marriage, families & spirituality


Alphabetical list of Authors


Adroher Biosca, Salome: Intercultural Families – A Challenge for European Private International Law: A Spanish Approach

Alfejev, Hilarion: Das Sakrament der Ehe im russisch-orthodoxen Verständnis

Alkofer, Andreas-Pazifikus: Höflichkeit und Nähe... und Ehe? Annäherungen an Intimität und Form

Amherdt, François-Xavier: Réception suisse d'Amoris laetitia

Anasthas, Albert: Inculturating the Marriage Rite: Wedding Ceremonies of Interreligious Marriage in India

Anuforo, Temple: Settling Down in Unsettling Times: How African Culture Can
Help Influence Ecclesial Praxis in Relation to Marriage Today

Arjakovsky, Antoine: La corporéité dans une perspective familiale et ecclésiale

Arokiasamy, Soosai: Challenges and Opportunities of Interreligious Dialogue in Interfaith Marriages: An Asian Perspective

Arosio, Laura: A Ceremony For Divorce? Emerging Practices for a New Rite of Passage

Arosio, Laura: The Consequence of Marital Instability: A Study of the Italian Situation

Asima: Gedankenfetzen eines Lebens – meines Lebens

Assenga, Petri: The African Family as a Model for the Church 

Assenga, Petri: Cross-National African Attitudes and Expectations in View of the Synod on the Family 

Astley, Jeff: Ordinary Theology as Lay Theology: Listening to and Learning from Lay Perspectives

Averintsev, Sergueï: Le mariage et la famille: Un regard chrétien à contre-temps


Barker, Annette: Marriage - Conversations with Young Couples

Barry, Robert J.: Marriage as a Sacrament for Young Adult Catholics

Barth, Sylvie: La voie de l'amour électif: Vers une spiritualité chrétienne du couple contemporain

(English translation, full text version : The path of elective love: towards a Christian spirituality of the contemporary couple

Italian translation, full text version: La via dell'amore elettivo: verso una spiritualità cristiana della coppia contemporanea)

Barth, Sylvie: Le chemin du couple électif: une chance de résilience qui appelle à la conversion

Battenberg Galindo, Jutta: Love, Commitment, and Formalizing Life as a Couple during a Pandemic in Light of Amoris Laetitia

Baujard, Monique: Le synode sur la famille: L’esquisse d’une autre façon de faire Église

Baumann, Urs: Gibt es eine "nach-christliche" Spiritualität der Ehe?

Baumann, Urs: Glaubenserschließung statt Glaubensprüfung

Beaupère, René: Mariages mixtes entre chrétiens

Bedouelle, Guy: Erasme et sa doctrine du mariage chrétien

Belliger, Andréa: Die wiederverheirateten Geschiedenen: Versuch eines neuen kirchenrechtlichen Lösungsansatzes

Bély, Marie-Etiennette: Temporalité, fidélité et conjugalité 

Bernard, Catherine: Restore Family Life and Sustain World Peace': World Congress on the Family

Bier, Georg: Ein großer Schritt für Katholikinnen? Die Streichung des Vorbehalts für männliche Laien bei Lektorat und Akolytat

Biemans, Ward: An Ambitious and Challenging New Document: Catechumenal Itineraries for Married Life

Biemans, Ward: Pastoral Accompaniment of Couples Before and After Marriage

Blanchet Ball, Lisette: Why Do People still Choose to Marry instead of Living Together?

Blumenthal, Christian / Cornelia Dockter / Judith Hahn / Klaus von Stosch: Roman Catholic Marriage: A Case Study in the Theory of Ambiguity

Bocken, Inigo: Who is a Layman? Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on the “Idiota”/“Laicus” 

Bong, Sharon A.: The Gender Question in Amoris Laetitia: An Asian Feminist-Queer Appraisal

Bonnet, Serge: Fidèle à l'amour d'Emmaüs

Bopp, Karl: Neue Herausforderungen an die Ehe- und Familienpastoral in der modernen 'Risikogesellshaft'

Bordeyne, Philippe: La morale familiale comme pratique pédagogique au sein du peuple de Dieu

Bordeyne, Philippe: Jean-Paul II et le tournant social de la morale conjugale

Bordeyne, Philippe: The Fragility of Marriage as a Challenge to Methodology in Christian Ethics

Bourg, Florence: Domestic Church: A Survey of the Literature (Full Text)

Breitenbach, Andrea: Der Einfluss von Kindern auf das Scheidungsrisiko

Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn, Aldegonde: A Sacrament of Love: Marital Sacramentality

Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn, Aldegonde / Brenninkmeijer Hubert: The Year of the Lord in Married Life I: Time of Preparation

Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn, Aldegonde / Brenninkmeijer Hubert: The Year of the Lord in Married Life II: Marital Sharing in the Domestic Church

Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn, Aldegonde: Acceptance Address on the Conferral of Honorary Doctorate

Bressoud, Pierre-O.: Valeur et limites de la position de l'Eglise catholique vis-à-vis des formes de cohabitation contemporaine

Bricout, Hélène: Les sacrements, pour nourir la vie conjugale et familiale

Bricout, Hélène: La célébration du mariage entre tradition et développement: Réflexions à partir du Rituel francophone de 2005

Browning, Don S.: Putting Marriage on the Agenda Again (Full Text)

Browning, Don S.: Critical Familism and the Reconstruction of Marriage

Buckley, Timothy J. / Petrà, Basilio / Gründel, Johannes: Divorce and Remarriage: Responses to Cardinal Ratzinger's Introduction to a Publication of the CDF

Bünker, Arnd: Kirche in der Schweiz auf dem Weg zur Familiensynode 

Burggraeve, Roger: Recovering the Meaning of the Sexual Body for Marriage

Burkart, Günter: The Social Timing of Modern Identities: Changing Life-course Patterns and Some Consequences for Partnership Relations

Burke Ravizza, Bridget / Massey, Julie Donovan: Sexual Ethics at a Catholic College: Curricular and Extra-curricular Challenges and Responsibilities

BYRNE, Deirdre C. / ADE, Wernmei Yong (eds.): Fluid Gender, Fluid Love, Leiden:  Brill Rodopi,  2019. -  X, 215 (Adrian Thatcher, Plymouth in: Marriage, Families & Spirituality 29/1 (2023)



Cahill, Lisa S. / Windisch, Hubert / Bressoud, Pierre-O.: Marriage and/or Cohabitation?

Calleja, Carlo & Kevin Schembri: From the Upper Room to the Bedroom: Christ in the Last Supper as an Exemplar for Spousal Sexual Intimacy

Canobbio, Giacomo: Ogni matrimonio ha valore di significazione dell'amore di Dio

Canzi, Elena & Scabini, Eugenia: Omogenitorialità e procreazione medicalmente assistita: Nuove forme di genitoralità e filiazione

Capograssi, Giuseppe: Pensieri a Giulia

Caspers, Chales M.A.: Anne and Joachim’s Marriage and the Oldest Dutch Poetry

Cassidy, Cardinal Edward I.: Interchurch Marriages Challenge the Ecumenical Movement

Cere, Daniel: Writing In The Earth: Discernment in Times of Conjugal Crisis

Chappell, Keith: Preparing for Marriage: Sign, Symbol and Sacrament

Chiodi, Maurizio: Nature and Culture: Plurality and Universality

Christie, Jim: Marriage in Crisis: Are You For or Against?

Cockx, Judith: Experiences of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Early Parenting. Practical-Theological Research into the „Lived Religion“ of Flemish Heterosexual Expectant Couples

Connolly, Patrick: The Current Canonical Legislation of the Catholic Church on Marriage with Particular Reference to the Major Changes of the Last Century

Coontz, Stephanie: Contemporary Marriage in Historical Perspective

Cornudet, Hubert: La vie conjugale ou l'apprentissage de la grâce

Cornwall, Susannah: Theology and Marriage: An Un/familiar Approach

Corpas de Posada, Isabel: Has the Good News of Amoris Laetitia Reached Colombian Couples and Families?

Cremer-Popovic, Andrea / Popovic, Viktor: Kirche – Leitbild für Partnerschaft?

Cruciani, Maria: Gli sposi soggetto di discernimento



Daly, Robert J.: Marriage, Eucharist, and Christian Sacrifice

Danczak, Andrzej: Dialogue as a Means of Building the Spirituality of a Married Couple: An Experience of the Domestic Church Movement in Poland

Danese, Attilio: I riferimenti teorici dell'unidualità

Danion-Grilliat, Anne: L’inceste paternel: Éléments psychopathologiques

Danneels, Cardinal Godfried: Théologie, sciences humaines et spiritualité (Opening speech)

Danneels, Cardinal Godfried: Développer une "culture de l'amour" (interview)

Davies, Elizabeth: Pastoral Perspectives on Couples' Motives when Avoiding or Getting Married

Dawson Vasquez, David: Gregory of Nyssa and the Regularity of Marriage

David, Benjamin Elie: Le mariage consanguin dans les populations juives à travers les sièclesnga
Davies, Elizabeth: Understanding Families as Gifts rather than as Problems

De Bleeckere, Sylvain: The Image of Marriage as a Postmodern Drama in Cinema

De Clerck, Paul: Les fidèles divorcés remariés et leur réconciliation avec l'Eglise

De Dijn, Herman: How and Why Marriage Matters Even in Postmodern Times

de Layre, Isabelle / de Layre, Alain: Le dialogue conjugale - colonne vertébrale du couple

Dell’Oro, Roberto: Insights for a Moral Theological Reflection on Conscience: Pope Francis's Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia

Dell'Oro, Roberto: Reproductive Cloning, Marriage, and Family: Ideological Premises and Forgotten Issues

Demasure, Karlijn: Intrafamilial Sexual Abuse and its Spiritual Impact on Survivors

Demasure, Karlijn: Familles recomposées: une perspective de théologie pratique

Demasure, Karlijn: La consultation sur la famille dans l’Est du Canada 

Demel, Sabine: Der Empfang des Ehesakramentes - bewusster Glaubensakt oder automatische Folge der Taufe? Zum Konzept einer Stufung des Ehesakramentes

Demel, Sabine: Kulturkampf ade! Die Reaktion der deutschen Bischofskonferenz auf die aktuelle Reform des deutschen Personenstandsgesetzes

Demmer, Klaus: Die Ehe als Berufung leben (I)

Demmer, Klaus: Die Ehe als Berufung leben (II)

Demmer, Klaus: Ehe - eine erfüllte Zeit

Demmer, Klaus: Plädoyer für eine Allianz von Literatur und theologischer Ethik 

Demmer, Klaus: The Origin of an Idea

Demosthenous, Areti: Towards a Socio-Legal Acceptance of Muslim-Christian Marriages in Cyprus

Denk, Kurt M.:  The Gift of Parenthood: Reflections of a Grateful (and Same-Sex Married) Father

Depoortere, Christiaan / Greshake, Gisbert: The Impact of the Human Sciences on Marital Spirituality: Theological Reflections

Desmond, William: Consecrated Love: A Philosophical Reflection on Marriage

De Tavernier, Johan: Review Essay: V. Paglia (ed.): Etica teologica della vita: Scrittura, tradizione, sfede pratiche

Di Nicola, Giula Paola: Domanda di felicità e matrimonio: Spunti per un educazione all'amore

Di Nicola, Giula Paola / Danese, Attilio: Donna e uomo: creati l’uno per l’altra

Di Nicola, Giula Paola / Danese, Attilio: Il matrimonio come risorsa sociale

Di Nicola, Giula Paola / Danese, Attilio: Marriage and Reciprocity 

Di Nicola, Giula Paola / Danese, Attilio: Notes on Amoris Laetitia

Di Nicola, Giula Paola / Danese, Attilio: Perché la società dovrebbe priviligiare il matrimonio

Di Nicola, Giula Paola / Danese, Attilio: Raïssa Oumançoff and Jacques Maritain: A Couple Take the Path of Love and of Faith

Di Nicola, Giula Paola / Danese, Attilio: Un'aureola per due: Maria e Luigi Beltrame Quatrocchi

Di Nicola, Giula Paola / Danese, Attilio: Unidualità antropologica e coniugalità

Di Nicola, Giula Paola / Danese, Attilio: For Better, For Worse: Alcide De Gasperi and Francesca Romani

Di Nicola, Giula Paola / Danese, Attilio: Faithfulness in Civil Marriage: Charlotte Baudouin and Charles Péguy

Dietz, Walter: Theologie der Ehe in ökumenischer Perspektive

Dillen, Annemie & Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: Wachsende Entfremdung? Zur Perzeption des Familienlebens und der kirchlichen Lehre bei pastoralen MitarbeiterInnen und Ehrenamtlichen in der Katholischen Kirche in Flandern (Full Text)

Dillen, Annemie / Pollefeyt, Didier: Der verlorene Vater? Menschliche und göttliche Vaterschaft in der Spannung zwischen gerechtigkeit und Barmherzigkeit

Dillen, Annemie: Neither Angels, nor Devils: Theological Views on Children’s Responsibility

Dillen, Annemie: Power Balances and Bridges between Church Discourses, Academic Theological Views, and Daily Experiences and Reflections on Family Life

Dillen, Annemie: Guiding Principle or Norm? Tensions in Ethical and Pastoral Thinking about Marriage

Dominian, Jack: The Meaning of Sexual Intercourse 

Donati, Pierpaolo: Modernising Family Policies in the European Union: A New Relational Approach

Donati, Pierpaolo: What are the Directions of Family Policy in the EU? ‘Defamilisation’ vs Family Mainstreaming

Dooley, Mark: Crossing the Class Lines: A Post-Modern Reconsideration of Marriage

Dorey, Roy: Tensions in Present Day Marriage: Living out Marriage within Prevailing Culture

Dörnemann, Holger: Eheliche Liebe als 'größte Freundschaft' (AL 123): Die Vielfalt heutiger Partnerschafts- und Lebensformen und die neue Perspektive einer Gradualität in der Seelsorge

Dörnemann, Holger: Thomas Aquinas: Soteriology as a Doctrine of Friendship

Dumas, Bertrand: The Sacrament of Marriage in Postmodernity: Struggling with “Spectacularization”?
Dumitrascu, Nicu: Marriage and Family between Tradition and Contemporary Life in the Orthodox Spirituality


Ebner, Katharina: What Do German Dioceses Have to Offer for Families?
A Survey of Different Approaches and Programmes

Eckert, Michael: Die orthodoxe Theologie der Ehe: Von der Ehe als Mysterion und der Ermöglichung sowie Bewertung einer zweiten Ehe

Eckmann, Dieter: Christliche Ehe als Lernprozess: Von der schöpferischen Kraft einer "Zweiten Entscheidung"

Effiong, Linus O. : Rethinking Marriage Preparation Through Traditional African Cultural Education Process: A Case Study of Nkuho Initiation of Uruan People in Southern Nigeria

Eid, Georges: Visages et paysages: Du mariage, du couple et de la famille

Ennio Mastroianni: Domestic Church as a Sacramental Model 

Erlemann, Hildegard: Cum Maria et Joseph pueri Jesus convictus atque conversatio: Wunderbares und Alltägliches zur Heiligen Familie


Farmer, Jerry: My Theological Reflection with Karl Rahner: Rupture,
Discontinuity… Incomprehensible Mystery

Faseur, Geert: Ehe in Sprache: Ein pastoraler Projektversuch in der Ehevorbereitung

Feil, Michael: "Hier Beginnt die Zukunft: Ehe und Familie": Eine Initiative der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz

Fiala, Barbara: FAFCE – A Lobby for Families in Europe (Full Text)

Figueroa Alvear, Rocio & Tracy McEwan: Conscience in Amoris Laetitia and the Responses of Women in Oceania

Finch, Melanie: Association of Interchurch Families 40th Anniversary Conference

Fino, Catherine: Éthique, droit, famille: Une pédagogie de la miséricorde

Fino, Catherine: La cohérence du septénaire sacramentel au service de la mission des couples les plus fragiles

Fitzgerald, Paul J.: A Christian Ethos for Multicultural Marriage

Flohr, Huub: Breaking the Silence on Forbidden Topics: The Effect in the Netherlands of an Unexpected Papal Move 

Fopp, Simone: Trauung als Brennpunkt und Prozess

Forderer, Tanja: Of Married Men and Women in the Congregation: The Marriage Paraenesis in Eph 5,21-33

Francis Appiah-Kubi: La figure l'Eglise-famille de Dieu: sa pertinence et des enjeux pastoraux

Francis Appiah-Kubi: A Cross-West African Sub-Region Survey on Attitudes with Regard to Family Life 

Fuchs, Ottmar: The Spiritual and Pastoral Meaning of the Marital Rite

Fumagalli, Aristide: La relazione di coppia: Tra desiderio umano e amore cristiano



Galea, Christine: Loving Chastely: Proposing the Church’s Teachings on Sexual Morality to Young Couples Preparing for Marriage

Galea, Paul / Vella, Marisa: The Church’s Teachings on Sexual Matters: The Reaction of Young Married Couples

Galea, Paul: The Ecclesiastical Province of Malta and Gozo toward the Synods of Bishops 2014 & 2015

Gallagher, Maggie: The Future of Marriage as a Wealth-Creating Institution

Gärtner, Stefan: Ehevorbereitung als Aufgabe der Jugendpastoral? Lernen in Beziehung Person zu werden

Gärtner, Stefan: Amoris Laetitia als Rahmen für eine christliche Sexualpädagogik? Eine Analyse des nachsynodalen Schreibens 

Giblin, Paul R.: Marital Spirituality: A Narrative Study

Giraudo, Cesare: Moral Norms and Sacramental Praxis in a Historical Situation: Reading Today’s Problems of the “Old Churches” with the “Mission Countries” as a Starting Point

Glombik, Konrad : Gegenwärtige Herausforderungen für das Ehesakrament aus der Perspektive polnischer Theologie

Granados, José: L'accompagnamento delle persone in situazione irregolare secondo Amoris laetitia: Un approccio narrativo

Graulich, Markus: Amoris laetitia – eine kirchenrechtliche Lektüre

Greshake, Gisbert: „Wozu leben wir eigentlich?“: Eine unausrottbare Frage, ein neu akzentuierter Antwortversuch und ein Blick auf die besondere Bedeutung der Ehe

Green Fryd, Vivien: Edward Hopper and the Marriage-in-Crisis Debates during the Interwar Years

Gregory A. Obanado: African Domestic Church beyond Religious Division: A Diocesan Example from Nigeria

Greshake, Gisbert: Die Bewertung der Ehe bei Charles de Foucauld in seiner Korrespondenz mit Louis Massignon

Grillo, Andrea: Il sacramento del matrimonio la “guarigione cristiana”: Possibilità e limiti del recupero di una categoria classica

Grillo, Andrea: La Liturgia e l'esperienza spirituale della vita matrimoniale

Grillo, Andrea: Marriage and the Rite: A Liturgical Spirituality for Married Life

Grillo, Andrea: Riti familiari e riti ecclesiali: prospettive antropologiche e teologiche di relazione

Grünfelder, Anna Maria & Brncic, Jadranka: Die Rezeption der Synodenankündigung in der Katholischen Kirche Kroatiens 

Gueullette, Jean-Marie: Le marriage, une bonne nouvelle

Gutteridge, Robin: Long-Lasting Marriage, Life-Satisfaction, and Spirituality



Hackstaff, Karla B.: How Gender Informs Marital Fragility

Hagger-Holt, Sarah & Hagger-Holt, Rachel: Different Families, Same Love: Being an LGBT Family in the UK Today

Hartmann, Richard: Agenda Familie: Gemeinde und Verbände sind gefordert

Haskell, Ellen: Divine Domesticity: Marriage, Gender, and the Household in Medieval Jewish Mysticism

Hastetter, Michaela: Via caritatis: Pastoral an Wiederverheiratet Geschiedenen im ökumenischen Vergleich und die Einordnung von Amoris Laetitia

Hausladen, Christopher: Die Annäherung an die „Wirklichkeit der Familie“ in Familiaris Consortio und in Amoris Laetitia

Hawksley, Theodora: On Consulting the Laity in Matters of Morals: Reflections from England, Wales and Scotland 

Hayes, Doral: After the Funeral: An Ethnographic Reflection on aFuneral Mass through the Lens of Interchurch Families

Hayes, Doral: Never Expecting Too Much, Never Being Satisfied with Too Little

Hengel, Martin: "Apostolische" Ehen und Familien

Hetherington E. Mavis: "For Better or For Worse": Divorce Reconsidered

Hilberath, Bernd Jochen: Göttliche Gemeinschaft und menschliche Beziehungen: Welche Art von Beziehungen brauchen wir in der Kirche?

Hilpert, Konrad: Reaktionen auf den vatikanischen Fragebogen zur Familienpastoral in Deutschland

Hilpert, Konrad: Homosexuality from the Perspective of Theological Ethics: An Analysis of the Problem

Hnyp, Maryana: Re-examining Second Marriage in Catholic Moral and Pastoral Theology: In Search of an Alternative Avenue through the Eastern Practice of Oikonomia 

Hoeft, Jeanne: Seeing Power: Pastoral Recognition and Response to Intimate Partner Abuse

Hoogsteder, Willem Jan: A Reference to Marriage: Clara Peeters's 'Still Life with a Venetian Glass, a Rummer, and a Burning Candle (1607)

Höllinger, Stephanie: On Gifting, Receiving, and the Concept of Complementary Virtues: A Hermeneutic Key for Relational Ethics

Höring, Patrik C.: Bewegung in der Ämterfrage: Die Errichtung des „laikalen Dienstes des Katecheten“

Höver, Gerhard: Die Zeit ist mehr wert als der Raum“: Moraltheologische Überlegungen zum Nachsynodalen Apostolischen Schreiben Amoris Laetitia

Hübel, Maria-Szilvia: The Ethical Relationship between Surrogates and Intended Mothers in the Context of Reproductive Outsourcing in India: Towards a Model of Empathic Solidarity

Hübel, Sylvia: The Lived Experience of Responsibility in Prenatal Choices: Between Personal Discernment and Normative Frameworks

Hünermann, Peter: Die Synodalität in Leben und Sendung der Kirche: Eine kritische Erkundung


Iafrate, Raffaella / Donato, Silvia / Bertoni, Anna: Conoscere e promuovere il legame di coppia: risultati di ricerca ed indicazioni per un intervento preventivo

International Bioethics Group: A Statement on the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Church in Support of Pope Francis



Joanides, Charles: Mapping the Challenges that Intermarried Couples Encounter

Join-Lambert, Arnaud: Christian 'Family Beguinages' in 21st Century Belgium: A New Lifestyle for Christians in Times of Liquid Modernity

Joly, Pierre: "Tu n'auras jamais fini d'aimer plus"

Jorissen, Hans: Gemeinsam am Tisch des Herrn? Überlegungen zur Eucharistiegemeinschaft in konfessionsverbindenden Ehen

Joulain, Stéphane : The Sexual Abuse of Minors: Clinical and Psychological Perspectives on the Perpetrators

Junker-Kenny, Maureen: Conscience and the Opening of Systems


Kabwit, Jean-Désiré: La célébration du mariage dit « chrétien » dans l'Église catholique en Afrique

Kaiser, Susanne / Kaiser, Christoph: Ehe-Räte: Über Gehorsam, Keuschheit und Armut in christlicher Ehe

Kallely, Augustine: Loving in the Assisted Marriage: An Analysis of the Concept of Love in the Contemporary Marriage Practices of Kerala Christians in South India

Kanniyakonil, Scaria: The Indissolubility of Marriage in the Syro-Malabar Church

Keenan, James F. : Eight Ways that Amoris Laetitia is Being Received and Promoted around the World 

Kelly, Kevin T.: Sexual Ethics and Marriage

Kelly, Thomas M.: Love of Neighbor in Karl Rahner's Anthropology: Implications for a Theology of Marriage

Kelly, Thomas M.: The Sacramentality of Marriage as Primary Model of Discipleship

Kenneth, Wilson: Making Love – The First Rule of Marriage

Kieslinger, Kristina: „Den Hochmut der Theologie reizen“ – Jesuitische Streifzüge durch die ignatianischen Exerzitien und die Frage nach einer (Existential-)Ethik in Amoris Laetitia

Kierkegaard, Søren A.: Loves' Hidden Life

Kirchhoffer, David G. / Lindner L’Huillier, Natalie: Preparing for the Synod on the Family: The Australian Response 

Kirchschläger, Walter: Marriage as Covenant: A Biblical Approach to a Familiar Notion

Kirchschläger, Walter: God and His People: A Marital Relationship (Part 2)

Kirchschläger, Walter: Love: Biblical Evidence for a Marital Component (Part 4) 

Kirchschläger, Walter: Marriage as Christian Vocation: A Pauline Approach (Part 3)

Kirchschläger, Walter: Towards the Sacramentality of Marriage: Searching for Biblical Traces (Part 5)

Klein, Stefanie: Ehe und Familie zwischen Idealisierung, Geringschätzung und Alltagswirklichkeit: Ansätze zu einem neuen theologischen Verständnis der Vielfalt der Lebensformen 

Klein, Stefanie: Kirche und Familien auf Distanz: Wie kann die Kirche eine Kirche der Familien sein? 

Knapp, Markus: Für eine kirchliche Anerkennung der gültigen nicht-sakramentalen Ehe

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas / Dillen, Annemie: Die Kirche in Belgien auf dem Weg zur Synode über die Familie 

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: Why Get Married at All? Defenses and Rejections of Matrimony

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: “Why Marry At All? Motives and Obstacles for Lifelong Marital Commitment” - Opening Address (Full Text)

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: Ehe- und Weihesakrament in der Heilssendung der Kirche

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: Heilige Familie? Theologische Anmerkungen zum kirchlichen Familienverständnis

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: Faith and Sacramental Marriage

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: Christian Symbolism of Marriage and its Usefulness Today

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: Ehespiritualität: Die Anfänge einer Laienbewegung im 20. Jahrhundert

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: Le mariage aujourd'hui: Défis et chances pour la pastorale, la théologie et la spiritualité dans une perspective catholique

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: What Future for Marriage in Postmodern Times? Introduction into the Colloquium (Full Text)

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: Lay Perspectives on Marriage and the Family (Full Text)

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: La dottrina cattolica sul matrimonio e sulla famiglia: questione di sensus fidelium?

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: Troubled Love? Theology and Pastoral Care Facing the Diversity and Fluidity of Contemporary Family Life (Full Text)

Knieps-Port le Roi, Thomas: The “Sense of the Faithful” Revisited – and Its Implications for Sexual and Conjugal Morality

Knust, Jennifer: Marriage as a Social Good: Origen of Alexandria and John Chrysostom, Revisited

Kochuthara, Shaji G. CMI: Reception of Amoris Laetitia in India

König, Kardinal Franz: Ehe in der späten Phase des Lebens

Kreidler-Kos, Martina: Spirituelle Ressourcen in nicht-normativen Familien: Eine pastoral-theologische Perspektive

Krüsselberg, Hans-Günter: Ehe und Familie stiften und erhalten Wohlstand

Kubicki, Judith Marie: The Ritual Function of Music in the Marriage Liturgy

Kühn, Marion: Religion, Values, Sexuality - Catholic Youth in Conflict: Value Orientations and Attitudes of Young Catholics


Lacroix, Xavier: Conjugalité et parentalité: Un lien entre deux liens

Lacroix, Xavier: La différence à venir: Approche théologique 

Lacroix, Xavier: L'alliance conjugale, trésor caché et révélé

Lawler, Michael G. / Salzmann, Todd A.: Theological Reception, Sensus Fidei, and Catholic Doctrine: An Analysis and a Proposal

Lawler, Michael G. / Salzmann, Todd A.: Marriage and Cohabitation: Some Theological Correlations

Lawler, Michael G. / Salzmann, Todd A.: Sexual Anthropology and Virtue Ethics 

Lawler, Michael G. / Salzmann, Todd A.: A Pastoral Letter of the U.S. Catholic Bishops on Marriage

Lawler, Michael G.: Towards a Theology of Christian Family

Lawler, Michael G.: Becoming Married in the Catholic Church: A Traditional Postmodern Proposal

Lawler, Michael G.: Theological and Pastoral Reflections on Interchurch Marriages

Lawler, Michael G.: A Marital Catechumenate: A Proposal

Lintner, Martin M.: Eberhard Schockenhoff (1953-2020): Ein Wegbereiter fûr die Erneuerung der kirchlichen Sexualethik und Theologie der Ehe und Familie (Review Essay)

Lintner, Martin M.: Einige Anmerkungen zur Befragung über Ehe und Familie in Italien

Lintner, Martin M.: „Jetzt kommt Bewegung rein“: Persönliche Anmerkungen zu den Bischofssynoden 2014 & 2015 über Ehe und Familie

Lintner, Martin M.: Zu den Auswirkungen des Zölibats auf das Eheverständnis

Lintner, Martin M.: From Humanae Vitae to Amoris Laetitia: 50 Years of Controversy over the Church’s Doctrine on Birth Control

Lintner, Martin M.: Eheliche und familiäre Gemeinschaften als Hauskirchen und Weggemeinschaften: Synodalität in Amoris laetitia

Loffeld, Jan: Kontexte heutiger Familienpastoral in einer Welt ungezählter Optionen: Pastoraltheologische Reflexionen angesichts aktueller kirchlicher Spannungsfelder

Logemann, Niels: Die Ehe – eine Lebensentscheidung? Anmerkungen aus soziologischer Perspektive

Loretan, Adrian: Marriage Endings, New Beginnings, Sin and Grance: Reflections in Honor of Eberhard Schockenhoff

Loretan, Adrian: Ein katholischer Priester vergewaltigt seine Schwägerin

Loretan, Adrian: Verheiratete Personen in kirchlichen Ämtern 

Louis, Wendy: An Attempt to Understand the Varied Reception of the Synod Preparation Document and Survey in Asia 

Lourdhu, Jeevaraj: What is a Catholic Response to Spousal Abuse in the Indian Family?

Lucchetti Bingemer, Maria Clara: Family and Religion in Brazil: Tensions and Perspectives

Lucchetti Bingemer, Maria Clara: La famille au Brésil: Silences et paroles avant le Synode 



Mager, Inge Mager: Die Ehe ist eine fortwährende Lebens-Schule': Philipp Melanchthon im Kreise seiner Familie

Mager, Inge: “Ich bin dein und du bist meyn, das ist die ehe”: Martins Luthers Eheauffassung und ihre ethischen und rechtlichen Nachwirkungen

Magesa, Laurenti: Implementing the Pastoral Dimension of Amoris Laetitia in the African Church

Magesa, Laurenti: The Conscience of the African Church in the Synod on the Family and Amoris Laetitia

Malfer, Benno: Ehe - Leben aus dem zuverlässigen Wort

Mamuzo Mukoro, Jude: Towards a Fourth Model of Sex Education in Africa

Mansfield, Penny: Marriage: A Structure of Meaning

Mantovani, Nadia / Sandra Dowming / Sheila Hollins: Moral Tales of the Teenage Parent: Narratives of Change, Personal Transformation and Growth

Marquardt, Elizabeth: Introducing the Center for Marriage and Values at the Institute for American Values

Marsh, Jean: What Do Families Need Most Today? A Counselling Perspective

Marshall, Kathleen: Legal Aspects of Gender Differentiation

Marschütz, Gerhard: Gefährdetes Kindeswohl? Gleichgeschlechtliche Familien in theologisch-ethischer Sicht

Martinez, Julio Luis: Theological-Moral Epistemology: The Question of Method and Inter-Transdisciplinarity in Amoris laetitia and Veritatis gaudium

Martini, Cardinal Carlo M.: "...Placing Marriage in the Framework of an Evangelical Life"

Mattheeuws, Alain: Quel berceau anthropologique pour l'être humain? Interprétation théologique de Donum vitae par Dignitas personae à propos de la fécondation hors du corps humain

Mattheeuws, Alain: Tonalités nouvelles dans la théologie du sacrement de mariage? (I)

Mattheeuws, Alain: Tonalités nouvelles dans la théologie du sacrement de mariage? (II)

McCarthy, David M.: Justice and the Institution of Marriage 

McCord, H. Richard: The National Pastoral Initiative on Marriage Leadership by the U.S. Catholic Bishops

McDonagh, Enda: Friendship, Marriage and the Risk of God

McNeil, Brian: Reflections on the Synods on the Family

McPherson Oliver, Mary A.: Biography of a Marriage: The 16th Century Beginnings of Conjugal Spirituality

Merzyn, Konrad/ Sinnkonstruktionen und Eigentheorien von Brautpaaren: Ein praktisch-theologischer Beitrag zur empirischen Rekonstruktion

Miggelbrink, Ralf: Menschwerdung in lebenslanger Beziehung: Skizze zu einer Spiritualität der Ehe

Miggelbrink, Ralf: Theological Perspectives on Marriage in Postmodern Times

Mignonat, Christian: Le droit canonique interroge l'indissobulité du mariage

Mitendo, Nkelenge Hilaire: Valeur, signification et implémentation d’Amoris Laetitia dans l’Église d’Afrique

Moggi, Rita / Moggi, Vittorio: “Figli di un dio minore”: Oridine diaconale e ordine coniugale: un stesso destino?

Molden, Mark: The Marriage Care Annual Conference 2015 (Full text)

Moreau, Paul: Pour une métaphysique de la naissance

Morgan, Patricia: The Surplus Value of Marriage

Moss, David: The Ketubah

Moss, Yonatan: From Contradiction to Paradox: A New Perspective on Galatians 3,28

Mulindahabi, Cassien: Entre le mariage hétérosexuel et quelques sujets en conflit avec l’éthique sexuelle chrétienne: Pour un dialogue équilibré dans un monde pluraliste

Müller, Sigrid: Conversion of the Church Towards the Logic of Mercy: Accompanying the Fragility of Family Relationships

Müller, Sigrid: Untying the Gordian Knott: On the Strenghtening of Moral Theology by Amoris laetitia

Munro, Alison: Pastoral Challenges to the Family in the Context of Evangelisation: Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland) 



Nacke, Bernhard: Familien stärken: Eine politische Floskel ...?

Nacke, Stephan: Bedingungen gelingender Europäisierung katholischer Familieninteressensvertretung

Nenad, Polgar: Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Impasse in Sexual Ethics and the “Problem” of Homosexuality 

Newton, William: The Contribution of M.J. Scheeben to a Theology of Marriage

Nixen Raj Jainus Xavier: The (Mal) Practice of Dowry in Contemporary India: A Challenge to Marriage and Family Ministry

Ngaoni, Thou: The Causal Role of Love in Marital Consent: Assessing Loveless Arranged Marriages among the Baptized

Ngetwa, Anselm Theodos: Empowerment and the Capability Approach: A Critical Reading of Amoris laetitia on the Faithful Living in “Irregular Family Situations”

Noceti, Serena: Sensus fidelium e dinamiche ecclesiali

Norbert, Lüdecke: Recta collaboratio per veram aequalitatem: Kanonistische Bemerkungen zum Schreiben der Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre

Novotný, Vojtech: History of the Concept Ecclesia Domestica in Theology until the Seventeenth Century



Olsen, Daniel J. : Interchurch Families: Ecclesial Gifts for the NewMissionary Age

Onyekwe, Anthony: Normativity of the Future: God as Ultimate Destiny of the Marital Relationship 

O’Reilly-Gindhart, Mary C.: Different Schools Different Rules: How Catholic Colleges and Universities in the US Differ on Policies of Cohabitation and Opposite-Sex Visitation in Campus Dormitories and Residence Halls

O’Reilly-Gindhart, Mary C.: World Meeting of Families: A Meeting of One (Full text)

O’Reilly-Gindhart, Mary C.: Discerning Cohabitation: Amoris Laetitia in the United States of America

Orsuto, Donna: Discovering the Extraordinary in the Ordinary: Towards a Christian Marital Spirituality

Örsy, Ladislas: Married Persons: God's Chosen People

Örsy, Ladislas: No Sacramentality of Marriage without Faith



Palmieri, Andrea: The Second Marriage Service in the Orthodox Church

Palumbieri, Sabino: La sessualità come risorsa della vita coniugale 

Panou, Eirini: Veiled Brides of Christ in the Patristic Period

Papp, Miklós: Die Priesterehe in der griechisch- katholischen Kirche: Ein Lebenszeugnis

Pardo Bazán, Emilia: Torn Lace

Parmentier, Elisabeth: La bénédiction du mariage dans les Églises aujourd'hui: Une perspective luthéro-réformée pour l'œcuménisme

Parmentier, Elisabeth: La "liturgie de bénédiction d'un couple à l'occasion de son mariage": Spécificités des Eglises de la Réforme

Patsavos, Lewis J. / Joanides, Charles: Interchurch Marriages: An Orthodox Perspective

Paus, Ansgar: Ehe und Sprache

Pelletier, Anne-Marie: Le mariage des chrétiens: une vocation, un témoignage

Perryman, Jane & Charles: Creating Spiritual Connections: Linking Psychology with Theology

Peschard, Norma: Preparations for the Extraordinary Synod in Mexico: The Perspective from Tlalnepantla

Pesce, Francesco: They Have a Common Bed, But Not a Common Table:Faith and Relationship in Mixed Marriages

Petrà, Basilio: The Divorced and Remarried: A New State within the Church?

Petrà, Basilio: Bishop Pietro Fiordelli (1916-2004) at the Council: The Bishop of Prato and the Strange Origin of the Theology of the Family as a 'Domestic Church'

Petrà, Basilio: Welcoming Divorced and Remarried Persons: A Formal Proposal

Petrà, Basilio: Motives for Marriage: Reflections from an Ethical-Theological Perspective

Petrà, Basilio: From Familiaris Consortio to Amoris Laetitia: Continuity of the Pastoral Attitude and a Step Forward

Pieper, J.Z.T.: An Opportunity for Religious Growth? A Study of Marriage Preparation in Two Belgian Dioceses

Pollefeyt, Didier / Bouwens, Jan: The Vatican and the Catholic Dialogue School as a “Place of Differences Living Together in Harmony”

Port le Roi, Annette: Simone de Beauvoir: Tous les hommes sont mortels

Post, Paul: In medio ecclesiae: On the Spatial Setting of the Marriage Ritual

Post, Stephen G.: Deus Caritas est: Love in a Time of Hatred

Puckel, Cherryl: A Judaic and Christian Image of God in Marriage, in the Light of Genesis 1-2



Radle, Gabriel: The Christianization of Marriage Ritual in Late Antiquity:           Ecclesial Rites at the Bridal Chamber

Raiser, Konrad: Interchurch Marriages Shape an Ecumenical Space

Reardon, Martin: The Significance of Interchurch Families for the Challenges Facing the Movement for Christian Unity

Reardon, Ruth: The Association of Interchurch Families: Looking Back and Looking Forward

Reardon, Ruth: The Synod on the Family: An Interchurch Family Perspective

Reynaert, Machteld Reynaert: Somewhere In Between: Children with Divorced Parents as a Challenge for Pastoral-Theological Thinking

Ribordy, Geneviève: The Age at Marriage in Late Medieval France: Ideals and Reality

Riegger, Manfred: "Was soll ich dir tun?" (Mk 10,51); Familiespiriitualität als erfahrene Bindung und Geborgenheit

Rikhof, Herwi: Marriage: A Question of Character

Risch, Gail S.: Cohabitation - Social Fact and Ecclesial Opportunity

Roberts, Christopher C.: A Theologically Premised Theory of Sexual Difference: Augustine, Barth, and Contemporary Revisionists

Robinson, Remco: "Your Big Wedding Day": Temporal Goal in Church Marriage Rituals 

Robinson, Remco: People’s Belief about Love, Sexual Relationships and the Marriage Bond: An Empirical Study from the Netherlands

Rocchetta, Carlo: Il tempo del fidanzamento - Una "sacramentalità in germe"

Rocchetta, Carlo: Marriage as a Sacrament: Towards a new Theological Conceptualization

Rocchetta, Carlo: The Holy Spirit and Marriage

Roche Olivar, Roberto / Arozarena Canamares, Esther: Qualitative Dimensions of Marital Communication

Rogers, Eugene F. Jr.: Marriage as an Ascetic Practice

Roncalli, Elvira: “Attentive Distance” in Love in light of Simone Weil’s Thought

Rouche, Michel: Les multiples aventures du mariage chrétien et de la famille au cours de l'histoire

Rowland, Toni: Amoris Laetitia and a Spirituality of Family Life: A Personal and Professional Response

Rubera, Andrea: Famiglie arcobaleno e percorsi di cura pastorale

Rubio, Julie H.: U.S. Catholic Hopes for the Upcoming Synod on the Family 

Rubio, Julie H.: Just Peacemaking in Christian Marriage

Rubio, Julie Hanlon: Towards a Theology of Children: Questions from an Emerging Field of Inquiry

Rudelli, Paolo: "Scelta di vita": Una prospettiva di lettura teologico-morale della realtà del matrimonio

Rupp, Marina / Buschner, Andrea: How Does the Rainbow Find its Way into the Family? Formation History and Daily Life of Rainbow Families in Germany

Ruspini, Elisabetta: Mères seules et pères seuls à Paris et à Milan: Continuités et variations

Ruspini, Elisabetta: Between Past and Present: A Sociological Analysis of Marriage in Italy

Ruspini, Elisabetta: Families – Where to Go from Here? Sociological Perspectives on Contemporary Family Life

Ruster, Thomas: The Sacrament of Marriage as Something Unique to the Catholic Church: Thoughts about Separating Nature, Contract and Sacrament

Ruzer, Serge: Jesus and Paul on Marriage and Eschatology: Some Observations

Ryan, Diane & Greg A. : From Experiment to Encounter: ReceivingInterchurch Families in a Synodal Church

Rymarz, Richard M.: The Family as Domestic Church: A Study of Active Catholic Parents

Rymarz, Richard M.: A Study of Albertan Catholic Homeschoolers: Some Implications for Intergenerational Transfer of Religious Culture within Families 


Sakharova, Nathalie: Mystérieuse, dramatique et irrevocable force du "oui": La "Tempête de neige" d'Alexandre Pouchkine

Saladin-Loretan, Franziska: Suche nach einer Spiritualität von Verheirateten im kirchlichen Dienst

Salzman, Todd A. / Lawler, Michael G.: Experience and Moral Theology: Reflections on Humanae Vitae Forty Years Later

Salzman, Todd A. / Lawler, Michael G.: Thinking about Sexuality from Lay and Official Church Perspectives: Anthropological and Methodological Considerations

Sanders, Henk: Parental Blessing at a “Marriage-in-Becoming”: A Pastoral Proposal

Sanders, Henk: Cohabitation: An Obstacle or an Obeisance to Marriage?

Sandor, Monica: Contemporary Marital Spirituality: A Survey of the Principal Themes 

Sandor, Monica: The Rise of Marital Spirituality

Sattler, Dorothea:  Eucharistie feiern in konfessionsverbindendenFamilien: Stimmen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum zu einem weltkirchlichrelevanten Thema

Sautermeister, Jochen: A Look Ahead: Children in Same-Sex Households - Perspectives for Theological Investigation - Summary - Full text

Sautermeister, Jochen: „Prozesse in Gang zu setzen anstatt Räume zu besitzen…“: Anmerkungen einer moralpsychologische Relecture des nachsynodalen Apostolischen Schreibens Amoris Laetitia

Sautermeister, Jochen: "Neue" familiale Lebensformen: Theologisch-ethische Sondierungen und normative Orientierungen

Sautermeister, Jochen: Laudatio on the Occasion of the Awarding of Doctor Theologiae Honoris Causa to Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn

Schallenberg, Peter: Christliche Lebensentscheidung in geglücktem Verzicht

Schmidinger, Heinrich: Die Frage nach dem Glück und die Frage nach dem Sinn

Schneider, Norbert F.: Der subjektive Sinn der Ehe und die Entscheidung zur Heirat – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie

Schnell, Rüdiger: Darstellung und Bewertung des Ehebruchs in der mittelalterlichen Literatur 

Schockenhoff, Eberhard: The Church as a Community of Reconciliation: In Favor of Allowing Divorced and Remarried Persons to Receive Communion

Schockenhoff, Eberhard: Our Understanding of Moral Sin: The Competence of Conscience of Divorced Remarried Persons

Schotsmans, Paul: Reproductive Technologies in the Context of Marriage

Schreiber, Gerhard: Jenseits der Geschlechterbinarität: Transsexualität, Theologie und Kirche

Secondin, Bruno: Malaise religieux et tâches de la spiritualité chrétienne

Selling, Joseph A.: Is Lived Experience a Source of Morality? 

Selling, Joseph A.: Twenty Five Years after Familiaris Consortio

Sill, Bernhard: LiebesArt: Mosaiksteine

Sill, Bernhard: Das gläserne Glück der Ehe im Spiegel von Gedichten und Gedichten aus Geschichte und Gegenwart

Sim, Charles: New Catholic Research Centre of Signapore

Simon, Caroline J.: "Taking the Plunge": A Kierkegaardian View of Marriage

Simon, Caroline J.: Redemptive Engagement with Cultural Conceptions of Sexuality

Skala, Dieter: Die Bedeutung des Zusammenhangs von Familie und Bildung – Anmerkungen zur politischen und bildungspolitischen Diskussion in Deutschland

Skogrand, Linda / Singh, Archana / Hatch, Daniel L.: The Role of Religion in Latino Marriages

Sowle Cahill, Lisa: Complexity of Family Relationships: Social Realities, Pastoral Dilemmas, Moral Understanding

Splett, Jörg: Die evangelischen Räte in der Ehe?

Splett, Jörg: Ehe aus der Sicht christlicher Anthropologie

Splett, Jörg: Wirklichkeit in Beziehung

Storme, Hans: J.R.R. Tolkien: On Marriage and the Relations Between the Sexes

Sullivan, Kieran T. / Fitzgerald Paul J.: Preparing for Marriage: What Pastoral Marital Counselors Should Know about Religious Belief, Psychological Health, and Marital Outcome

Sutton, Agneta: Couples Practicing Contraception: A Call for Dialogue



Tadini, Samuele Francesco: Marriage and Sexuality: A Rosminian Proposal for Contemporary Debate

Tadini, Samuele Francesco: Rosmini’s Maxims of Christian Perfection for the Present Timeconsan
Tagliaferri, Roberto: I fondamenti antropologici del sacramento del matrimonio

Tan, Jonathan Y.: Issues, Challenges, and Pastoral Strategies in Asian American Catholic Marriage Ministry

Temmerman, Ray: Interchurch Families: Problem to be Solved, or Giftto be Received?

Temmerman, Ray / Temmerman, Fenella: Revealing the Holy: Interchurch Families on the Path to Christian Unity

Thatcher, Adrian: Living in Love and Faith

Thatcher, Adrian: Marriage and Love – Too Much of a Breaktrough?

Thatcher, Adrian: Marriage and Pastoral Problems from an Anglican Perspective

Thatcher, Adrian: Theology For Parents

Thatcher, Adrian: Bethrotal, Marriage and Modernity: A Reply to Don Browning

Thiel, Marie-Jo: L’abus sexuel dans la constellation familiale: Une prise de conscience très progressive

Thiel, Marie-Jo: Accompagner en vérité pour ouvrir des chemins d'humanisation

Thiel, Marie-Jo: Une culture synodale et fraternelle peut-elle refréner la culture des abus?

Thomas, David Michael: Conversation and Conversion: An Ecclesial Path toward Greater Understanding the Faith

Thomas, David Michael: Christian Marriage, Sacramentality, and the Experience of Deep Play

Thomas, David Michael: What’s so Spiritual about Marriage?

Thomasset, Alain: Conscience, normes et discernement

Tirimanna, Vimal: Interfaith Marriages: An Asian Perspective

Tomkinson, Shelagh: The Nature of Spirituality in Spousal Bereavement

Toohey, Denis: Marriage: Relationship and Vocation in Trinitarian Life

Tozzi, Ileana: Esperienza mistica e simbologia dell'amore coniugale nell'età della preriforma in Italia

Traina, Cristina L.H.: The Missing Link: Domestic Violence and Accountable Communities

Trébuchet, Marie-Dominique: De l’attente à l’inquiétude: l’enjeu d’une consultation élargie en France

Trinidad, Julie: The Holy Spirit in the Theology of Walter Kasper: Engaging the Faith Experience of the Laity

Trost, Jan: Marriage, Cohabitation and LAT Relationships

Tryfonidou, Alina: The Parenting Rights of Same-Sex Couples under European Law


Ukleja, Agnieszka Anna: An Engagement Ritual: A Pastoral Proposal for the Emerging Phenomenon of Cohabitation in Poland

Uwamahoro, Wellars: Pour ou contre la contraception? Le Pape François relance le débat conciliaire sur la question démographique et la régulation des naissances.



van Haelst, Dominique: Les mots pour le dire: 'Parlez-moi d'amour'

van Haelst, Dominique: Marriage Portraits in the Dutch Golden Age (17th century)

van Haelst, Dominique: The Couple in Ancient Egyptian Art

Vansteenwegen, Alfons: Comment dire "oui": Aspects psychologiques de la décision de se marier

Vansteenwegen, Alfons: Psychological Differences between Women and Men in Marriage

Vansteenwegen, Alfons: Time and Difference in Marriage

Vella, Anna Maria: Reflections from a Medical Practitioner on the Synods

Vergote, Antoine: Eclairage psychologique sur le mariage d'amour et ses conditions de réussite

Verlinden, Ann: Rites of Passage in an Individualised Society: Personal Wedding Rituals in Flanders

Verstraeten, Johan: Marriage and the Law: An Ethical Perspective 

Vetö, Etienne: Renewing the Whole of Christian Theology: Exploring the Implications of the Church’s Renewed Understanding of the Jewish People

Veulemans, Sophie: Promising Lifelong Commitment: René Magritte's La réponse imprévue

Villegas, Diana L.: Marriage Spirituality: Living Out the Call to Be a Sign of God's Self-Giving Love

Villegas, Diana L.: Pastoral Discernment of Irregular Marriage Situations in Amoris Laetitia: A View from Spirituality

Villegas, Diana L.: Discernimiento pastoral en los matrimonios irregulares según Amoris Laetitia: Lectura desde el punto de vista de la espiritualidad (full text)

Vingt-Trois, A. / Keil, S et al. / Moore, G: Civil Same Sex Unions: A Threat to Marriage ?

Virt, Günter / Marschütz, Gerhard: In Würde sterben dürfen – Sterbebegleitung als familiale Aufgabe

Vosman, Frans J. H.: Can the Church Recognize Homosexual Couples in the Public Sphere?

Vosman, Frans J. H.: The Family and Human Procreation


Walser, Angelica: Adoption: The “Catholic Alternative” to In-Vitro Fertilization?

Reflections on a Marginal Topic of Theological Ethics

Wang, Hongshan / Dillen, Annemie / Rober, Peter / Enzlin, Paul: Religious Coping to Stressful Life Events in Highly Practicing Chinese Protestant Couples Living in Belgium: Preliminary Findings of an Exploratory Study

Wannenwetsch, Bernd: Whose Marriage, Which Decline? How Theological Accounts Both Rival the Modern Construal of Marriage And Prepared Its Way

Waters, Brent: Is There a Normative Christian Family?

Watkins, Clare: “Communion, Participation, Mission”: InterchurchFamilies’ Gifts of Discernment and Synodality for the Wider Church

Watkins, Clare: Living Marriage, Learning Discipleship, Teaching Church:The Practices of Married Life as Embodied Theology for Today’s Mission

Watkins, Clare: Marriage: A Sacrament for Living Today

Watkins, Guy / Watkins, Clare: Marriage - A Story in Two Languages

Weiss, Judith: Guillaume Postel’s Kabbalistic Notions of Marriage, Sex, and Family

Whitehead, Evelyn E. / Whitehead, James D.: The Marriage of Eros and Grace: Discovering Fruitful Pleasures

Williams, Rowan: The Fellowship of the Baptized (Full Text)

Witherington, T. Derrick : "Given to Each Other for Good": Examining Roman Catholic Litrugies of Blessing for Same-Sex Partnerships

Witte Jr., John: The Covenant of Marriage: Its Biblical Roots, Historical Influence, and Modern Uses

Woodard, Randall: Faith and Sacramental Marriage: Disputed Questions and the Contributions of Michael G. Lawler

Woods, Timothy: Further Marriage and the Church of England


Yannaras, Christos: In Praise of Marriage

Zacharias, Rolando SDB: Sexual Education in Catholic Institutions: Responding to the Challenge of Amoris Laetitia

Zakovitch, Yair: Intermarriage and Halakhic Creativity: The Book of Ruth

Zeelen, Tim: Die Ehe als eine Berufungsfrage? Versuch einer Skizze mit Amoris Laetitia

Zeelen, TIm: Marriage as a Vocation?

Zimmermann, Margarete: Of Women and Men: Literary Images of Marriage from the Fourteenth to the Twentieth Century

Zulehner, Paul M.: Vatikanischer Fragebogen: Österreich