Challenges for the Church in the field of Marriage and Families (2023/2)
Marriage, Families & Spirituality, vol. 29/2 (2023)
insightful contributions to the
Challenges for the Church in the field of Marriage and Families
With Pope Francis a new spirit has emerged in the Catholic Church after a long period of deadlock and lethary. Retrieving the often neglected or even ignored seeds of Vatican II and settling essential issues which have not yet been addressed are some of his main tasks. Questions of ecclesiology, especially the concept and structure of the Church in its theological and practical applications, are certainly of prime importance. But items of marriage and sexuality are no less on the agenda.
The articles of this issue, at first sight a compilation of loose papers, can be read in this context: they provide modest, but helpful, contributions to the challenges which the Church is facing.
Read the Editorial