marriage, families & spirituality


Marriage, Families & Spirituality, vol. 30/1 (2024)

special theme issue

Interchurch Marriage and Ecumenism

Are differences of faith, like that between a Catholic and another Christian, insuperable obstacles to marital union?

This has long been argued. Today, however, cross-denominational couples are very common. We find that two people from different Christian denominations, each committed to their own tradition, can forge a productive marriage.

The articles in this issue argue that these interchurch marriages can not only be good for the couple but can also be helpful in the ecumenical quest for Christian unity. The authors explore perceptions, legislation, and possibilities presented by these couples. In our pluralistic societies, the church would do well to turn to the resources these couples can bring to prolonging a unified Christian witness to the world.

Book Reviews:

Rainer Gottschlag: J. Bremer (Hg.): Ein Kelch für zwei: Zur ökumenischen Debatte um die Kommunion bei konfessionsverbindenden Paaren

Marriage in Antiquity

Michael Tilly: J. Beneker/G. Tsouvala (eds.): The Discourse of Marriage in the Greco-Roman World

Gisbert Greshake: K. Berger: Ehe und Himmelreich: Frau und Mann in Urchristentum

Petri Assenga: K.J. Bøggild/J.H. Petersen (eds.): Family Lives: Aspects of Life and Death in Ancient Families

David Dawson Vásquez: L.C. Engh (ed.): The Symbolism of Marriage in Early Christianity

Cultural Issues

Petri Assenga: D.S. Dockery/J. Stonestreet (eds.): Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty

Geert Faseur: S. Horsch/M. Kisi/K. Klausing/A. Abdel-Rahman: Der Islam und die Geschlechterfrage

Elizabeth Butterfield: L. Hyland: Marital Separation in Contemporary Ireland

Thou Ngaoni: K. Lemons: Divorcing Traditions: Islamic Marriage Law and the Making of Indian Secularism

Celia Y.S. Tsui:  D.J. Lindemann: Commuter Spouses: New Families in a Changing World

Rémy Lebrun: M. Löhnig (Hg.): Kulturkampf um die Ehe: Reform des europäischen Eherechts nach dem Großen Krieg

William L. Portier: S.A. Werner: The Restless Flame, Daniel A. Lord, SJ

Human Dignity

Jason Steidl: R. Reczek/E. Bosely-Smith: Families We Keep: LGBTQ People and Their Enduring Bonds with Parents

Julia van der Linde: A. Schneider/N. Schneider: Vom Leben und Sterben: Ein Ehepaar diskutiert über Sterbehilfe, Tod und Ewigkeit

Julia van der Linde: T. Theuke: Der Embryo und die  Menschenwürde

The Couple

Pui-ling Chau: A. Balfour/C. Clulow/K. Thompson (eds.): Engaging Couples

Giulia Paola Di Nicola: G. Del Missier/R. Massaro/P. Contini: Per il bene possible della coppia

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