Academic Institutions, Research Centers
and Libraries
Australian Institute of Family Studies
Language : ENGLISH
The Institute is a Commonwealth government research and information agency established in 1980 to promote the identification and understanding of factors affecting marital and family stability in Australia.
Catholic National Library of London
Language : ENGLISH
The CCL 65,000 books and periodicals including theology, spirituality and related subjects, biography, history (including Catholic Family History).
Centro Internazionale Studi Famiglia (CISF)
Language : ITALIAN
- Il CISF intende promuovere una cultura della famiglia nel solco dei valori tramandati ed insieme nella prospettiva dei mutati scenari della società contemporanea.
- This international center for the study of family life, located in Rome, was established under the inspiration of Don Giuseppe Zilli, and focuses on family life in contemporary society.
Centro Ricerche Personaliste ( CRP)
Language : ITALIAN
- La nascita del Centro Ricerche Personaliste si collega alla esperienza personale di Attilio Danese e Giulia Paola Di Nicola, ricercatori e sposi, che hanno voluto dare vita ad una associazione culturale autonoma, aperta, non strettamente accademica, non ideologica o confessionale. Dal punto di vista pratico, il CRP si sostiene tramite: domande di sovvenzioni e progetti presentati ad enti pubblici, privati, eventuali libere donazioni da parte di soci, di amici e attività editoriali.
- The CRP publishes "Prospettiva Persona", an academic journal founded by Giulia Paola di Nicola and Attilio Danese in 1992. Each issue contains a Women's Dossier, directed by Giulia Paola di Nicola: “Prospettiva Donna”. The editorial network links 140 women and men from more than 30 universities and 12 countries. The first president was Paul Ricoeur; the current Honorary President is Giorgio Campanini. Editorial staffs are in different universities, such as Rio de Janeiro, S. Paolo, Lublino, Paris, Arezzo, Bari, Brescia, Brussels, Chieti, Florence, Lamezia Terme, Lecce, Lione, Parma, Perugina, Rome, Salerno, Tione, Trento, Terni, Valencia, Venice, Verona. Currently "Prospettiva Persona" has more then 500 subscribers in Italy and abroad. All who are involved in the review share the aim to support people's quality of life and to serve women and men in today's life.
Council on Contemporary Families
Language : ENGLISH
Founded in 1996, with a membership consisting of national noted family researchers, mental health and social work practitioners, and clinicians, The Council on Contemporary Families (CCF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the national conversation about what contemporary families need and how these needs can best be met.
Family Research Council
Language : ENGLISH
A multi-faceted think-tank and lobby site about marriage and family values with news items and political policy reports. The perspective is representative of the American Christian right.
Fordham University, Graduate School of Religion & Religious Education
Languages : ENGLISH
Spirituality Studies in the MA program.
Family Facts:Social Science Research of Family, Society and Religion
Language: ENGLISH provides data on the family and religious practice and analysis of their role in maintaining civil society in America.
Institute for Family Research and Counseling, University of Fribourg
The Institute for Family Research and Counseling at the University of Fribourg was founded in 1993. The aim of the Family Institute is to create an interdisciplinary forum targeting those issues which are of importance to the family as well as to promote post-graduate programs, research and counseling in this area.
Institut für Ehe und Familie (IEF)
Languages : GERMAN
- Das IEF ist eine Einrichtung der Österreichischen Bischofskonferenz, die in den 3 Themenfeldern Familienberatung, Familienpastoral und Familienpolitik tätig ist. Das IEF fördert somit Ehe- und Familienarbeit in Politik, Gesellschaft und Kirche. Basis ist dafür sind die christlichen Grundwerte und die für Ehe und Familie relevanten Wissenschaften.
- The IEF was established by the Austrian Bishops' Conference in 1973. The Main objective of the IEF is to support and promote family-related activities as well as do research work on family topics. The IEF wants to promote the integration of scientific work into the training of counsellors. The IEF offers the following services: An extensive library and comprehensive documentation center, a quarterly journal "dialog mit dialog spezial,” legal and psychological counselling at the court in the 1st district of Vienna in addition to family counselling at its own offices: and counselling to individuals as well as to couples and groups for "Natural Family Planning" (NFP).
Instituto para el Matrimonio y la Familia, Universidad Católica San Pablo
Languages : SPANISH
- El Instituto para el Matrimonio y la Familia es dedicada a la investigación desde una perspectiva de familia, que busca renovar la cultura a través de la generación y transmisión del conocimiento orientado a fortalecer la vida conyugal, la dignidad y misión de la familia. Actualmente proyecta su trabajo a la comunidad local, regional y nacional, iluminando las distintas realidades familiares y contribuyendo a la evangelización de la cultura.
- The Institute for Marriage and Family at the San Pablo Catholic University of Arequipa, Peru, was created in 1998. It has as its main goal to promote the study and interdisciplinary reflection from the faith upon topics of marriage and the family. The Institute proposes both academic and social actions which are oriented to strenghtening family and marital realities.
Institute for Family and Sexuality Studies (IFSS), Catholic University Leuven
Language : ENGLISH
The Institute of Family and Sexuality Studies at the School of Medicine, Catholic University of Leuven, offers an English master's degree as well as an English language Ph.D program.
Istituto di Spiritualità, Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Language: ITALIAN
- L'Istituto di Spiritualità, fondato nel 1958, è collegato alla Facoltà di Teologia della Pontificia Università Gregoriana e si connota per la sua natura di centro di riflessione e di insegnamento della Teologia Spirituale, considerata come disciplina propria in dialogo con le altre discipline teologiche e le scienze umane per contribuire alla riflessione teologica con la sua identità e peculiarità, ed è caratterizzato da uno specifico sentire ignaziano.
- The Institute of Spirituality of the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy.
Jane and Alexander Heard Library, Vanderbilt University
Language : ENGLISH
Library web pages, online catalogs, and profiles. A directory of over 5,000 libraries worldwide.
National Council on Family Relations
Language: ENGLISH
The National Council on Family Relations is the premier professional association for the multidisciplinary understanding of families. The NCFR provides a forum for family researchers, educators, and practitioners to share in the development and dissemination of knowledge about families and family relationships, establishes professional standards, and works to promote family well-being.
One Plus One
Language: ENGLISH
One Plus One is an independent research organization whose role is to generate knowledge about marriage and relationships: how they work, why they can sometimes run into difficulties and how couples cope when they do. Its research findings are the basis for working projects created by One Plus One’s development team to support couples and families.
Pontificio Istituto Teologico “Giovanni Paolo II” per le Scienze del Matrimonio e della Famiglia /
Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family
- Il Pontificio Istituto Teologico “Giovanni Paolo II” per le Scienze del Matrimonio e della Famiglia è stato fondato con la Lettera Apostolica in forma di Motu Proprio del Sommo Pontefice Francesco Summa familiae cura del 8 sett. 2017. Tale Istituto succede, sostituendolo, al Pontificio Istituto “Giovanni Paolo II” per Studi su Matrimonio e Famiglia, stabilito dalla Costituzione Apostolica Magnum Matrimonii Sacramentum del 7 ott. 1982. In data 11 luglio 2019, la Congregazione per l’Educazione Cattolica ha approvato gli Statuti del Pontificio Istituto Teologico Giovanni Paolo II nonché l’Ordinamento degli Studi. L’Istituto si articola in una Sede centrale a Roma, in sei Sezioni estere negli Stati Uniti (Washington D.C.), in Messico (México D.F., Guadalajara e Monterrey), in Spagna (Valencia e Madrid), in Brasile (Salvador), in Benin (Cotonou), in India (Changanacherry, Kerala) ed Centri associati in Libano (Beirut) e nelle Filippine (Bacolod) nonché con una sede per l’insegnamento on-line in Spagna (Murcia).
- The Pontifical John Paul II Institute for studies on Marriage and the Family was founded by the Pope John Paul II with the goal of offering to the whole Church a contribution of theological and pastoral reflection on this subject, without which the Church's mission of evangelisation is deprived of an essential component.
Service and Research Institute on Families and Children (SERFAC)
Languages: ENGLISH
SERFAC is an autonomous international Non-Governmental Organization, based in the State of Tamil Nadu, India. Inaugurated in November 1986, SERFAC obtained Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of The United Nations in 1998. SERFAC also functions as a Global Research Centre on Family and Child Policy. SERFAC is one of the few organizations worldwide that focuses on the web of inter-relatedness between human development, socio-economic, political and technological institutions, democratic systems and effective governance.
The Communitarian Network
Language : ENGLISH
The Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies at The George Washington University, the nation's leading center for communitarian policy research, is a research institute dedicated to finding constructive solutions to social problems through morally informed policy analysis and moral dialogue.
The Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life
Language: ENGLISH
The Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life was established at Trinity College in 1996 to advance knowledge and understanding of the varied roles that religious movements, institutions, and ideas play in the contemporary world; to explore challenges posed by religious pluralism and tensions between religious and secular values; and to examine the influence of religion on politics, civic culture, family life, gender roles, and other issues in the United States and elsewhere in the world. Non-sectarian and non-partisan.
The National Marriage Project
Language : ENGLISH
The National Marriage Project (NMP) is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian, and interdisciplinary initiative located at the University of Virginia. The Project’s mission is to provide research and analysis on the health of marriage in America, to analyze the social and cultural forces shaping contemporary marriage, and to identify strategies to increase marital quality and stability.
The National Marriage Project was founded in 1997 by Rutgers University Sociology Professor David Popenoe. From 1997 to the summer of 2009, it was housed at Rutgers University and was directed by Drs. Popenoe and Barbara Dafoe Whitehead. In the summer of 2009, the National Marriage Project moved to the University of Virginia, where it is now directed by W. Bradford Wilcox, associate professor of sociology at the University of Virginia.
The Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships
Language : ENGLISH
One of the world's leading psychoanalytic authorities on marital and couple psychotherapy and research into the couple relationship, the Institute provides couple therapy, trainings in couple therapy, consultations to couples in distress as well as courses for therapists and counselors working with couples, consultation to professionals, lectures, workshops and conferences.
Titus Brandsma Institute for Spirituality
Languages : DUTCH, ENGLISH
- Het Titus Brandsma Instituut staat voor de academische studie van de spiritualiteit in het licht van de christelijke traditie in verleden en heden, ten dienste van Kerk en samenleving door middel van publicaties, onderwijs en vorming.
- The Titus Brandsma Institute is a scientific research institute which, in keeping with the nature of spirituality, combines scientific and applied research. Accordingly its aim is the following: (1) scientific study of the premises, history and themes of historical and contemporary forms of spirituality in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, (2) application of the results and insight gained from scientific research to provide spiritual counselling, interpretations, lived spirituality, and service to social, ecclesiastic and religious organisations.
WIKIPEDIA on Same Sex Civil Unions
Languages : ENGLISH
This is a very helpful resource for information about same sex civil unions throughout the world. Researches working on marriage today and "same sex marriage" in particular will find here excellent background articles and current sociological data.
Zentralinstitut für Ehe und Familie in die Gesellschaft (ZFG)
- Als interdisziplinäres Forschungsinstitut vereint das ZFG Fachkompetenz aus verschiedenen Disziplinen, u.a. der Soziologie, der Ökonomie, den Politikwissenschaften, der Psychologie, der Pädagogik und der Theologie. Die Arbeitsweise des Instituts umfasst sozialwissenschaftliche Grundlagenforschung, angewandte Forschung und Beratung. Auch die Begleitung und Evaluation von familienwissenschaftlichen Projekten zählt zu unseren Aufgaben. Darüber hinaus beteiligt sich das ZFG an Diskursen über normative Fragen zu Ehe, Familie und Partnerschaft.
- Interdisciplinary resources, program information, courses of study, etc. about various dimensions of marriage and family life, sponsoired by the Catholic University of Eichstätt in Germany.