Common Good, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009. - VIII, 149 (Julie H. Rubio, St Louis, MO in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

ROEBBEN, Bert:  Volharden in de broosheid: Spritualiteit in tijden van corona, Antwerpen: Halewijn, 2020. - 87  (Charles Caspers, Nijmegen  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

ROLLINS, Joe:  Legally Straight: Sexuality, Childhood, and the Cultural Value of Marriage,  New York:  New York University Press,  2018. X, 193  (Ann Loades, St. Andrews, Scotland  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

ROSS, Susan M. (ed.): American Families Past and Present: Social Perspectives on Transformations, New Brunswick-New Jersey-London: Rutgers University Press, 2006. - VII, 344 (John A. Dick, Leuven in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

ROUSH, Sherry / BASKINS, Christelle L. (eds.): The Medieval Marriage Scene: Prudence, Passion, Policy,  Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2005. - XV, 216 (Guy Bedouelle, Fribourg in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

ROUSSEAU, George (ed.): Children and Sexuality: From the Greeks to the Great War, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - 288 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

ROYCE MOORE, Kenneth, Sex and the Second-Best City: Sex and Society in the Laws of PlutoNew York / London, Routledge, 2005, XVII, 314 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 258-259)

RUBEL, Barbara: But I Didn’t Say Goodbye: Helping Families After a Suicide, 3rd edition, Griefwork Center, Inc., 2020. - 220 (Jean Marsh, Hebden Bridge, UK in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

RUH, U. / WIJLENS, M. (Hg.): Zerreissprobe Ehe (Paul M. Zulehner in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

RUMPKE, Nadine:  Der Wandel des Ehescheidungsrrechts im 20. Jahrhundert: Auswirkungen und Hintergründe,  Hamburg:  Verlag Dr. Kovač,  2017.-  XXXIX, 236  (Jessica Scheiper, Bonn  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

RUNKEL, Gunter: Die Sexualität in der Gesellschaft, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2010. -  224 (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

RUPP, Marina (Hg.): Partnerschaft und Elternschaft bei gleichgeschlechtlichen Paaren: Verbreitung, Institutionalisierung und Alltagsgestaltung (Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, Sonderheft Nr. 7), Leverkussen: Barbara Budrich, 2011. - 260 (Ilona Nord, Hamburg in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

RUSPINI, Elisabetta: Diversity in Family Life: Gender, Relationships, and Social Change, Bristol, UK: Policy Press, 2013. - 164 (Sahayadas Fernando, Rome  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

RUSSAW, Kimberly D.: Daughters in the Hebrew Bible, Lanham: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic,  2018. - XII, 224 (Michael Tilly, Landau, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

RUSTER, T. /H. RUSTER: Bis dass der Tod euch scheidet? (Gunter Pruggel-Jagenteufel in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

RUTTENBERG, Danya (ed.): The Passionate Torah: Sex and Judaism, New York - London: New York University Press, 2009. - IX, 209 ( Michael Tilly, Landau in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)


SABBARESE, Luigi / SANTORO, Raffaele:  Il processo matrimoniale più breve: Disciplina canonica e riflessi concordatari,  Bologna:  Dehoniane,  2016. -  120

SABBARESE, Luigi / LORUSSO, Lorenzo:  Sposarsi in chiesa: Il diritto matrimoniale in Oriente e in Occidente,  Bologna:  Dehoniane,  2018. -  117

SALZMANN, Todd / KELLY, Thomas / O'KEEFE, J. (eds.): Marriage in the Catholic Tradition: Scripture, Tradition, and Experience, New York: Crossroad, 2004. - XII, 307 (Emmanuel Agius, Malta in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

SALZMANN, Todd A. / LAWLER, Michael G.: Sexual Ethics: A Theological Introduction, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2012. - 280 (Günter Prüller-Jagenteufel, Wien in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

SALZMANN, Todd A. / LAWLER, Michael G.: The Sexual Person: Toward a Renewed Catholic Anthropology, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2008. - XVII, 334 (Timothy J. Buckley, Liverpool in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

SALZMANN, Todd A. / LAWLER, Michael G.: Catholic Theological Ethics: Ancient Questions, Contemporary Responses, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2015. - 274 (Anna Abram, London in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

SANCHEZ, Melissa E.: Queer Faith : Reading Promiscuity and Race in the Secular Love Tradition, New York: New York University Press, 2019.  X, 337 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

SANT CASSIA, Paul / BADA, Constantina, The Making of the Modern Greek Family: Marriage and Exchange in Nineteenth-Century Athens, Cambridge, University Press, 2006 (Triantafyllos Boltetsos, Athens)

SAVAGNONE, Giuseppe: Il Gender spiegato a un marziano, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2016. - 112 (Francesco Pesce, Rome/Trevisi in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017

SCALES, Stephen / POTTHAST, Adam / ORAVECZ, Linda (eds.) : The Ethics of the Family : A Text with Readings, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. - XVI, 432 (Julie H. Rubio, St. Louis, MO in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

SCANZIANI, Francesco: Giorno per giorno: Primi passi di spiritualità coniugale, Bologna:  Dehoniane,  2015. - 120 (Angela Rossi, Chieti, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

SCANZIANI, Francesco: Se siamo insieme ci sarà un perché: Lectio bibliche per coppie e gruppi di spiritualità familiare. Atti degli Apostoli,  Bologna:  Dehoniane,  2016. -  104 (Francesco Pesce, Rome/Trevisi, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

SCHAEFFER, Felicity A.: Love and Empire: Cybermarriage and Citizenship across the Americas, New York: New York University Press, 2012. - 240 (Timothy Woods, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

SCHAMI, Rafik (Hg.): Lob der Ehe: ein weltliterarisches Treuebuch, Zürich: Manesse, 2007. - 503 (Gerhard Marschütz, Wien in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

SHAROT, Stephen: Love and Marriage Across Social Classes in American Cinema,  Cham: Palgrave Macmillan,  2017. -  XIX, 273 (Jack A. Dick, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

SCHAUBROECK, Kaat: Bijna familie: Over nieuw samengestelde gezinnen, Antwerpen: Standaard Uitgeverij, 2005. - 256 (Sophie Veulemans, Leuven in INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

SCHEMBRI, Kevin: Oikonomia, Divorce and Remarriage in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition (Kanonika 23), Rome: Edizioni Orientalia Christiana, 2017. - 327 (George Nedungatt, Kerala, India in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

SCHEMENAUER, Kevin: Conjugal Love and Procreation: Dietrich von Hildebrand's Superabundant Integration, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2011. - 146 (Denis Toohey, Grange, SA, Australia in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

SHERWOOD, Yvonne (ed.): The Bible and Feminism: Remapping the World,  Oxford:  Oxford University Press,  2018. - XX, 736 (Danilo Verde, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

SCHEULE, Rupert M. (Hrsg.): Ethik des Lebensbeginns: Ein interkonfessioneller Diskurs, Regensburg: Pustet Verlag, 2015. - 379 (Gerhard Höver, Bonn in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

SCHMIDT, Dorothea: Die Familie als Untersuchungsgegenstand der Ökonomie: Ideengeschichte und Realität, Freiburg: Rudolf Haufe Verlag, 2002. - VI, 299 (Hans-Günter Krüsselberg, Marburg in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

SCHMIDT, Johannes F.K. / GUICHARD, Martine / SCHUSTER, Peter / TRILLMICH, Fritz (Hg.): Freundschaft und Verwandtschaft: Zur Unterscheidung und Verflechtung zweier Beziehungssysteme, Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2007. - 400 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

SCHMUGGE, Ludwig: Ehen vor Gericht: Paare der Renaissance vor dem Papst,  Berlin: Berlin University Press, 2008. - 291 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

SCHNEIDER, Anne / SCHNEIDER, Nikolaus: Vom Leben und Sterben: Ein Ehepaar diskutiert über Sterbehilfe, Tod und Ewigkeit, im Gespräch mit Wolfgang Thielmann, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft,  2019. -  153 (Julia van der Linde, Bochum in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

SCHOCKENHOFF, Eberhard: Grundlegung der Ethik: Ein theologischer Entwurf, Freiburg: Herder Verlag, 2007. - 584 (Klaus Demmer, Münster in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

SCHOCKENHOFF, Eberhard: Chancen zur Versöhnung? : Die Kirche und die wiederverheirateten Geschiedenen, Freiburg: Herder Verlag, 2011. - (Jörg Splett, Offenbach/M., in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

SCHÖNBORN, Christoph: Berufung und Sendung der Familie: Die zentralen Texte der Bischofssynode, Freiburg: Herder Verlag, 2015. - 208 (Gerhard Höver, Bonn     in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

SCHÖNBORN, Christoph: Le regard du bon pasteur: Entretien avec Antonio Spadaro, Les Plans sur Bex:  Parole et silence, 2015. -  140 (Filipe Domingues, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

SCHORBERGER, Gregor: schwul + katholisch : Eine christliche Gottesdienstgemeinschaft, Berlin: Epubli,  (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

SCHREIBER, Gerhard (Hrsg.): Transsexualität in Theologie und Neurowissenschaften: Ergebnisse, Kontroversen, Perspektiven, Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016. - 711 (Gerhard Marschütz, Wien in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

SCHREIBER, Monika:  The Comfort of Kin: Samaritan Community, Kinship, and Marriage,  Leiden:  Brill,  2014. -  XIV, 417

SCHROEDER, Joy A.: Deborah's Daughters: Gender Politics and Biblical Interpretation,  Oxford University Press, 2014. - 284 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

SCHULLER, Eileen / WACKER, Marie-Theres Wacker (Hg.): Frühjüdische Schriften (Die Bibel und die Frauen; 3,1),  Stuttgart: Kohlhammer,  2017. -  282 (Michael Tilly, Landau  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

SCHULZ, Marc S. / KLINE PRUETT, Marsha / KERIG, Patricia K. / PARKE, Ross D.: Strenghtening Couple Relationshiops for Optimal Child Development: Lessons from Research and Intervention, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2009. - 244 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

SCHUPPE, Florian: Die Pastorale Herausforderung: Orthodoxes Leben zwischen Akribeia und Oikonomia. Theologische Grundlagen, Praxis und ökumenische Perspektiven, Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2006. - 676 (Basilio Petrà, Firenze in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

SCHWARTZ GOTTMAN, Julie, The Marriage Clinic: Casebook, London, W.W. Norton, 2004, X, 237 (Paul R. Giblin, Chicago in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 123)

SCHWIENHORST-SCHÖNBERGER, Ludger: Das Hohelied der Liebe, Freiburg: Herder Verlag, 2015. - 176 (Beate Kowalski, Dortmund in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

SCIORTINO, Antonio: La famiglia cristiana: una risorsa ignorata, Milano: Mondadori, 2009. - 144 (Stefano Stimamiglio, Roma in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

SCOLA, Angelo : Famiglia, risorsa decisiva, Padova: Messaggero di Sant'Antonio, 2012. - 124 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

SCOTT, Joan W.: Sex and Secularism, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018. - XIII, 235  (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

SCOTT, Kieran / HORELL, Harold D., Human sexuality in the Catholic tradition, Lanham, Sheed & Ward, 2007, 233 (Joseph Selling, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 268-269)

SERRERI, Sandro / CREPALDI, GIAMPAOLO: Famiglia e lavoro nell'insegnamento sociale della Chiesa : da Leone XIII a Giovanni Paolo II Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007. - 331 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

SETTIMANI SOCIALI DEI CATTOLICI ITALIANI (a cura di): La Famiglia, speranza e futuro per la società italiana: Atti della 47ª Settimana Sociale dei Cattolici Italiani. Torino, 12-15 settembre 2013, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2015. - 488 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

SEYMOUR, Mark: Debating Divorce in Italy: Marriage and the Making of Modern Italians 1860-1974,  New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. - 304 (Laura Arosio, Milano in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

SHELDRAKE, Philip F.: Explorations in Spirituality: History, Theology, and Social Practice, New York: Paulist Press, 2010. - VII, 243 (Diana L. Villegas, Acton, MA in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

SHIPLEY, Heather (ed.):  Globalized Religion and Sexual Identity: Contexts, Contestations, Voices Leiden:  Brill,  2014. - xiv, 319 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

SIEDER, Reinhard: Patchworks - das Familienleben getrennter Eltern und ihrer Kinder, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 2008. - 409 ( Corinna Onnen, Vechta in: INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

SIGNORI, G.: Von der Paradiesesehe zur Gütergemeinschaft (Hubertus Lutterbach in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

SILL, Bernhard / BUBMANN, Peter: Schritte durch die Lebensmitte: Facetten christlicher Lebenskunst, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2013. - 192 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

SIMON, Caroline J.: Bringing Sex into Focus: The Quest for Sexual Integrity, Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2011. - 176 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

SIMMONS, Christina: Making Marriage Modern: Women's Sexuality from the Progressive Era to World War II, New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. - 318 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

SISSA, Giulia: Sex and Sensuality in the Ancient World,  New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009. - 256 (Michael Tilly, Landau in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

SHEPHERD, Dawn:  Building Relationships: Online Dating and the New Logics of Internet Culture,  Lanham: Lexington Books, 2016. -  V, 151  (Filipe Domingues, Rome  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

SHWALB, David W. / SHWALB, Barbara J. / LAMB, Michael E. (eds.): Fathers in Cultural Context, Hove: Psychology Press, 2012. - (Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

SKRADE, Kristofer: The Christian Handbook on marriage, Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 2006. - 224 (Denis Toohey, Fulham Gardens, SA in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

SMITH, Grainne: Families, Carers and Professionals: Building Constructive Conversations, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2007. - 274 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Vechta in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

SMOLARZ, Sebastien R.: "Covenant and the Metaphor of Divine Marriage in Biblical Thought: A Study with Special Reference to the Book of Revelation, Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2011. - 404 (Diana L. Villegas, Acton, MA in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

SNYDER, Douglas K. / BAUCOM, Donald H. / COOP GORDON, Kristina: Getting Past the Affair: A Program to Help You Cope, Heal, and Move On -- Together or Apart,  New York: Guilford Press, 2007. - 342 (Alfons Vansteenwegen, Leuven in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

SOLINGER, Rickie: Pregnancy and Power : A History of Reproductive Politics in the United States, New York: New York University Press, 2019. - VIII, 341 (Ann Loades,  St. Andrews, Scotland in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

SOLMI, Enrico: Io accolgo te : strumento operativo per la preparazione dei fidanzati al matrimonio : Guida e Sussidio,  Bologna: Dehoniane, 2008. - 224 (Stefano Stimamiglio, Roma in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

SOMMERS, Jaime: 119: My Life as a Bisexual Christian,  London:  Darton, Longman and Todd,  2016. - 189 (Gerhard Schreiber, Darmstadt  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

SONG, Robert: Covenant and calling: towards a theology of same-sex relationships, London: SCM, 2014. - (Oliver O'Donovan, Edinburgh in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

SONNET, Jean-Pierre: Generare è narrare, Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2014. - 172 (Giulia P. Di Nicola, Teramo in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

SPENCER, Scott F.: Salty Wives, Spirited Mothers, and Savvy Widows: Capable Women of Purpose and Persistence in Luke's Gospel, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012. - 358 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

SPIEKER, Manfred: Gender-Mainstreaming in Deutschland: Konsequenzen für Staat, Gesellschaft und Kirchen,  Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2015. - 106 (Gerhard Marschütz, Wien in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

SPILLING-NÖKER, Christa: Wir lassen Dich nicht, Du segnest uns denn: Zur Diskussion um Segnung und Zusammenleben gleichgeschlechtlicher Paare im Pfarrhaus, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2007. - 408 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

SPINELLO, Richard:  The Splendor of Marriage : St. John Paul II’s Vision of Love, Marriage, Family, and the Culture of Life,  Brooklyn, NY  Angelico Press,  2018. - 191  (Ray Temmerman, Winnipeg  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

SPORY, Anke: Familie im Wandel: kulturwissenschaftliche, soziologische und theologische Reflexionen, Waxmann, 2013. - 228 (Gerhard Höver, Bonn in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

SPRENKLE, Douglas H. / DAVIS, Sean D. / LEBOW, Jay L. (eds.): Common Factors in Couple and Family Therapy: The Overlooked Foundation for Effective Practice, New York: Guilford Press, 2009. - 226 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

SREENIVAS, Mytheli: Wives, Widows, and Concubines: The Conjugal Family Ideal in Colonial India, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2008. - XII, 169 (Augustine Kallely, Leuven in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

STAFFORD, Laura: Maintaining Lonc-Distance and Cross-Residential Relationships, Mahwah, NJ-London: Erlbaum, 2005. - IX, 154 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

STALDER, Birgit: "Der Ehehimmel begann schon früh sich zu trüben": Geschlechterbeziehungen und Machtverhältnisse in Scheidungsprozessen zwischen 1876 und 1911, Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2017. - 424 (Corinna Onnen, Vechta in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)

STARR, Rachel: Reimagining Theologies of Marriage in Contexts of Domestic Violence: When Salvation is Survival,  London: Routledge,  2018. -  VIII, 225 (Elizabeth Davies, Wolverhampton in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

STASKIEWICZ, Joanna: Katholische Frauenbewegung in Polen?: Zum Wandel der Geschlechterverhältnisse in der katholischen Kirche in Polen nach 1989, Bielefeld: Transcript, 2018.- 360 (Konrad Glombik, Opole in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

STENSVOLD, Anne: A History of Pregnancy in Christianity: From Original Sin to Contemporary Abortion Debates, New York-Abingdon: Routledge,  2015. -  VII, 210 (Ann Loades, St. Andrews, UK  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

STIEBERT, Johanna: Fathers and Daughters in the Hebrew Bible, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. - 288 (Hans Debel, Leuven in: INTAMS REVIEW 20/1 (2014)

STIERLIN, Helm, Gerechtigkeit in nahen Beziehungen: Systematisch-therapeutische Perspektiven, Heidelberg, Carl-Auer, 2005, 127 ( Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 119-121)

STOCKS, Janet / DIAZ MARTINEZ, Capitolena / HALLERÖD, Björn (eds.): Modern Couples Sharing Money, Sharing Life, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - IX, 196 (Elisabetta Ruspini, Milano in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

STOCKTON, Will: Members of his Body : Shakespeare, Paul, and a Theology of Nonmonogamy, New York: Fordham Press, 2017. - VII, 178 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

STOLLBERG-RILINGER, Barbara: "Als Mann und Frau schuf er sie" Würzburg: Ergon, 2014. - 298 "(Hubertus Lutterbach, Essen in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

STOOP-VAN PARIDON, P.: The Song of Songs: A Philological Analysis of the Hebrew Book, Leuven: Peeters, 2005. - XVI, 540 (Dries De Crom, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

STRAUCHENBRUCH, Elke: Luthers Kinder, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlaganstalt, 2010. - 196 (Heinz-Meinolf Stamm, Paderborn in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

STREIB-BRZIC, Uli / GERLACH, Stephanie: Und was sagen die Kinder dazu? Gespräche mit Töchtern und Söhnen lesbischer und schwuler Eltern, Berlin: Querverlag, 2013. - 188 (Gerhard Marschütz, Wien  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

SURZYKIEWICZ, Janusz / GROOS, Maria / LOICHEN, Teresa / VAN LOON, Joost (Hg.): Liebe, Leib und Leidenschaft: Personsein aus der Sicht der Theologie des Leibes, St. Ottilien:  EOS Verlag, 2016. - 364 (Gerhard Höver, Bonn     in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

SWAMI, Viren: Attraction explained: The science of how we form relationships, London-New York: Routledge, 2016. - 273 (Sahayadas Fernando, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

SWENSON, Donald: Religion and Family Links : Neofunctionalist Reflections, New York: Springer, 2008. - XII, 189 (Richard M. Rymarz, Edmonton, AB in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

SYRETT, Nicholas L.:  American Child Bride: A History of Minors and Marriage in the United States,  Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2016. -  XIV, 354 (Jessica Scheiper, Bonn in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

SZAREK, Monika:  Ehe und Askese: Familienethos bei Paulus und Musonius (Beiträge zum Verstehen der Bibel; 31), Münster: LIT Verlag, 2016. -  VI, 262 (Michael Tilly, Tübingen, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)


TAIBBI, Robert: Doing couple therapy: Craft and creativity in work with intimate partners, New York: Guilford Press, 2009. - 276 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

TADDEI FERRETTI, Cloe: Anche i cagnolini: L'ordinazione delle donne nella Chiesa cattolica,  San Pietro in Cariano (Verona):  Gabrielli Editori,  2014. -  165 (Giulia Paola Di Nicola, Teramo in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

TALVACCHIA, Kathleen T. / PETTINGER, Michael F. / LARRIMORE, Mark (eds.): Queer Christianities: Lived Religion in Transgressive Forms, New York/London: New York University Press, 2015. - VIII, 223 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

TAZI-PREVE, Mariam Irene: Motherhood in Patriarchy: Animosity Toward Mothers in Politics and Feminist Theory - Proposals for Change, Leverkussen: Barbara Budrich, 2013. - 304 (Ann Loades, Durham, UK in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)

THATCHER, Adrian: God, Sex and Gender: An Introduction, Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. - 271 (Basilio Petrà, Firenze in: INTAMS review 18/1 (2012)THATCHER, Adrian: Theology and Families, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. - 288 (Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

THATCHER, Adrian (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of theology, sexuality, and gender, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. - 736 (Pádraig Corkery, Maynooth in: INTAMS review 21/1 (2015)

THATCHER, Adrian: The Savage Text: Use and Abuse of the Bible, Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. - 218 (Hans Debel, Leuven in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND:  Living in Love and Faith: Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage, London:  Church House Publishing,  2020. - VII, 468  (Doral Hayes, London  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

THÉRY, Irène: Mariage et Filiation pour tous: Une métamorphose inachevée, Paris:    Editions du Seuil, 2016. - 128 (Francesco Pesce, Rome/Trevisi in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/2 (2018)

THEUKE, Theresia: Der Embryo und die Menschenwürde : Der Wandel des Menschenwürdebegriffes im Kontext bioethischer Debatten, [The Embryo and Human Dignity: Changing Notions of Human Dignity in the Context of Bioethical Debates], (Wertewandel im 20. Jahrhundert; 4), Berlin-Boston, MA:  Walter de Gruyter,  2019. -  375 (Julia van der Linde, Bochum in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

THIEL, Marie-Jo: L’Église catholique face aux abus sexuels sur mineurs, Paris:  Bayard,  2019. -  720 (Roberto Dell'Oro, Los Angeles in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

THOMAS, David Michael: A Community of Love: Spirituality of Family Life, Skokie: ACTA Publications, 2007. - 133 (Paul R. Giblin, Chicago in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

THOMAS, Laurence: The Family and the Political Self, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. - XIII, 184 (Giulia P. Di Nicola, Teramo in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)

THOMAS, Paul:  Marriage Ministry: A Complete Guide,  Norwich: Canterbury, 2017. -   (Ray Temmerman, Winnipeg, MB , in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

THOMASSET, Alain / DE MAUTORT, Oranne:  Familles, belles et fragiles ! Mettre en œuvre l'exhortation Amoris laetitia dans l'Église, Bruxelles-Paris:  Éditions Jésuites,  2020, - 200 (Philippe Bordeyne, Paris in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 28/1 (2022) Temmerman, Winnipeg, MB , in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

THORNTON, Arland / AXINN, William G. / XIEU, Yu: Marriage and Cohabitation, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. - 412 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

TOMEKOVA, Mariá: Vatersein als Berufung: Eine qualitative Untersuchung vom Vatersein in der Familie aus der Perspektive der christlichen Berufung, Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2010. - (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/2 (2013)

TONER, Jules J., Love and Friendship. Book 1: The Experience of Love. Book 2: Personal Friendship: The Experience and the Ideal, Milwaukee, WI, Marquette University Press, 2003, 333 (William Desmond, Leuven in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 263-264)

TONSTAD, Linn: God and Difference: The Trinity, Sexuality, and the Transformation of Finitude, New York, Routledge, 2016. - 302 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

TRAINA, Christina L.H.: Erotic Attunement : Parenthood and the Ethics of Sensuality between Unequals, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011. - 376 (Machteld Reynaert, Leuven, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

TREACY SC, Patrick: Whatever Happened to Marriage?, London: The Catholic Truth Society, 2018. - 62 (Gustavo Cavagnari, Jerusalem  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

TREVISI, Marion / BARDET, Jean-Pierre: Au coeur de la parenté : oncles et tantes dans la France des lumières,  Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2008. - 576 (Guy Bedouelle, Fribourg in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

TWO IN ONE FLESH CHRISTIAN PRO MARRIAGE TEAM:  I am with You: Scripture Reflections for Couples, based on the Sunday Readings, Year A (Forword by Card. Cormac Murphy-O'Connor),  Two in One Flesh,  2013. - 161 (Sahayadas Fernando, Roma, , in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)


UBEROI, Patricia: Freedom and Destiny: Gender, Family, and Popular Culture in India, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2006. - XIX, 309 (Jeevaraj Lourdhu, Leuven in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011)

UMRATH, Barbara: Geschlecht, Familie, Sexualität : Die Entwicklung der Kritischen Theorie aus der Perspektive sozialwissenschaftlicher Geschlechterforschung, Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2019. - 409 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

UNDERWOOD, M.K. / ROSEN, L.H.: Social Development (Joris Gysels in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)



van ACKER, Elizabeth: Marriage and Values in Public Policy: Conflicts in the UK, the US and Australia, New York: Routledge,  2017. -  XIV, 208  (Denis Toohey, Grange, SA, Australia  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

VAN DE PUTTE, Bart, Partnerkeuze in de 19de eeuw: Klasse, geografische afkomst, romantiek en de vorming van sociale groepen op de huwelijksmarkt, Leuven, University Press, 2005, XIX, 461 (Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Leuven in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 141)

van de SPIJKER, Herman A.M.J.M.:  Auf der Suche nach der Geschlechtlichkeit: Zugänge, damit Frauen Frau, Männer Mann und Menschen miteinander Mensch werden (Theologie: Forschung und Wissenschaft; 75), Münster: LIT, 2017. -  II, 76  (Richard Hartmann, Fulda  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

VAN DEUSEN, Nancy E. (ed.): Chastity: A Study in Perception, Ideals, Opposition, Leiden: Brill, 2008. - 256 (Stefano Stimamiglio, Roma in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

VANGELISTI, Anita L. / PERLMAN, Daniel (eds.): The Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. - XXII, 891 (Anna Abram, London in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

VANIER, Jean: Uomo e donna Dio li creó, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2010. - 252 (Vittorio Moggi, Sant'Ilario d'Enza (RE) in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

VANSTEENWEGEN, Alfons: The Good Enough Couple: Rules for a Relationship, Chennai, India: Prowess Publishing, 2019. - X, 179 (Els Agten, Hasselt in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

VERDONE, Luciano: Le dinamiche del cuore, Educazione emotiva, valoriale, relazionale, Torino, Effatà Editrice, 2005, 128 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 284-285)

VESCO, Jean-Paul: Ogni amore vero è indissolubile: Considerazioni in difesa dei divorziati risposati, Brescia: Queriniana Editrice, 2015. - 112 (Francesco Pesce, Rome/Trevisi in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

VIEFHUES-BAILEY, Ludger H.: Between a Man and a Woman ? Why Conservatives Oppose Same-Sex Marriage, New York: Columbia University Press, 2010. - 192 (Michael Lawler, Omaha, NE in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

VOHS, Kathleen D. / FINKEL, Eli J. (eds.): Self and Relationships: Connecting Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Processes, New York: Guilford Press, 2006. - 432 (Robin Gutteridge, Birmingham in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

VON STOSCH, Klaus / BAUMANN, Ann-Christin Baumann (Hrsg.): Ehe in Islam und Christentum, Paderborn: Schöningh, 2016. - 205 (Hubertus Lutterbach, Essen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/1 (2017)

von WEILER, Julia: "Im Netz - Kinder vor sexueller Gewalt schützen (aktualisierte und erweiterte Neuausgabe)," Freiburg: Herder, 2014. -  184 (Gottfried Ugolini, Brixen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

VOORHOEVE, Maaike: Family Law in Islam: Divorce, Marriage and Women in the Muslim World, London: I.B. Tauris, 2012. - 256 (Ann Loades, Durham, UK in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 23/2 (2017)


WACHTEL, Ellen: The Heart of Couple Therapy: Knowing What to Do and How to Do It, New York-London:  Guilford Press,  2017. - 284 (Alfons Vansteenwegen, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/1 (2019)

WACHTEL, Paul L.: Relational Theory and the Practice of Psychotherapy, New York: Guilford Press, 2007. - XIV, 338 ( Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

WAIHONG, Choo: The Kingdom of Women: Life, Love and Death in China's Hidden Mountains,  London: I.B. Tauris, 2017. -  240 (Chee-seung Chan, Hong Kong  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

WALDRON, Vince: The Middle Years of Marriage: Challenge, Change, and Growth, New York: Lang Publishing, 2017.- 175 (Randall Woodard, Saint Leo, FL in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

WALPER, Sabine / FICHTNER, Jörg (Hgs.): Hochkonflikthafte Trennungsfamilien: Forschungsergebnisse, Praxiserfahrungen und Hilfen für Scheidungseltern und ihre Kinder Weinheim: Juventa Verlag, 2011 (Corinna Onnen, Vechta, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

WALSER, Angelika (Hg.): "Freundschaft" im interdisziplinären Dialog: Perspektiven aus Philosophie, Theologie, Sozialwissenschaften und Gender Studies (Salzburger theologische Studien; 59),  Innsbruck-Wien:  Tyrolia, 2017. - 260  (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

WALSER, Angelika: Ein Kind um jeden Preis? Unerfüllter Kinderwunsch und künstliche Befruchtung. Eine Orientierung, Tyrolia, 2014. - 144 (Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl, Regensburg in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

WALSH, F.: Spiritual Resources in Family Therapy (2nd Edition), New York: Guilford Press, 2009. - 414 (Paul R. Giblin, Chicago in: INTAMS REVIEW 19/1 (2013)

WALTER, Katherine Clark: The Profession of Widowhood : Widows, Pastoral Care, and Medieval Models of Holiness, Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2018. -  XII, 430 (Gustavo Cavagnari, Jerusalem in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/2 (2020)

WARD, Jane: The Tragedy of Heterosexuality,  New York: New York University Press, 2020. -  205 (Susannah Cornwall, Exeter in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

WATERS, Brent: The family in Christian social and political thought, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. - XV, 313 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 14/1 (2008)

WEBER, I.: Ein Gesetz für Männer und Frauen (Rudiger Schnell in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

WEAVER, Andrew J. / PRESTON, John D. / HOSENFELD, Charlene A.: Counseling on Sexual Issues: A Handbook for Pastors and Other Helping Professionals, Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2005. - XIV, 239 ( Heinz-Meinolf Stamm, Paderborn in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

WEBER, Doris, Du und Ich: Menschen brauchen einander, Würzburg, Echter Verlag, 2006, 120 (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 283-284)

WEEKS, Jeffrey: The world we have won : the remaking of erotic and intimate life, London: Routledge, 2007. - XVI, 269 (Elisabetta Ruspini, Milano in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

WEEKS, Gerald R. / ODELL, Mark / METHVEN, Susanne (eds.), If Only I Had Known... Avoiding Common Mistakes in Couples Therapy, London, W.W. Norton, 2005, 256 (Joseph Orathinkal, Leuven in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 121-123)

WELTER-ENDERLIN, Rosmarie, Einführung in die systemische Paartherapie, Heidelberg, Carl-Auer Verlag, 2007, 125 (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 14/2 (2008), 276-277)

WENDT, Eva-Verena / WALPER, Sabine: Qualität und Motivation sexueller Paarbeziehungen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter, Weinheim: Juventa Verlag, 2009. - 244 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

WERNECK, H. / WERNECK-ROHRER, S. (Hg.), Psychologie der Scheidung und Trennung: Theoretische Modelle, empirische Befunde und Implikationen für die Praxis, Wien, Facultas, 2003, 182 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 118-119)

WERNER, Stephen A.:  Daniel Lord, SJ, the Restless Flame: Thinking Big in a Parochial World!,  Independently published, 2021. -  354 (William L. Portier, Emmitsburg, MD in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30/1 (2024)

WEST, Robin: Marriage, sexuality, and Gender, Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2007. - VI, 289 (Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in: INTAMS review 17/1 (2011))

WIDMER, Eric / JALLINOJA, Riitta: Beyond the Nuclaer Family: Families in a Configurational Perspective, Bern-Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2008. - XIV, 401 (Corinna Onnen-Isemann, Vechta in: INTAMS review 16/2 (2010)

WIDMER, Eric D.: Family Configurations : A Structural Approach to Family Diversity, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2010. - 178 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth, in: INTAMS REVIEW 18/2 (2012)

WIERINGA, Saskia / BLACKWOOD, Evelyn / BHAIYA, Abha (eds.): Women's Sexualities and Masculinities in a Globalizing Asia, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - 272 (Elisabetta Ruspini, Milano in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

WIJNGAARDS, John, Women Deacons in the Early Church, Edinburg, Crossroad/Alban Books, 2006 (Basilio Petrà, Firenze in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 260-261)

WILHELM, Peter, Empathie im Alltag von Paaren: Akkuratheit und Projektion bei der Einschätzung des Befindens des Partners, Bern, Hans Huber Verlag, 2004, 301 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 117-118)

WILLI, Jürg / LIMACHER, Bernhard (Hg.): Wenn die Liebe schwindet: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Paartherapie, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta Verlag, 2005. - 244 (Jochen Sautermeister, München in: INTAMS review 15/2 (2009)

WILLIAMS, Nathalie E.: For Better, For Worse: The Ethics of Divorce after Marriage Equality, Lanham:  Lexington Books/Fortress Academic,  2020. - 114 (Sahayadas Fernando, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)

WISEMANN, James A., Spirituality and Mysticism, Maryknoll/New York, Orbis/Alban Books, 2006, 242 (Rob Faesen SJ, Leuven in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 143)

WITTING, Caroline: Reproduktive Autonomie: Über das Potenzial eines umstrittenen Begriffs, (Studien der Moraltheologie: Neue Folge; 10), Münster: Aschendorff, 2018. - 228 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

WHALON, Pierre:  Made in Heaven?: How Gods acts in Marriage,   independently published, 2016. -  154 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

WHEELER-REED, David:  Regulating Sex in the Roman Empire: Ideology, the Bible, and the Early Christians,  New Haven: Yale University Press, 2017. -  XXI, 177 (Michael Tilly, Tübingen, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)

WHITTY, Monica T. / CARR, Adrian N.: Cyberspace Romance: The Psychology of Online Relationships, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. - 218 ( Corinna Onnen, Vechta in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

WITTE, John / ELLISON, E. (eds): Covenant Marriage in Comparative Perspective, Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans, 2005, XIII, 342 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 135-135)

WITTE, John, Jr. / KINGDON, Robert M.: Sex, Marriage, and Family in John Calvin's Geneva: Courtship, Engagement, and Marriage, Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans, 2005, XXXII, 512 (Guy Bedouelle, Fribourg in: INTAMS review 13/2 (2007), 265-266)

WITTE, John / GREEN, Christian / WHEELER, Amy (eds.): The Equal-Regard Family and its Friendly Critics: Don Browning and the Practical Theological Ethics of the Family, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2007. - XXII, 284 ( Remco Robinson, Nijmegen in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

WLADIKA, Michael (Hg.):  Liebes- und Heilsdynamiken in Ehe und Familie,  Heiligenkreuz:  B&B Verlag,  2019. - 236  (Gerhard Höver, Bonn  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/1 (2021)

WLADIKA, Michael / DANHEL, Günter (Hg.): Kirchliche Verlobung: Reflexionen und Impulse, Heiligenkreuz: Be&Be-Verlag, 2012. - 162 (Richard Hartmann, Fulda in: INTAMS review 22/1 (2016)

WOHLGSCHAFT, Hermann: Für immer und ewig?: Über Ehe, Zölibat und intime Freundschaften,  Würzburg: Echter, 2013. -  167 (Martin M. Lintner, Brixen  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

WOHLGSCHAFT, Hermann: Unsterbliche Paare: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Liebe. Band 1: Von der Antike bis zur Renaissance, Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2015. -  386 (Sebastian Eck, Münster in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

WOHLGSCHAFT, Hermann: Unsterbliche Paare: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Liebe. Band 2: Reformation — Barock — Aufklärung — Klassik — Romantik,  Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2016. - 384 (Sebastian Eck, Münster in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

WOHLGSCHAFT, Hermann: Unsterbliche Paare: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Liebe. Band 3: Realismus – Moderne – Postmoderne,  Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2016. - 416 (Sebastian Eck, Münster in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

WOLLENSCHLÄGER, Ferdinand / COESTER-WALTJEN, Dagmar: Ehe für Alle: Die Öffnung der Ehe für gleichgeschlechtliche Paare aus verfassungsrechtlicher und rechtsvergleichender Perspektive, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018. - XV, 277 (Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl, Augsburg  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)

WOODHEAD, Linda / WINTER, Norman (eds.): Religion and personal life: debating ethics and faith with leading thinkers and public figures including: Alastair Campbell, Steve Chalke, Delia Smith, Polly Toynbee, Giles Fraser, John Harris, Mary Ann Sieghart, London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 2013. - 176 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: INTAMS review 22/2 (2016)

WOODS, Bob / KEADY, John / SEDDON, Diane: Involving Families in Care Homes: A Relationship-Centred Approach to Dementia Care, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007. - 143 ( Roy Dorey, London in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

WOODS, Richard J.: Christian Spirituality: God's presence through the Ages, Rev. ed.,  New York: Orbis, 2006. - 314 (Gisbert Greshake, Freiburg i.Br. in : INTAMS review 16/1 (2010)

WOLFINGER, Nicholas H., Understanding the Divorce Cycle: The Children of Divorce in Their Own Marriages, Cambridge, University Press, 2005, XII, 180 (Geert Faseur, Antwerpen in: INTAMS review 13/1 (2007), 133-134)

WOLLBOLD, A.: Pastoral mit weiderverheirateten Geschiedenen (Gisbert Greshake in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)

WRAY, Helen:  Regulating Marriage Migration into the UK: A Stranger in the Home,  London-New York:  Routledge,  2011. -  290

WUCHERPFENNIG, Ansgar: Sexualität bei Paulus: Plädoyer für eine zeitgemäße Geschlechtergerechtigkeit,  Freiburg: Herder Verlag,  2020. -  248 (Michael Tilly, Tübingen, in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 26/1 (2020)


YAÑEZ, Humberto M. / PALLADINO, Emilia (a cura di): La Famiglia a cinquant'anni da Humanae Vitae: Attualità e riflessione etica, Roma: Studium,  2019. -  173 (Sylvia Hübel, Leuven in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

YAO, Koffi Martin: L'éducation affective, relationnelle et sexuelle en milieu scolaire: Vision chrétienne et humaine de la sexualité, Paris:  L'Harmattan,  2018. -  136 (Gustavo Cavagnari, Rome in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/2 (2023)

YOUSSEF, Olfa: The Perplexity of a Muslim Woman: Over Inheritance, Marriage, and Homosexuality,  Lanham:  Lexington Books,  2017. -  164 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

ZAGER, Werner (Hrsg.): Liberale Frömmigkeit?: Spiritualität in der säkularen und multireligiösen Gesellschaft Leipzig:  Evangelische Verlaganstalt,  2015. - 232 "(Hubertus Lutterbach, Essen  in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 24/1 (2018)

ZANETTI, Eugenio (ed.): Dopo l'inverno: Testimonianze, domande e messaggi di separati, divorziati o risposati che vivono nella Chiesa, Milano: Ancora, 2005. - 238 (Vittorio Moggi, Sant'Ilario d'Enza (RE) in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)
ZATTONI, Mariateresa: Genitori nella tempesta: Le relazioni familiari e l'adolescenza, Cinisello Balsamo: San Paolo Edizioni, 2006. - 112 (Angela Rossi, Chieti in: INTAMS review 15/1 (2009)
ZATTONI GILLINI, Mariateresa: Il nonno e il laureato : Genitori, figli adulti, nonni e le relazioni familiari nella vita quotidiana, Cinisello Balsamo: San Paolo, 2007. - 112 ( Angela Rossi, Chieti in:  INTAMS review 17/2 (2011)

ZAVATTINI, Giulio Cesare (ed.): Talking with Couples: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of the Couple Relationship, London: Karnac Books, 2015. - XVIII, 119 (Petri Assenga, Nairobi, Kenya in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 27/2 (2021)

ZEITNER, R.M.: Self within Marriage (Geert Faseur in: INTAMS review 21/2 (2015)