Children in Same-Sex Households
Families composed of openly gay or lesbian couples raising children are a relatively new reality, with the first instances happening only in the 1980s. Their number has increased from year to year. Today, in western societies at least, they receive wide acceptance and are becoming common in the public imagination of film, television, and literature. True to its mission, our journal continues its interdisciplinary reflection on all types of family life. In this issue 25/2 (2019), we focus on the theme of Children in Same-Sex Households. We address this topic from a theological and scholarly perspective, but also in the context of a pastoral discernment filled with merciful love.
Marriage, Families & Spirituality 25/2 (2019)
Theme issue: Children in Same-Sex Households
Table of contents
Editorial by David Dawson Vasquez, Associate Editor
Articles by Konrad Hilpert (Munich), Angelika Walser (Salzburg), Elena Canzi & Eugeni Scabini (Milano), Alina Tryfonidou (Reading, UK), Gerhard Marschütz (Vienna)
Testimonials by Sarah Hagger-Holt & Racher Hagger-Holt (Rickmansworth, UK), Kurt M. Denk (New York), Andrea Rubera (Rome).
Conclusion by Jochen Sautermeister (Bonn)
Book reviews of recent publications in the fields of marriage & gender, children and marriage & society.
Free downloads:
Editorial by David Dawson Vasquez
Conclusion by Jochen Sautermeister: A Look Ahead: Children in Same-Sex Households - Perspectives for Theological Investigation
Book review of MARTIN, James SJ: Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity (2017)
Buchsprechung von MARTIN, James SJ: Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity (2017)
This issue in the press:
Figli nelle famiglie arcobaleno, una riflessione accademica (Vatican Insider, 30/05/2020) - English translation here
Regenbooggezinnen uit de schaduw halen (TERTIO, 02/09/2020) - English translation here