marriage, families & spirituality
Standing Call for Articles
Marriage, Families & Spirituality (MFS) is inviting submissions for articles dealing with the themes of marriage, family, and related fields, to be published in 2022, 2023 and 2024, from scholars and practitioners in:
• Theology
• Religious Studies
• Family Studies
• Sociology
• Psychology
• Philosophy
• History
• Art & Literature
• Public Policy & Law
We are particularly interested in publishing articles which:
- offer innovative perspectives in the various (ethical, dogmatic, pastoral, exegetical, historical, juridical) approaches to marriage and the family or document new theological trends,
- contribute to defining and exploring the nature of 'marital and family spirituality',
- offer fresh insights from the human sciences relevant for a theology and ethics of marriage and the family,
- highlight literary and artistic perspectives on marriage and related topics.
Full papers (which must be unpublished and not offered elsewhere) or extended abstracts (300-500 words) should be submitted electronically (in Word format).
Articles may be submitted in English, German, Italian or French. Authors who do not write in their native language must have their texts revised by a native speaker before publication.
All articles are peer-reviewed and every effort will be made to notify authors as soon as possible of acceptance or rejection of their articles.
Acceptance will be based on quality, originality and relevance to the themes of marriage and the family.
If the paper is co-authored, please indicate the names of co-authors at the end of the article or abstract.
Specific Call for Articles
(updated 22 March 2022)
In March 2016 Pope Francis issued his post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia, breaking new ground on the theology of marriage and the pastoral care of families.
In December 2020, he has called for a year of reflection on the document.
INTAMS is responding to the Pope’s call in a very specific way.
In the past, the conversation around AL has been predominantly on “Roman”, European terms. INTAMS seeks to remedy that by starting a broader, worldwide conversation, through a two-fold publishing project which will offer insights from around the globe on the reception and implementation of AL, as well as scholarly assessments of the situation five years after the promulgation of the document.
The two parts of the project are:
(2) a new volume in our INTAMS Book Series, which will include further articles, and responses from other parts of the world, under the title Towards an Universal Church? Common Ground and Diversities in the Global Reception of Amoris laetitia.
! see Call for Articles hereunder !
Call for Articles
For this new Series volume, we invite scholars in the field of academic theology, to provide a scholarly assessment about the implementation of AL in their own country, or more generally, in their continent.
AL’s treatment of divorced and civilly remarried Catholics has received the most attention. However, there are many other issues, and we would like to hear from you which are the most pressing ones. Some possible topics could be:
- Living together (cohabitation) without or before marriage (AL 40, 294)
- Beginning and dynamical process of marriage
- Civil, customary, and religious marriage
- Abstract and artificial theological ideal of marriage (AL 36)
- “Rehabilitation” of conscience (AL 303)
- Contraception (Humanae vitae) (AL 68, 222)
- Respect and dignity of the person, regardless sexual orientation (AL 250)
- Etc.
For all these topics, and many others, we would like to know how the theological thinking in your country has been shaped by AL. What has changed; what has remained the same? What questions remain open? How has the Church’s pastoral practice concerning the topics above (or in general) been shaped by AL?
Or you are free to consider any other topics from AL that you find relevant.
Deadline for submission: 31 October 2022 (article & abstract of ca. 300 words + author bio).