INTAMS has published books with the following publishers:
Catholic University of America Press
Language : ENGLISH
The Catholic University of America Press, also known as CUA Press, is the academic publishing house of the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. CUA Press Press currently publishes 40 new titles annually, with particular emphasis on disseminating scholarship in the areas of theology, philosophy, church history, and medieval studies.
Languages : GERMAN
Der EOS-Verlag als Eigenbetrieb der Erzabtei St. Ottilien ist ein katholischer Verlag in benediktinischer Tradition. Die Verlagsschwerpunkte liegen im Bereich Mönchtum, Theologie und Geschichte. Zum Verlagsauftrag gehört die Förderung anspruchsvollen monastischen und theologischen Schrifttums.
Language : DUTCH
Halewijn Publishers specializes in religious books for the Dutch-speaking market
Herder Verlag
Language : GERMAN
Verlag Herder is a publishing company started by the Herders, a German family. The company focuses primarily on Catholic topics of ecclesiology, Christian mysticism, women's studies, and the development of younger Catholic theologians.
Language : DUTCH
De Uitgeverij Lannoo Groep wil een toonaangevende, creatieve en innovatieve uitgever zijn die economische en culturele meerwaarde nastreeft. Economische meerwaarde is noodzakelijk om door de continuïteit van de onderneming op een duurzame wijze de belangen te dienen van aandeelhouders, medewerkers, klanten en de samenleving waar we deel van uitmaken. Om dat te bereiken zal, met respect voor duurzaam ondernemen, gestreefd worden naar een marktconforme return op de ingezette middelen. Ook willen we, zoals vanaf de oprichting van Lannoo steeds de ambitie is geweest, culturele meerwaarde creëren door het in de markt zetten van producten die in de culturele industrie 'een verschil' maken.
Langue: GERMAN
Einer der führenden deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftsverlage mit interdisziplinärer, internationaler Ausrichtung.
Language : ITALIAN
Citta Nuova Editrice è nata a Roma nel 1959. Già nella denominazione è presente il tema del progetto che l’ha creata: contribuire a edificare una nuova civiltà, fondata sul riconoscimento dell’unità e della fraternità della famiglia umana. Tale progetto affonda le proprie radici nel vasto patrimonio sapienziale presente nei testi dei primi secoli cristiani. Fin dal principio, però, ci si è anche rivolti a quelle positive istanze provenienti da tutti i settori culturali che, pur nascendo da esperienze diverse, credono nell’esistenza di valori condivisibili e perseguono il bene della società. Ecco perché, accanto alla pubblicazione dei volumi dei Padri della Chiesa e di grandi figure del pensiero cristiano di tutti i tempi, l’attività dell’Editrice tocca e valorizza temi del più recente dibattito culturale, sia all’interno del mondo accademico sia andando incontro al desiderio di conoscenza e dialogo che sempre germoglia tra gli uomini. Sua cura resta quella di non tradire la ricerca del vero e il rispetto della dignità umana che sostiene il suo ormai pluriennale lavoro.
Peeters Publishers
Language : ENGLISH
Peeters is an international publishing house based in Leuven/Louvain, Belgium and established in 1857. It has since published some 4000 titles while each year about 150 new titles and 60 journals appear, both in print and online. Peeters was set up to serve the academic world by printing and publishing books in English, French, German and Dutch. Its major publication list contains books in theology, philosophy, ethics, classical studies, archaeology, history of art, medieval studies, oriental studies, linguistics and literature.
Veritas Publications
Language : ENGLISH
Veritas Publications publish a wide range of titles in a number of categories, such as theology, scripture, prayer, spirituality, parenting, counseling, liturgical resources and social issues. Their retail outlets throughout the country stock a wide range of titles in the areas of psychology, Mariology, and homiletics. They also publish religious education textbooks for primary and post-primary schools, as well as the Irish Catholic Directory and the Liturgical Calendar each year.