Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn, A. (ed.)

Marriage - Constancy and Change in Togetherness. Liber Amicorum.

Partners develop and change during their shared path through life. Some things abide, while others are subject to change. Precisely because not everything remains as it was at the beginning, changes can also be understood as creative possibilities for common growth. This book seeks to show how married couples are challenged to give each other support, and also to help each other in this process of growth. In this Album amicorum, three thematic areas are taken up. These constitute the basis of five decades of shared life, and the wisdom of marital love finds expression in them: theology and spirituality, questions about bioethics, and the Jewish-Christian dialogue.

Series: Symposion : Towards an Interdisciplinary Understanding, Vol. 15.

Münster: LIT Verlag, 2017. - 248

ISBN 978-3-643-90904-6

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Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn, Aldegonde (ed.)

Ehe - Bestand und Wandel im Miteinander.
Liber Amicorum.

Partner entwickeln und verändern sich während eines geteilten Lebensweges. Manches hat dabei Bestand, anderes ist dem Wandel unterworfen. Gerade weil nicht alles so bleibt wie am Anfang, lassen sich Veränderungen auch als kreative Möglichkeiten für gemeinsames Wachstum begreifen. Dieser Band möchte aufzeigen, wie Ehepaare herausgefordert sind, sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen, aber auch helfen zu lassen in diesem Wachstumsprozess. In diesem Album amicorum werden drei Themenbereiche angerissen, welche die Grundlage bilden für fünf Jahrzehnte geteilten Lebens, und in denen die Weisheit der ehelichen Liebe ihren Ausdruck findet: Theologie und Spiritualität, Fragestellungen zur Bioethik und der jüdisch-christliche Dialog.

Series: Symposion : Anstoße zur interdisziplinären Verständigung, Band 15.

Münster: LIT Verlag, 2017. - 248

ISBN 978-3-643-90903-9


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(Chinese translation) Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn, A. (ed.): Marriage - Constancy and Change in Togetherness

The Chinese translation of the book Marriage - Constancy and Change in Togetherness was launched on 28 November 2020, during a seminar at Fujen Catholic University in Taipei, Taiwan, organized by the Chinese Ferdinand Verbiest Cultural Exchange Association (in cooperation with Fu Jen Academia Catholica (輔仁大學天主教學術研究院), the Pastoral and Evangelization Team of Taipei Archdiocese (台北總教區牧靈福傳處), and the Huaijen Center for Human Becoming (懷仁全人發展中心)).

Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn gave a detailed video presentation about the genesis and the meaning of her book. The seminar also included video lectures by two contributors: Mgr. Johan Bonny, Bishop of Antwerp, Belgium, and Prof. Roger Burggraeve, SDB (Catholic University Leuven, Belgium).

During the seminar, a lot of attention was given to the fact that the Church’s pastoral methods and understanding of marriage should move from a static and hierarchic understanding of marriage - centered on Canon Law and “do’s & don’ts” - to a more pastoral and holistic view, a position greatly supported and encouraged by Pope Francis in his post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia. This more holistic view should take into account not only the physical and psychological processes of change and evolution intrinsic to each marriage, but should also nurture the spirituality of Catholic marriage as a sacrament.

The Verbiest Cultural Exchange Association hopes that this seminar can be a small stepping stone in helping the Taiwanese Catholic Church to move forward in the direction of Amoris laetitia, giving more weight to the pastoral and spiritual accompaniment and nurturing of Catholics’ marital life within the local churches.

To order a copy of the book Marriage - Constancy and Change in Togetherness, write to

Clearly state your name, address, and the number of copies you wish to order either in English, German, and/or Chinese.

Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn: Introduction to her book Marriage - Constancy and Change in Togetherness


For the Chinese version of her book, Aldegonde's Brenninkmeijer's name was adapted in Chinese as Bai Ning-Mei (白宁美). Bai is the family name; Ning-Mei is the given name, which means "Peace & Beauty". The name is pronounced "Pai Ningmee", which sounds onomatopoetically close to "Brenninkmeijer"

Mgr. Johan Bonny: Love in the Family: A pastoral reading of Amoris laetitia

Prof. Roger Burggraeve: The Dynamism of Intimate Love: From Recognizing to Acknowledging the Other