Pastoral Resources

Le Synode vécu au fil des jours

Language: FRENCH

  • Le blog (récit personnel) d'un auditeur au synode de la famille, octobre 2015. Beaucoup d'informations, des textes anciens et plus récents, sur Amoris Laetitia.
  • The blog of a listener at the Family Synod, October 2015. Lots of information, old and more recent texts, on Amoris Laetitia.

Language: ENGLISH

"Two into One" is the UK’s largest marriage related website. Its aim is to provide couples with advice and support at every stage in their relationship from wedding planning through the good and bad times to the end, be that through death or divorce. “Two into One” works with over 70 UK based organizations and issues as well a weekly newsletter.


Arbeitsgemeinschaft für katholische Familienbildung (AKF)
Language : GERMAN

  • Der Fachverband für Familienbildung und Familienpastoral in der katholischen Kirche Deutschlands.
  • The AKF is an association for family education within the Catholic Church in Germany. Uniting 40 dioceses, associations, and organizations the AKF's main objective is to promote Church activities in the field of family education and to represent its members before the state and the public.
Language : FRENCH

  • Portail francophone de l'Eglise catholique en Belgique.
  • Portal of the French-speaking Catholic Church in Belgium.

Catholic Engaged Encounter (CEE)
Language : ENGLISH
Catholic Engaged Encounter (CEE) is recognized, both nationally and internationally, as a quality, highly effective, marriage preparation program designed to meet the needs of today's engaged couples.


Centre de Liaison des Equipes de Recherche sur l'amour et la famille (CLER)
Language : FRENCH

  • Ressources sur le mariage, la sexualité et la spiritualité, avec un accent particulier sur le planning familial naturel.
  • Resources about marriage, sexuality and spirituality, with a particular focus on natural family planning.

Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life

Official organ of the Holy See.


Evangelische Aktionsgemeinschaft für Familienfrage (EAF)
Language : GERMAN

  • Evangelische Aktionsgemeinschaft für Familienfragen, Deutschland.
  • Evangelical action group for family questions, Germany.
Language : GERMAN

  • Das "Forum Beziehung, Ehe und Familie" (FBEF) ist innerhalb der Katholischen Aktion Österreich der Fachbereich für Beziehung, Ehe und Familie sowie die Austausch- und Vernetzungsplattform für die diözesanen Beziehungs-, Ehe- und Familienstellen in Österreich als auch Südtirol und andere Mitgliedsorganisationen.
  • Forum for marriage and the family issues, Catholic Action Austria.

Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society
Languages : ENGLISH
The Howard center promotes “natural family” values rooted in religious faith.


Interdiocesane Dienst voor Gezinspastoraal (IDGP)
Language : DUTCH

  • De IDGP wil vanuit een christelijke inspiratie ondersteuning bieden aan de diocesane diensten voor gezinspastoraal van de Vlaamse bisdommen. Anderzijds wil zij ook voeling houden met andere organisaties die gezinspastorale initiatieven ontwikkelen.
  • This Dutch language website provides information, and links, concerning family ministry programs in all of the Belgian Flemish Catholic dioceses.

Marriage Care
Language : ENGLISH
Marriage preparation, relationship counselling and more. Specialises in helping couples – married or not – build and sustain strong, fulfilling, healthy relationships, and in providing support in times of relationship difficulty.


For Better & For Ever
Language : ENGLISH
Marriage preparation resources singles, dating couples, engaged couples, married couples, clergy, marriage educators.


National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers (NACFLM)
Language : ENGLISH
A growing association of professional ministers within the USA Catholic Church who work with, for and beside families.


North American Conference of Separated and Divorced Catholics
Language : ENGLISH
Since 1975, committed to the healing and recovery of those who have experienced separation and divorce.


Österreichisches Pastoralinstitut
Language : GERMAN

  • Das Österreichische Pastoralinstitut betreibt eine Webseite zu verschiedenen Themen aus dem Bereich der Katechese mit verschiedenen Quellen, Bibliographien und Links. Die Webseite hat auch ein Portal über Familienkatechese und die Weitergabe des Glaubens in Familien.
  • The Austrian Institute for Pastoral Ministry (Österreichisches Pastoralinstitut) hosts a webpage on different topics in the field of catechesis containing various sources, bibliographies and links. The webpage also has a portal on family catechesis and the transmission of faith in families.

Stiftung Gottesbeziehung in Familien
Language : GERMAN

  • Die Stiftung Gottesbeziehung in Familien fördert religiöse Erziehung in Familien. Die Mitbegründer Albert Biesinger, katholischer Religionspädagoge, und sein evangelischer Kollege Friedrich Schweitzer von der Universität Tübingen im Gespräch über veränderte Lebenswelten und gemischt-konfessionelle Familien.
  • Foundation created in 2003 and issued of a project at the department for religious education at the faculty of Catholic theology at the University of Tübingen. Drawing on the conviction that children are naturally concerned about religious questions and that families are best suited for communicating faith, the foundation intends to support parents in addressing religious matters in their children's own language.

The National Family and Parenting Institute (NFPI)
Language : ENGLISH
An independent UK charity working to support parents in bringing up their children, to promote the well-being of families and to make society more family friendly.


Two In One Flesh (TIOF)
Language : ENGLISH

Two In One Flesh (TIOF) are a group of five married couples and a priest  who have written several publications to enrich marriage, including I Am With You (liturgical years A, B and C) and Marriage Matters. These Scripture-based resources complement  and ground the teachings of Pope Francis on the marital relationship.

Westminster Pastoral Foundation
Language : ENGLISH
WPF Counselling & Psychotherapy exists to extend access to high quality, professional counselling and psychotherapy and to strive for excellence in the training of counsellors and psychotherapists. WPF is an organisational member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy. It is a founder member of the United Kingdom Register of Counsellors.