Marriage, Families & Spirituality



vol. 30/1 (2024): Interchurch Marriage and Ecumenism

special theme issue

Are differences of faith, like that between a Catholic and another Christian, insuperable obstacles to marital union?

This has long been argued. Today, however, cross-denominational couples are very common. We find that two people from different Christian denominations, each committed to their own tradition, can forge a productive marriage.

The articles in this issue argue that these interchurch marriages can not only be good for the couple but can also be helpful in the ecumenical quest for Christian unity. The authors explore perceptions, legislation, and possibilities presented by these couples. In our pluralistic societies, the church would do well to turn to the resources these couples can bring to prolonging a unified Christian witness to the world.

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi & Ray Temmerman (full text)


Diane & Greg A. Ryan: From Experiment to Encounter: Receiving Interchurch Families in a Synodal Church

Clare Watkins: “Communion, Participation, Mission”: Interchurch Families’ Gifts of Discernment and Synodality for the Wider Church

Francesco Pesce: They Have a Common Bed, But Not a Common Table: Faith and Relationship in Mixed Marriages

Daniel J. Olsen: Interchurch Families: Ecclesial Gifts for the New Missionary Age

Dorothea Sattler: Eucharistie feiern in konfessionsverbindenden Familien: Stimmen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum zu einem weltkirchlich relevanten Thema

Vimal Tirimanna: Interfaith Marriages: An Asian Perspective

Ray Temmerman: Interchurch Families: Problem to be Solved, or Gift to be Received?

Doral Hayes: After the Funeral: An Ethnographic Reflection on a Funeral Mass through the Lens of Interchurch Families


Matthew E. Chen: Mixed Marriage: An Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Perspective

David & Joyce Makumi: “You Shall Be My Witnesses”: Reflections of a Kenyan Catholic-Pentecostal Couple


Jochen Sautermeister: God’s Love Embraces Everyone: On the New Declaration Fiducia Supplicans by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith

Todd A. Salzman & Michael G. Lawler: Dignitas Infinita: Anthropologically and Methodologically Consistent?

Book reviews of recent publications in the fields of Marriage in Antiquity, Cultural Issues, Human Dignity, The Couple.
Go here for our complete list of book reviews.


vol. 29/2 (2023): Insightful contributions to the Challenges for the Church in the field of Marriage and Families

With Pope Francis a new spirit has emerged in the Catholic Church after a long period of deadlock and lethary. Retrieving the often neglected or even ignored seeds of Vatican II and settling essential issies which have not yet been addressed are some of his main tasks. Questions of ecclesiology, especially the concept and structure of the Church in its theological and practical applications, are certainly of prime importance. But items of marriage and sexuality are no less on the agenda.

The articles of this issue, at first sight a compilation of loose papers, can be read in this context: they provide modest, but helpful, contributions to the challenges which the Church has to  master.

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi (Full Text)


Rocío Figueroa Alvear & Tracy McEwan: Conscience in Amoris Laetitia and the Responses of Women in Oceania (Open Access Free Download).

Michael G. Lawler & Todd A. Salzman: Theological Reception, Sensus Fidei, and Catholic Doctrine: An Analysis and a Proposal

Wellars Uwamahoro : Pour ou contre la contraception? Le pape François relance le débat conciliaire sur la question démographique et la régulation des naissances

Manfred Riegger: „Was soll ich dir tun?“ (Mk 10,51): Familienspiritualität als erfahrene Bindung und Geborgenheit

Patrick Connolly: The Current Canonical Legislation of the Catholic Church on Marriage with Particular Reference to the Major Changes of the Last Century

Bernhard Sill: LiebesArt: Mosaiksteine

Review Essay:

Martin M. Lintner:  Eberhard Schockenhoff (1953–2020): Ein Wegbereiter für die Erneuerung der kirchlichen Sexualethik und Theologie der Ehe und Familie

Book reviews of recent publications in the fields of Theology of Marriage, Sexual Ethics, Family Issues, Sociology & Psychology
Go here for our complete list of book reviews.

vol. 29/1 (2023): Pastoral Practices, Life Experience, and Moral Theology: Amoris laetitia Between New Opportunities and New Paths

This theme issue publishes a number of lectures given at a moral theology conference in Rome, organized and led by the  John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for the Study of Marriage and the Family and the Pontifical Gregorian University, under the guidance of Don Maurizio Chiodi, Professor Miguel Yañez, and the newly nominated rector of the John Paul II Institute, Professor Msgr. Philippe Bordeyne. It took place from 11 to 14 May 2022, and INTAMS was an interested participant.

Editorial by Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer and James F. Keenan (Full Text)


Maurizio Chiodi & Miguel Yáñez: Introduction

Pope Francis: Address to the Participants of the International Conference on Moral Theology (13 May 2022) (Full Text)

Lisa Sowle Cahill: Complexity of Family Relationships: Social Realities, Pastoral Dilemmas, Moral Understanding

Philippe Bordeyne: La morale familiale comme pratique pédagogique au sein du peuple de Dieu

Hélène Bricout: Les sacrements, pour nourrir la vie conjugale et familiale

Sigrid Müller: Conversion of the Church Towards the Logic of Mercy: Accompanying the Fragility of Family Relationships

Alain Thomasset: Conscience, normes et discernement

Julio Luis Martínez:  Theological-Moral Epistemology: The Question of Method and Inter-Transdisciplinarity in Amoris Laetitia and Veritatis Gaudium

Maurizio Chiodi: Nature and Culture: Plurality and Universality

Review Essay:

Johan De Tavernier: V. Paglia (ed): Etica teologica della vita: Scrittura, tradizione, sfide pratiche

Book reviews of recent publications in the fields of The Arts & History, Bible, and Gender
(go here for our complete list of book reviews)

vol. 28/2 (2022) Special Theme Issue: Church, Together on the Synodal Journey

Editorial by Jochen Sautermeister & Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Editor (full text)

Special Contributions:

Peter Hünermann:

- Die Synodalität in Leben und Sendung der Kirche: Eine kritische Erkundung (abstract) /

- Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church: A Critical Investigation (Full text in English)

Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi: The “Sense of the Faithful” Revisited – and Its Implications for Sexual and Conjugal Morality

Maureen Junker-Kenny : Conscience and the Opening of Systems

Martin M. Lintner: Eheliche und familiäre Gemeinschaften als Hauskirchen und Weggemeinschaften: Synodalität in Amoris laetitia

Marie-Jo Thiel: Une culture synodale et fraternelle peut-elle refréner la culture des abus?

Etienne Vetö: Renewing the Whole of Christian Theology: Exploring the Implications of the Church’s Renewed Understanding of the Jewish People

Jochen Sautermeister: Laudatio on the Occasion of the Awarding of Doctor Theologiae Honoris Causa to Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn

Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn: Acceptance Address on the Conferral of the Honorary Doctorate


Ward Biemans: An Ambitious and Challenging New Document: Catechumenal Itineraries for Married Life

Didier Pollefeyt & Jan Bouwens: The Vatican and the Catholic Dialogue School as a “Place of Differences Living Together in Harmony”

François-Xavier Amherdt: Réception suisse d’Amoris laetitia

Book reviews of recent publications in the fields of Canon Law, and Relationships in Times of Change  (go here for our complete list of book reviews)

Vol. 28/1 (2022): African, Latin American, and Asian Voices on Amoris Laetitia

AL has always been met with a mixed reception, especially in the western societies where theological and pastoral discussions about marriage and sexuality were mostly conducted in “Roman” or “Western” terms. This issue opens the horizon to other parts of the world – to continents, countries, cultures, and contexts in which the teaching of the church has found different resonances than the ones westerners are used to.

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Editor (full text)

Articles (click on the title to read the abstract)

KEENAN, James F.: Eight Ways that Amoris Laetitia is Being Received and Promoted around the World

MAGESA, Laurenti: Implemeting the Pastoral Dimension of Amoris Laetitia in the African Church

MITENDO, Nkelenge Hilaire: Valeur, signification et implémentation d'Amoris Laetitia dans l'Église d'Afrique

ZACHARIAS, Ronaldo: Sexual Education in Catholic Institutions: Responding to the Challenge of Amoris Laetitia

CORPAS DE POSADA, Isabel: Has the Good News of Amoris Laetitia Reached Colombian Couples and Families?

BATTENBERG GALINDO, Jutta: Love, Commitment, and Formalizing Life as a Couple during a Pandemic in Light of Amoris Laetitia

KOCHUTHARA, Shaji George: Reception of Amoris Laetitia in India

BONG, Sharon A.: The Gender Question in Amoris Laetitia: An Asian Feminist-Queer Appraisal

Book reviews of recent publications in the fields of Amoris laetitia and related issues, and Marriage Equality  (go here for our complete list of book reviews)

Vol. 27/2 (2021)

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Editor (full text)

Articles (click on the title to read the abstract)

Patrik C. Höring: Bewegung in der Ämterfrage: Die Errichtung des „laikalen Dienstes des Katecheten“

Bertrand Dumas: The Sacrament of Marriage in Postmodernity: Struggling with “Spectacularization”?

Ward Biemans: Pastoral Accompaniment of Couples Before and After Marriage

Thou Ngaoni: The Causal Role of Love in Marital Consent: Assessing Loveless Arranged Marriages among the Baptized

Benjamin Elie David: Le mariage consanguin dans les populations juives à travers les siècles

Samuele Francesco Tadini: Rosmini’s Maxims of Christian Perfection for the Present Time

Jan Loffeld: Kontexte heutiger Familienpastoral in einer Welt ungezählter Optionen: Pastoraltheologische Reflexionen angesichts aktueller kirchlicher Spannungsfelder

Book reviews of recent publications in the fields of Marriage and Family and Society, and Theology of Marriage (go here for our complete list of book reviews)

Vol. 27/1 (2021): Amoris laetitia and food for thought for a possible future dialogue between theologians and canon lawyers

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Editor (full text)

Articles (click on the title to read the abstract)

Georg Bier: Ein großer Schritt für Katholikinnen? Die Streichung des Vorbehalts für männliche Laien bei Lektorat und Akolytat

Adrian Thatcher: Living in Love and Faith

Sigrid Müller: Untying the Gordian Knott: On the Strenghtening of Moral Theology by Amoris laetitia

Eberhard Schockenhoff : The Church as a Community of Reconciliation: In Favor of Allowing Divorced and Remarried Persons to Receive Communion

Adrian Loretan: Marriage Endings, New Beginnings, Sin and Grance: Reflections in Honor of Eberhard Schockenhoff

Stephanie Höllinger: On Gifting, Receiving, and the Concept of Complementary Virtues: A Hermeneutic Key for Relational Ethics

Konrad Glombik: Gegenwärtige Herausforderungen für das Ehesakrament aus der Perspektive polnischer Theologie

Book reviews of recent publications in the fields of Marriage and Family and Society, and Theology of Marriage (go here for our complete list of book reviews)

Vol. 26/2 (2020) Theme Issue: Sexual Abuse in Families

This special issue is dedicated to a delicate topic: “Sexual Abuse in Families”. As the title suggests, the focus is on the abuse of vulnerable victims, but with attention to the reality of family. We know from sociological statistics that, indeed, the family, no less than the Church – or the family within the Church – can become a locus of abuse. THus, the guiding thread for the contributions in the issue is: what lessons learned from the reflection on sexual abuse in the Church might provide us with analytical tools for addressing the situation of abuse within families?

Editorial by Roberto Dell'Oro, Guest Editor (full text)

Articles (click on the title to read the abstract)

Stéphane Joulain: The Sexual Abuse of Minors: Clinical and Psychological Perspectives on the Perpetrators

Anne Danion-Grilliat: L’inceste paternel: Éléments psychopathologiques

Karlijn Demasure: Intrafamilial Sexual Abuse and its Spiritual Impact on Survivors

Marie-Jo Thiel: L’abus sexuel dans la constellation familiale: Une prise de conscience très progressive

Roberto Dell’Oro: Insights for a Moral Theological Reflection on Conscience: Pope Francis’s Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia


Asima: Gedankenfetzen eines Lebens – meines Lebens

Adrian Loretan: Ein katholischer Priester vergewaltigt seine Schwägerin


International Bioethics Group: Statement on the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Church in Support of Pope Francis (full text)

Book reviews of recent publications in the fields of Sexual Abuse and of History.

Vol. 26/1 (2020) Theme issue: Marriage in Jewish and Christian Perspective

This issue presents the scholarly fruits of a conference held in March 2019 at the Center for the Study of Christianity, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The conference was devoted to the topic of Marriage and/as Metaphor in Christian and Jewish Traditions. The proceedings published here reflect the variety of issues, dilemmas, metaphors, and reality which the concept of marriage conjured up in the ancient and early modern mind.

Introduction by Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn

Editorial by Oded Irshai, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Articles by Jennifer Knust (Duke University), Yonatan Moss (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Serge Ruzer (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Gabriel Radle (Notre Dame University), Eirini Panou (Open University of Cyprus), Judith Weiss (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev).

Art by David Moss, Jerusalem.

Book reviews of recent publications in the fields of Judaism and Early Christianity; Practical Issues & Practical Theology, and Theology.

Vol. 25/2 (2019) Theme issue: Children in Same-Sex Households

Families composed of openly gay or lesbian couples raising children are a relatively new reality, with the first instances happening only in the 1980s. Their number has increased from year to year.

Today, in western societies at least, they receive wide acceptance and are becoming common in the public imagination of film, television, and literature. True to its mission, our journal continues its interdisciplinary reflection on all types of family life. In this new issue, we focus on the theme of Children in Same-Sex Households. We address this topic from a theological and scholarly perspective, but also in the context of a pastoral discernment filled with merciful love.


Editorial by David Dawson Vasquez, Associate Editor

Articles by Konrad Hilpert (Munich), Angelika Walser (Salzburg), Elena Canzi & Eugeni Scabini (Milano), Alina Tryfonidou (Reading, UK), Gerhard Marschütz (Vienna)

Testimonials by Sarah Hagger-Holt & Racher Hagger-Holt (Rickmansworth, UK), Kurt M. Denk (New York), Andrea Rubera (Rome).

Conclusion by Jochen Sautermeister (Bonn)

Book reviews of recent publications in the fields of marriage & gender, children and marriage & society.


Free downloads:

Editorial by David Dawson Vasquez

Conclusion by Jochen Sautermeister: A Look Ahead: Children in Same-Sex Households - Perspectives for Theological Investigation

Book review of MARTIN, James SJ:  Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity (2017)

Buchsprechung von MARTIN, James SJ:  Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity (2017)


This issue in the press:

Figli nelle famiglie arcobaleno, una riflessione accademica (Vatican Insider, 30/05/2020) - English translation here

Regenbooggezinnen uit de schaduw halen (TERTIO, 02/09/2020) - English translation here

Vol. 25/1 (2019)

Table of Content & Abstracts

Editorial by David Dawson Vasquez, Associate Editor

Vol. 24/2 (2018)

Table of Content & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Editor

Vol. 24/1 (2018)

Table of Content & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Editor

Vol. 23/2 (2017)

Table of Content & Abstracts

Editorial by David Dawson Vásquez, Associate Editor

Barth, Sylvie: La voie de l'amour électif: Vers une spiritualité chrétienne du couple contemporain (abstract)

English translation, free full text version : The path of elective love: towards a Christian spirituality of the contemporary couple

Italian translation, free full text version: La via dell'amore elettivo: verso una spiritualità cristiana della coppia contemporanea)

Vol. 23/1 (2017)

Table of Content & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Editor

Vol. 22/2 (2016)

Table of Content & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Editor

Vol. 22/1 (2016)

Table of Content & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Editor

Vol. 21/2 (2015)

Table of Content & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Editor

Vol. 21/1 (2015)

Married Catholic Priests? Perspectives on Priestly and Marital Spirituality

Proceedings of the INTAMS Seminar 2014

Table of Content & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Editor

Vol. 20/2 (2014)

Intolerable Dissent or Overdue Emancipation? Lay Perspectives on Marriage and the Family

Proceedings of the INTAMS Colloquium 2013

Table of Content & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Editor

Introduction into the Colloquium by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi: Lay Perspectives on Marriage and the Family

Vol. 20/1 (2014)

Theme issue: Toward the Synods of Bishops 2014 & 2015: A Multi-National Survey and Analysis of Initiatives, Trends and Perspectives

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Editorial by Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn & Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi

Vol. 19/2 (2013)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 19/1 (2013)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi: Indissolubility and Second Marriage: A New Way Out of the Impasse?

Vol. 18/2 (2012)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi: Vatican II and the “Lay” Perspective on Marriage

Vol. 18/1 (2012)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi: Marriage and Pastoral Problems - Perspectives from the Christian Churches 

Vol. 17/2 (2011)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi: Intimate Partner Abuse - Theology, Ethics and Pastoral Care

Vol. 17/1 (2011)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi

Vol. 16/2 (2010)

The Household of God and Local Households: Revisiting the Domestic Church

Proceedings of the INTAMS Conference 2010

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 16/1 (2010)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi

Vol. 15/2 (2009)

Table of Content & Abstracts

Vol. 15/1 (2009)

More than Just Being Together: Sacred and Secular Symbols or Marriage

Proceedings of the INTAMS Colloquium 2009

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi

Vol. 14/2 (2008)

Table of Contents & Abstracts
Editorial by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi

Vol. 14/1 (2008)

What Future for Marriage in Postmodern Times? Perspectives from Social History, Ethics, and Theology

Proceedings of INTAMS Colloquium 2008

Table of Contents & Abstracts
Introduction into the Colloquium by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi : What Future for Marriage in Postmodern Times?

Barbara Fiala : FAFCE – A Lobby for Families in Europe (Full Text)

Vol. 13/2 (2007)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 13/1 (2007)

Why Marry At All? Motives and Obstacles for Lifelong Marital Commitment

Proceedings of the INTAMS Colloquium 2007

Table of Contents & Abstracts
Opening Address by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi

Vol. 12/2 (2006)

Table of Content & Abstracts

Vol. 12/1 (2006)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 11/2 (2005) 

Theme Issue: The Marriage Liturgy

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 11/1 (2005)

Theme issue: Marriage in the 21st Century: Challenges & Perspectives

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 10/2 (2004)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 10/1 (2004)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 9/2 (2003)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 9/1 (2003)

Table of Contents & Abstract

Vol. 8/2 (2002)

Theme Issue: Marriage as a Life Choice

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 8/1 (2002)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 7/2 (2001)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 7/1 (2001)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 6/2 (2000)

Theme Issue: Interchurch Marriages

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 6/1 (2000)

Living the Difference: Gender in Love and Marriage

Papers of INTAMS Colloquium 1999

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 5/2 (1999)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 5/1 (1999)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 4/2 (1998)

Theme Issue: Marital Spirituality: The Quest for God in Marriage

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 4/1 (1998)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 3/2 (1997)

"What Makes Marriage Succeed?" Contributions of Human Sciences to Marital Spirituality

Papers of INTAMS Symposium 1997

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 3/1 (1997)

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 2/2 (1996)

Spirituality of the Permanent Sacrament? A Colloquium on Marital Spirituality and the Sacrament of Marriage

Papers of INTAMS Colloquium 1995

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 2/1 (1996)

Christian Marriage Today (Part II)

Papers of INTAMS Symposium 1994

Table of Contents & Abstracts

Vol. 1/1-2 (1995)

Christian Marriage Today (Part I)

Papers of INTAMS Symposium 1994

Table of Contents & Abstracts